
What?! I am the Reincarnation of the Magi King?!

Currently injured. As soon as i can use my arms again i shall resume writing. *Update: have two slipped discs with one pressing on my nerve root as well as arthritis. Will require surgery. Surgery March 12th* It’s Dax’s first year at the prestigious Excelsior Academy and he is excited to attend. As is the tradition of the school every student that attends are granted nanites that will give them access to a vast network of strength and strange abilities that they could only dream of before. However, the gifting of these nanites to Dax does not go well, and he is placed in the lowest class. His happy day was ruined, not to mention his future. The bottom class of the academy is expelled at the end of the year. Will Dax be able to get enough points for his class to stay secure? Or will he find a way to exit a doomed class? Do his constant nightmares have anything to do with his current problems? Well of course they do you read the title. Shouldn’t be hard to piece two and two together at this point. So go read. This is a tale of an overpowered magic user reborn into a realm of science and technology. Although it is the same fantasy world, he once lived… Just far into the future. Please vote with your powerstones! This work is entered into the fantasy carnival and needs your support!

Alphachoas · Action
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184 Chs

Assignment One Part Thirteen

Fey's father arrived at Fey's location to find her and Dax unconscious next to each other. He quickly landed next to him. Out of a pouch around his waist he pulled out two patches and quickly applied them to each of them.

They both started to faintly glow green as the patch repaired their bodies. Fey opened her eye's first and saw her father kneeling next to her. "Dad?" She asked in a soft voice. "You came…" She didn't say anything else and just wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him as tightly as she could. Tears ran down her cheeks again. "I was so worried I thought I was going to die."

"What happened?" Her father asked. "Looks like there was some kind of explosion happened here."

"It was awful." Fey said, still hugging her father. "That thing, it was going to kill me. But Daxy… he saved me!"

"Are you sure this boy was able to save you?" Her father asked, skepticism clearly coming through in the tone of his voice. "What thing are you talking about?"

"It was a massive muscular bull man." Fey explained. "His arm should still be in the cave."

"Let go for a minute dear." Her father said. "Let me go examine the arm."

"Dad, why isn't Daxy waking up?" Fey asked.

"I don't know." He replied. "He should be healed by now, see the green aura is gone."

While her father went into the cave, she rolled Dax onto his back so that he could breathe better. While her father was gone, she leaned down and gave him a kiss on top of his forehead. She could think of no other way in the moment to convey her thanks to him. As she was kissing his forehead, he opened his eyes.

He was shocked by the cleavage suddenly in his face. "Fey?!" He asked loudly, clearly surprised by the situation he woke up in. "What are you…?"

She immediately got off him and sat next to him, only to hug him tightly as soon as he lifted himself off the ground. "I am so happy you woke up." She said as she held him.

Dax looked around. "I see I am out of the cave." He said. "Thanks for coming to rescue me."

"Dax?" Fey asked and she pulled herself off of him and looked him in the eyes. "Do you not remember anything that happened?"

"No?" Dax replied. "Wait! Where is that big monster!?"

"It's gone." Fey said. "It was… killed."

"You killed that thing?!" Dax asked. "Wow!"

"No…" Fey said. "You did."

"I couldn't kill something like that!" Dax replied.

"I don't know what to tell you Daxy." Fey said. "You were super amazing and made that thing run for its life! Then you well toasted it I guess." Fey pointed to the still smoldering landscape.

Fey's father returned from the cave carrying the massive arm and mace of the beast. "Whelp whatever this belonged to was powerful, maybe borderline S class." He said, he then tossed them both on the ground and noticed that Dax was awake. "Ah, your awake kid! Tell me, how did you slay such an impressive beast?!"

"He doesn't remember any of it, dad." Fey said, the sound of disappointment was clear in her voice.

"I am sorry, I really don't." Dax said.

"Well, judging by the lightning scarred walls in the cave it is possible that you expelled so much power that it caused you to lose some memory. Such a thing has been recorded in the past." Fey's father explained.

"Dad, Dax doesn't have nanites." Fey said.

"Then I have no idea." He replied. "Still, my daughter has no reason to lie to me. My advice, tell no one this happened. I will take credit for slaying the beast. No one will think twice about that. But if the government found out about a naniteless boy who took down such a beast… well there would be a lot of difficult questions."

"But Dax is super strong and stuck in F class." Fey said. "He should be in S class like me."

"That may be." Her father replied. "But telling people about this would just make him end up in some lab. I am sorry, but please keep it a secret."

"I don't remember any of it." Dax said. "So, it isn't even a problem for me."

"Fine." Fey said.

"That being said, Dax, we need to have a conversation about your training." Fey's father said.

"My what?" Dax asked.

"If you have that much power, whatever the source, I cannot allow it to go unchecked." He replied. "It is my duty to protect the citizens of our fine nation. My daughter's savior or not, if you do not have control over yourself then you are a threat."

"Dad!" Fey complained.

"It is just the cold hard truth dear." He replied.

"It's fine Fey." Dax said. "I couldn't even beat a lowly slime earlier, if anyone can get me in better fighting form it will be your father. I would be happy if you trained me, it might be the only way I survive F class."

"Fantastic!" Fey's father replied. "Alright, I will work up a schedule and pass it to Fey to give to you. Just try not to blow anything up. It would be difficult for me to deny anything at that point. Well, I will leave you kids to it, I have left my squad alone long enough."

"Thanks for coming to the rescue dad." Fey said.

"Anytime you need me." He replied with a massive smile. He bent down and picked the arm and mace up, then got on his hoverboard and flew away.

"Well, we should get back to the car." Fey said. "Being weaponless out here isn't good… Unless you secretly do remember that awesome power of yours?"

"Nope." Dax replied.

"To the car!" Fey responded. She marched out of the woods and Dax followed her closely. As they walked out, they noticed that life was slowly returning as the small animals and birds could now be seen in the forest, including the standard blue slimes they had been after all along.

Thanks for reading! Please support me with powerstones, comments, and collections!

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