
Ropes are great, reading is better

I'm sure you've read them before. Any smart reincarnators first goal is to learn about their new world. And they would be right, how else are you to fit in and seem like a native? What if you constantly let slip things that have no relevance to that world?

Not every one gets a cheat system that lets them conquer the world. In fact.. No one does, or at least I haven't seen or heard of it. I know, I shouldn't brag, but there is not too many things I haven't seen. And I sure as heck didn't get some amazing powers or get bestowed amazing abilities by scantily clad "goddesses" who thought that slob who died from a car accident would be a great husband. If only he was stronger and could handle me. *blushes* Oh senpai!!!

No, that's shit if I've ever seen it. and if it's not, then I want my money back! Not that I have to much to complain about I suppose. there's a certain novelty to going into a world with only my wits and a powerful soul. Nor did I pay for this..... Oh well, like I was saying... You have to be able to fit in!

The sure for way to do so though? Well, depends on the world. Some places everything you need to know is imprinted into the newborns when they are conceived. Which might I add, is a really cool experience by the way. Others are told though your family and the village people.

The best places thou...

Ahh Fuck, did I let that slip? damnit, I wanted to at least hold off on the plot advancement that is my powerful soul until the next chapter... Oh well, you know about it now because I hate revising my work. that's enough information on it though right? I guess I don't need to explain it any more... hmm.. Works for me!

So as I was saying, the best places though? They are the ones that have books, or something similar to the internet. As long as you can read, you have access to any thing and everything you want. All trapped within the cover of a book or just an inquiry away. But once again... Reading? Reading.. Right...

Just look at the English language for instance. you might not be aware because you grew up with it (if you were raised on it), but it's one of the harder languages to learn. Crazy right? And you thought French was difficult. But look at English writing and then look at some of the other languages. On the bright side Earth's language system has a lot of similarities due to it's origins. But if you'd never learned anything but English and you were told to interpret kanji?

Language is an evil bitch, and I want to know how these God bestowed bastards have the privilege of being able to know any language and read anything just because their special. I want!!!!!

Excuse me while I go cry....

Yeah know, I published this barely 24 hours ago and I already have 1000 views. Or is that only? I'm not sure, is 1000 views and three stars a lot for 24 hours?

lol look at me fishing, hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. My ass is sensitive! Maybe bite me on my shoulder?

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