Hi thank you for open it please read my book thank you stay safe ❤️
hu yihon is simple and ordinary boy who belong to a poor family his father is paas away many year s ago his mother works in
a library. yihon wants to be doctor and he studying in a college and he also want to help
his mom. for that he do part time job in bar for make money and save it for future study's
yihon had two friends kang jiwoo " and
lee young both are his best friends jiwoo
learning fashion designing and young also doing study for be docter . yihon doing hard
to study ' now yihon is in bar for do his work .
now lets see what is our wei Ruoxi doing in his life Ruoxi is famous actress her
father is business man Ruoxi mom is a house
wife Ruoxi also had older sister wei xihe but
Ruoxi like to spend time with mother
she is frustrated form society because they
only threat her good because she is famous
and rich. Ruoxi is only 26 year old but her mom think its her age to get married and have kids but Ruoxi don't want it now lets
go to present time .
Time 8:00
Ruoxi is in her doing his skin care and her mom came to her room and asking her if
she like to go on a date with her mother old
friend's son but Ruoxi saying straight no
Ruoxi don't want to go anywhere but her mother is forceing her to go. after some time
Ruoxi agree to go on date with him
Ruoxi asking what is his name mother his
name is hong hyejin now Ruoxi getting ready
with no interest after getting ready her mother's ask Ruoxi to call hyejin for pick up
after 20 minutes hyejin came pick Ruoxi
then they leave in a car hyejin start talking
first and ask her where she like to go
bar, pub or some where musical place
they decide to go at bar Ruoxi wants to
somewhere noises place because she don't
want to talk hyejin they arrived at bar
hyejin is good person and he also personally
like Ruoxi now lets what should happen here considently they go in same bar where yihon
work his part time Ruoxi and hyejin order there drinks and start drinking after some
time hyejin notice Ruoxi drinking too much
he ask her to stop drinking because she
already very much drunk at last Ruoxi stop
drinking and ask hyejin to drop her at her
home hyejin say let me take car over there
because Ruoxi is that drunk she can't walk
after 5 minutes hyejin came back to take
Ruoxi to car but he stop hyejin start thinking
if he touch Ruoxi so what Ruoxi think about
him after same time hyejin decide to call
Ruoxi 's secretary and ask her to take Ruoxi
home and then he leave after waiting for
10 minutes miss secretary arrive and saying
sorry for being late she trying to get her in
car but Ruoxi is also heavy 😅 then she ask hyejin to help hyejin think first but then he
agee because now. miss secretary is
also here
hyejin pick Ruoxi in her arms and take Ruoxi
to her car then miss secretary and Ruoxi
leave after some time hyejin also leave to
his home .
now yihon cleaning all the mess after clean
all the tables yihon come to Ruoxi and hyejin
table while cleaning he found a neckless
after some thinking decide to give neckless
to owner because neckless is locking quite
expensive if he lost it he can't pay back
after doing his all work done he ho to owner
to give neckless back but owner already leave
to her home yihon decide to take neckless
with him now yihon walking back to his home
and thinking how many days he had to work
after 20 minutes yihon arrive at home and
call his mom to give him food yihon mom
is also wait so long to yihon came back
yihon s mom ask how was yihon day yihon say
he tried form work and study after dinner
yihon came to his room and while changeing his clothes he see neckless again and put it
on table and go to sleep on bed yihon again
about his day or his friends while thinking
yihon fell asleep .
Ruoxi also sleeping on her bed without any
hyejin not get home yet he is on a roof top
while drinking and thinking about Ruoxi
what Ruoxi think about him and they have
a relationship or not hyejin is really worry
about it but in end after some drinking hyejin
got drunk and go to sleep with his worry s
that for that plot thank you 🙏🙏🙏very much
for reading its its my first novel and also
forgive if I make mistakes sorry for that
but please comment and tell how was my
thinking s way and this story now we on next
plot a interest chapter thank you again 😁
❤️stay safe ❤️
🖤stay healthy🖤
see you byy 😁😅