
What's all the fuss about?

It's an odd thing being 5 when you're actually much older. Waking up I was expecting to be in trouble. But kids my age on this planet just don't get in trouble. especially after being knocked out cold.

I could accept not being scolded or anything. But opening my eyes to the girl I ran into tending to me as I was sleeping. Now that wasn't something I was expecting.

"Hi." I say awkwardly.

"Good morning, oh and I believe it's a happy birthday to you as well!" She mentions in a cheery tone.

"Thanks, I umm.. I apologise, what was your?"

"Ahh sorry, considering I've been here all night it slipped my mind that we hadn't really been introduced." She starts to blush, no doubt something on her mind as she continues. "My name's Rose."

"Rose," I sounds out. "Sorry for running into you. I saw your sign and got sucked into my thoughts and I.."

Rose laughs as she says. "No it's fine, honestly not the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Things at the academy can get pretty crazy."

"The academy?" I question, confusion evident on my face.

"Yeah, it's where those with talent pertaining to the magical arts go. If you are lucky you might find your self going there before too long your self." Rose answers but she doesn't seem like she believes it will happen.

"Oh, wait.." looking back at her after think about it for a second I can't help but ask. "Are you of Noble blood? I thought only they could study magic."

"No you are only partially right. There are certain professions that those who are low born can do as well. And depending on talent even more is open to them." She explains, but trails off after giving me an introduction. "Anyways it doesn't really matter to much. I wouldn't worry about it right now. I'll let your parents know you have woken up." Smiling at me she gets up and walks out of the room.

Watching as she leaves I can't help but think that instead of getting answers I just have more questions pilling up. How does anyone manage?

Looking down, I notice I'm in the clothes I wore when I got to the tavern.

"I see I should probably get dressed then huh?" I muse to my self as I get up and rummage through my bags for something nice to wear. Not finding what I was looking for I look around the room.

Although there's not much to look at, the bed I slept in which I still need to make, a seat to the side that Rose sat in, an empty shelf and a table by the window. Speaking of said window my heart races a bit as I noticed how bright it is outside.

"How long did I sleep for!" Worried I move over to the window to see if I can see what time it is. After looking at where the sun is I sigh with relief.

"Looks like it's still early morning" I say out loud.

Looking down at the table by the window I find the outfit I was seaching for. Shrugging I slip out of what I was wearing and quickly change.

Exiting the room I had slept in I see Felicity, my mother walking over.

"You're alright?" She questions as she starts inspecting me all over. "I see you have changed, good. You will need to get breakfast in you. We need to leave before too long." She begins to walk back the way she came before looking over get shoulder. "Chop chop, no one said you had to go and get your self knocked out the night before your naming day. Oh," Felicity turns around. "Happy birthday my son."

Rolling my eyes I hurty to catch up to her. "Thanks Mom." As I run behind her I can't help but think that this trip is full of even more surprises.

Eating a quick breakfast of... well I'm not sure what it was, but whatever it was it was really good so there's that. Which might I add, is probably the best part about being a reincarnator, the new types of food. My parents and I start walking towards the middle of the city where the temple is located.

"Considering how we are a little late you will probably end up getting the last placement. But that's not all that bad, there shouldn't be too many people there today." My dad looks to me as we are on our way and says. He is normally one that loathes tardiness so I'm kind of surprised he isn't flustered at all.

Scratching my head in embarrassment I respond. "Sorry Dad, I really didn't mean for this to happen."

"No worries kiddo, things happen. I can't say I have ever done something quite as bad as that but I've had my fair share of stumbles my self. I wouldn't work my self up about it if I was you." Smiling, Peter continues to walk forward as we all pass under an open gate segregating the residential district from the inner city.

Not expecting it I'm a bit awed by the buildings that come into view. The residential district is clean and the structures have a nice look to them. But the buildings in the inner city are breath taking. It makes me wonder how they manage to even make some of them. They look seemless, like they were never separate pieces. The structures fill my head with theories of magic.

But as amazing as I thought those buildings were the temple that we are moving towards is easily multiple times more awe-inspiring. Depictions of God's and goddesses carved out in alcoves, detailed crowning and embellishments giving life to the temple. If I could say anything was off about it. It would be that the whole temple was black, except for the gods which are white. Like all the light around them was sucked away into their statues. There even seemed to be a slight glow coming off of them in different colors depending on who the statue represents.

Only two of the statues I could see were not white, one gave off an aura of darkness. The statue almost like tangible shadow, the stone work around this one a light grey like white covered in shade. There is also another one that seems to be in constant change, the red hue that emanates from it the only thing that stays the same.

Coming up to the entrance a man garbed in Black robes with a emblem of suns rays on his shoulder welcomes us. "You are late, but I am aware of the reason. Come, let's not waste any more time." Turning around he leads us into the building.

As we fall in behind him my eyes are drawn to his sleeve where the emblem is. Below it I notice light coming from it dying the fabric and a small space around it yellow. My eyes sparkle at the display, awed by how cool it is.

Moving further into the temple my attention is stolen by a child walking out of a large but shallow pool of water in the center of the room we entered. A open sky light shining down and reflecting off of the surface.

The man we are following turns around and pulls me away from the sight, but not before I notice the dimming of the light as the child leaves the pool completely. "I would like to ask your parents to have a seat to the side. Boy, come with me." Placing his hand on my shoulder he pushes me along as my parents wave goodbye. "Stay silent," he whispers. "You are to stay seated and wait until you are called ahead. There are only three children left, so be patient."

Nodding to him I sit down. Next to me a blonde hair girl with a goofy grin on her face glances at me with excitement before looking back ahead to the pool.

Following her gaze I watch as a red headed boy stands in the center. Slowly light begins to coalesce around him until he is raised into the air, his shoes just barely dipping into the water still. Completely drawn in by the sight I continue to watch as my jaw drops. The light brightens and then starts to take on a blue shade before all at once rushing into his body. A few moments later the blue fades and he floats back down into the water.

Another black robbed man ushers him out. A similar symbol on his arm as well, except for the extra two steaks of light and brighter glow. Nodding towards the boy he sends him away.

A brunette girl comes forward soon after and steps into the pool. The lighy which had dimmed brightening again, although not as bright. Blue once again seeps into the surroundings before stopping at half of what the last boys was and then rushes into her body. As she is set down I notice the frown on the robed man's face while he ushers the girl out.

The girl next to me with the goofy grin gets up then and skips over to the pool. Stepping in, the light intensifies as each step brings her closer to the middle. Even before reaching the center she begins to float up. finally reaching the center the blue light returns, at least twice as thick as the first boys was. Then it is forced into her body. Subtle changes happen as it does, she grows a few inches, her face matures and her smile changes to a confident grin as the light finally goes down and she is set down into the water.

Knowing it is my turn as she is sent away by the now beaming man I get up and walk up to the pool as everyone else did.

When I place my foot into the pool the first thing that draws my attention are the whispers. If I could see the robed man I would notice that the smile before is gone, his face paling. Taking another step forward the whispers intensify, getting louder and more forced as I get closer to the center. Right before making it to the middle the whispering stops and all the light in the temple is sucked away. The comfortable feeling that the light gave me disappearing with it.

Confused I turn around to look at the man and only notice how pale he is due to the emblem on his shoulder shrouding him in light. "What's all the fuss about?" I question him.

Shocked he looks at me like I'm a monster, taking a step back. All of the sudden an explosion of three colored light comes from above and the man is flung back. The once comforting light almost painful now, I'm wisked into the air and disappear from the temple.

All I wanted was to know what was happening, why can't my life ever be normal!

wow, didn't expect this to be so long. so enjoy? I tend to make a chapter title, and then write until I'm satisfied. then read through it about 3 times to see if I made any mistakes. After that I post it.

Should probably start a back log but oh well. I think after around chapter 20 I'll start working on posting 3-4 a week and go from there.

Wish me luck, I'm going to work on pushing through with this project and see where it goes. I want to experience this life more.

Thanks for reading!

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