


-Location ?-

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I did was look at the stay above me, and I saw the moon broken in half.

I muttered. "So, I'm really in RWBY huh…hopefully this won't be as mentally taxing as the last one…"

If possible, I didn't want to be mentally scarred like the last mission, killing my own teacher was one, not that I'm the one who killed her, but it didn't change the fact that I'm still a participant.

From start to finish, it was uncomfortable to watch, seeing the person I was close with, being hunted by the people I call friends, lover.

Was not a good thing.

It was bad.


Suddenly my thoughts were stopped as someone hugged my right arm, I unconsciously shifted my attention toward the culprit and it was Echidna.

Not surprising, because she's the one who is bold enough to do things like this to me, probably Lucifer too.



Okay, that came out wrong, 2 weeks without seeing each other and the first word I say to her is hi?!

Good job dude! You're such a communication master!

Good thing, she didn't react negatively, she felt anything was wrong with how I greeted her.

I coughed awkwardly and said. "So, it's been 2 weeks huh? I-"

My sentence was immediately cut off, as she suddenly gave me a deep, affectionate adult kiss.

Her tongue was constantly assaulting mine, and we forgot that we had an audience.

Okay, maybe Echidna didn't forget but I certainly did!

In the background, two people were looking at us, with different expressions but they had one in common, it was awkwardness.

After a long minute of kissing, our mouths separated and a string of saliva was still hanging on our lips.

Damn, I'm not gonna lie it was hot, while this wasn't my first time with her, it doesn't mean I'm used to it.

Nor anytime soon for that matter.

"Blake, I missed you," Echidna spoke in an affectionate voice.

Hearing her affectionate voice, felt really nice and I replied with a smile, "Me too Echidna, I missed you too."

A smile formed on her beautiful face as she heard my reply to her.

While we were distracted by each other, all of a sudden someone coughed awkwardly at our back.

"Ahem- guys I think you should…you know stop for a moment cause…."

It was Jaune's voice, it did the magic and both of us were not paying attention to the others.

Now that I was looking at them, I let out an awkward smile at them. "I, well this is kinda awkward.. ahem- sorry about that, so it's been a while Jaune."

"Yeah, it's been a while truly." Jaune sarcastically replied to my words.

Oi! Your inner Archer is showing!

Damn, Emiya infected us with his sarcastic attitude, worse we didn't even realize it!

"Yeah, and can you stop that sarcasm of yours, It kind of reminds me of Archer you know?"

"Wait, really?" Jaune answered in a genuine surprise, yup he really didn't notice at all.

I Bet Archer was laughing somewhere.

"Yeah, really and…." My gaze shifted toward our newest group member, and when I was about to greet her I stopped and asked.

"Skitter, no Taylor…why the heck are you in a costume..?" I asked in genuine confusion.

Taylor wears a black-and-gray spider silk bodysuit with armor panels made out of insect shells and exoskeletons augmented with more spider silk.

The yellow lenses of her mask are durable, high-end swim goggles tinted to help filter out bright lights, with lenses from an old pair of glasses sealed inside with silicon. Her mask leaves the back of her head uncovered and her hair free to fly behind her.

Granted it looks sick in an opinion, but seriously why?

However, I forgot one important thing in her world: hiding one's identity, especially as a cape or people with superpowers is important because not hiding one's identity means your enemies would know you, your civilian life, your family, and your weaknesses.

Only a handful of capes had their civilian identity known, either by will or accident.

And one thing is for sure, most of them don't have a good ending.

"I…" Taylor didn't know what to say, she was embarrassed, in her world it's common for capes to wear costumes, but she forgot that this isn't her world anymore.

"You know what, no one's gonna judge you if you look ugly."

I immediately shifted my gaze toward Jaune with a silent 'hsssss' what the hell is this guy doing?!

He's saying the wrong question!

I hope that Taylor wouldn't be offended by his words, Jaune saw my expression and suddenly gained an understanding of what he just did.

"A- no, sorry I didn't mean t-"

"No, no it's fine…." Taylor quickly answered, as she didn't really mind being called ugly for a year and a half, she had been called many insults and she knew that Jaune didn't mean harm.

Then slowly, she took off her mask, revealing an above-average face. It might be a bit common, nothing too special but hey, she's still 60% better looking than the rest of the world's population.

"So that's how you look, Taylor, you look prettier than I expected," I said with a smile.

Taylor didn't expect the sudden compliment, she suddenly blushed a little, aside from her father, it's been a long time since someone called her 'pretty' so, a small compliment like that could make her happy.

"Indeed, you always said that you look plain and nothing special, but in my opinion, you look better than most people." Jaune expressed his opinion of Taylor's look honestly.

Taylor's blush deepened, two compliments by the opposite gender were too much for her, not to mention both of them were handsome.

But hey she's 15, you can't blame her for acting like this, her feminine hormones were at their peak at this point of her life.

Echidna just stared at Taylor for a moment before, letting out a 'hum'.

"Anyway, it's nice to finally meet you, Taylor." I stretched my right arm and gave her my hand.

Realizing what I was implying, Taylor quickly took my hand and shook it.

"N-nice to meet you too…please take care of me.." Taylor replied in a concealed nervousness, though everyone knows that she was trying hard not to show it.

But no one pointed it out, because they understand her nervousness at least on the surface, after all, she's the newest member of our group.

After that, Jaune also did the same thing as me. Taylor tried to do the same with Echidna but she didn't take her hand and only nodded at her.

Taylor awkwardly took her hand, looking at us, especially me if she did something wrong.

Understanding her worries, I shook my head gently and said. "That's just how she is, don't worry about it."

Taylor nodded, but she wasn't still unsure about Echidna's attitude toward her, not that I blame her.

Echidna is….well different from most people.

"Jaune, you're going to be our guide from now on, since you're the most familiar in this world," I said while looking in Jaune's direction.

Jaune nodded and didn't say anything, he understood his assignment, after all this is an alternative version of his reality, different as it may be, it's still his world.

And the broken moon was the undeniable proof of that.

"Also Taylor, after we get into a city you should probably change clothes." I stared at her outfit. Even by this world's standards, her costume is still unique.

"Right." Taylor just nodded and disagreed with my statement.

She's still probably embarrassed that she's the only one in costume.

It's been a half hour since we started traveling with Jaune as our guide, and we traveled without a break.

It was nothing to me and Jaune as we were trained physically to the point we could run 24/7 and not get tired, it also wasn't a problem for Echidna because she had magic, she's been levitating since the few minutes when started traveling.

But not Taylor, she was currently the weakest among us, not only physically, but also in overall abilities.

Exhaustion was getting into Taylor, it was clear on her face that she was tired, but she never complained, looking at her body, she was thin, thinner than most girls her age.

And I just realized this, it was easy to forget that not everyone was strong in our group.

"Wait, let's take a break for a while." I suddenly announced.

To Jaune's surprise and Taylor's relief, Echidna didn't say anything as she noticed Taylor's exhausted look.

"We are?" Jaune asked in confusion.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words, he matured, that's true but not completely as he didn't even notice what was wrong, so I gave him a clue and pointed at Taylor's exhausted form.

And immediately his eyes let up in recognition, he suddenly wanted to slap himself for forgetting that they were traveling with a civilian.

"R-right..! Let's take a break."

After that we took a break, then I said to Jaune. "Have you learned how to unlock aura?"

Jaune nodded at me and replied. "Yeah, I've been practicing aura-control for the last two weeks, why you ask?"

Yep, he's still the idiot that I know alright.

I let out a sigh and said. "Have you ever thought of unlocking our aura?"

"Oh…" Jaune expressed blankness in my sentence.

"Oh, yes really, so can you unlock ours?" I said seriously, I've been asking him to unlock mine last mission but he couldn't because he wasn't good at aura control but now it's different.

"Yeah, I'll see what I can do." Jaune was still unsure because this was the first time he'll be unlocking another's aura.

"Good, let's get started."

Yosh, it's finally time for them to unlock their aura!

I wonder what their semblance is going to be!

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There are currently 10 Chapters in total.


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