
My gift to you

It's surprising how often children die without proper medical care and governmental structure. I guess it doesn't hit you quite as hard until you go through 17 different lives without getting past the age of 6 in a row.

My name is.... well currently it's Tom, or Thomas if you want to read it off my birth certificate. As for my original name? Or at least the one that I had when I first became aware of them? I honestly can't remember...

I don't remember my name, my parents faces or my best friend if I had one. But considering the majority of planets I've had the misfortune to die on were so behind they didn't know what agriculture was it's no surprise I do remember the futuristic (by Earth standards) skyscrapers and high rises. Especially the mind boggling islands held up in the sky as if by magic.

Oh, and I mentioned Earth right? Well... As I'm sure you have picked up by now, me Thomas.. The author of the only known series to have 7 books all written and produced on different planets....

Alright I'll cut the shit, if you want to read them I'm sure you'll find one tucked away in a back shelf somewhere on Desroxia. And yes, that's a planet, the only one I've been on in the last 100 years that had any kind of decent society. Except Earth of course, much better than that "Utopia". Honestly glad I was executed for spreading the truth and causing mass mayhem.

Sorry, getting side tracked. This is the intro but there's just so much to talk about. you try living through.... what is it? 257? 9? No! That's right, 317 lives since you had started counting and not get side tracked.

Yes, I am on Earth, funny thing about Earth. I have been on this planet 3 times. I lived until I was 17 as a slave to the roman empire, and I was even a Chinese bomber during World War 2. Yes, I know I'm horrible. But it's not like I was given a choice... Funny story that though, I left my self a security box on the off chance I'd be reincarnated again here and actually was able to retrieve my jacket.

Gosh, I just don't know how to stop going off track... But yeah, my current life... Or at least at the time of writing this is being spent here on this beautiful if slowly being destroyed, planet. And... Yes, the conclusion! This is the first chapter of the 7th book of my series "MultiWorlds".

What's my name again?

Not sure how this will go, I tend to be really good with concepts but have issues following through... wish me luck! or.. don't.. if you hate the idea ?

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