
Ch.11-I’m a vampire

No one POV:

the vampires and the girls are all sitting in a private bar. the bar belongs to Mina's 'friend' , which is actually a vampire which came to the human world years ago as a long term spy and opened a bar for living. 

The guys decided to tell the girls separately, so they went to different rooms. Tzuyu in charge of Sana, Jeongyeon with Nayeon, Dahyun with Momo, Michaeng with Jihyo.

Tzuyu's side:

"Sana..." Tzuyu called. Sana was looking at him, waiting for him to talk.

"Before I tell you something...can you promise me something?" I asked nervously.

"Tell me first. I don't know whether I can do it thought babe." She replied, knowing that its not as easy as it seems.

"sana...no matter what I tell you, you can hate me, hit me, break up with me, do what ever you want...but just one thing...don't leave me, and don't be scared of me. I can't live without you anymore now Sana, from the second you came into my life, I can't live without you. Even if you see me as enemy, just let me stay by your side okay? please?" I begged, I knelt in front of her.

"Of course babe, whatever you say, I won't break up with you, owh, I will if you're cheating." She slightly smiled.

I took a deep breath... "Sana, I'm not human." I told her. She froze for a moment. 

"The-then what are you..?"

"I'm a vampire. As well as Mina, Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and Dahyun." I said as I let go of her hand and sat back. 

Sana looked at me, but I was too scared to look into her eyes. "jeongyeon??"

"Yes, he's a vampire too. he came to the human world 8 years ago. he got lost when he was young."

"no-no you're not..." She denied.

"I am Sana." I said and showed her my fangs and took of my lens. My eye color immediately became brown.

"I'm sorry...I didn't tell you earlier...I'm sorry." sorry was all I could tell her. "I'll let you stay for a while. there's no one in the bar except us today. Go to your friends if you need help. Take care. and I'm sorry, I love you." I smiled bitterly and stood up to leave the room.

Sana POV:

Tzuyu's a vampire....Tzuyu's a vampire...Tzuyu's a vampire...No...it's not possible...aren't vampires cruel and killer machines? D-dad told me that... But Tzuyu, he's sweet and caring...mina, chaeyoung...Jeongyeon, Dahyun, they're just like humans...

I couldn't take it and opened the wine on the table and drank it. as I drank, I felt dizzier, but I thought deeper. What about Vampires? Whats so special? The only thing is they need to drink blood, and they have powers right? ah...that explains why Tzuyu could disappear and appear in a different place in a blink of an eye...and why his skin's so pale. I've never seen tzuyu drink blood...even not when we went on a trip of two weeks with the others, nor the other 3 boys...Tzuyu...he's a vampire... huh...

Mina came in after a while. "Sana." mina called. I looked up to her. her eyes are in purple color...how beautiful...

"I'm taking you home." She said and helped me up. 

"You're a vampire too?" I asked. She nodded.I kept silent. 

"The other girls are going home too. I'm sending all of you to your house. talk to each other. at least we'll know you guys are okay." Mina said and helped me to her car. 

Dahyun was carrying a drunk momo and put her on the car. jihyo was already sitting in the Car and so was Nayeon. 

Mina decided to drive and Chaeyoung got into the car as well. As soon as we arrive my house, Mina helped momo up to my room and Nayeon and jihyo walked up by themselves. I refused Chaeyoung's help and we gathered in our room. 

"We're leaving now. Take care. and we're sorry." mina apologized and chaeyoung slightly bowed and they left. 

"Sana, what will you do?" Nayeon unnie asked me. 

"I-i seriously don't know." I answered. "How about you?" 

"what's the problem of being a vampire? He isn't a killer machine or anything, even if he is, I won't mind. So what will be the problem when he isn't, and just a regular vampire? We've talked just now." She said, smiling slightly.

"Then why are you here?"" I asked.

"To take care of you three." She said.

Hours ago:

Nayeon's room:

Nayeon POV:

"nayeon, I'm not going to say anything extra. I love you, and it won't change." Jeongyeon told me. I nodded. 

"I'm a vampire. the others too. Mina, chaeyoung, dahyun, and Tzuyu. I'm a vampire from the start. I came here with my father on a mission but I got lost and there was a security net in the neighborhood so my parents couldn't find me." he said.

I was shocked, but I was really really surprised. maybe cuz I was with Jeongyeon for almost like 5 years, I wouldn't be surprised by anything he tells me already. 

"What about that?It doesn't change the fact I love you." I asked.

"y-you aren't mad?" he asked.

"No I'm not. In fact I kinda knew. you've been disappearing from a place, appearing from another. I saw that when we were little."

"And how you assured me that you can arrive the classroom 5 minutes before the teacher arrives when there's only 10 minutes left. And your house takes at least 20 minutes."

"and when you memorized the whole school map after you went to the 'washroom', I bet you used your powers right?"

"jeongyeon. nothing's gonna change between us okay? Even if you're a werewolf, I wouldn't mind. At least you can turn into your human form. Furthermore, you're not even a werewolf, you're not faking your whole face and personality. it's all true right? you're still Jeongyeon. So I don't mind." I said.

I saw a tear drop from his eyes. I walked up and sat on his lap to give him a hug. "I didn't know vampires could cry." I joked.

"I'm sorry." he apologized.

"pabo, what are you apologizing for?" I cupped his cheeks and gave him a kiss. "We're good?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me tighter. I chuckled. my jeongyeon is sometimes really like a baby...

"I'm worried about Sana and momo. Jihyo's strong, and she can accept it real quick and wouldn't mind, I'm sure of that. Sana...I don't know about her...she would be calm and have breakdown after wards. Momo...she'll just be drunk...I'm taking care of them tonight, at Sana's don't worry."I told him. He nodded and we kissed again.

"I'll go now, I saw Mina heading to Sana's room. take care of the boys too okay?" I reminded him.

"Thank you." 

"hey! I told you we don't need thank you's between us. But you can give me another kiss." I winked and he chuckled and did so. I gave him a hug and went to Jihyo's room. Chaeyoung was still inside. I nodded and him and he smiled and mouthed sorry. I patted his head, assuring I'll take care of her and he left. 



uwu so they confesseddd, I wonder what happened to jihyo and momo...and what would sana do?they're  from a hunter families anyways.

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acc: shiba_7321