
Infusion from the heavens

I might have mentioned how most kids are hardly more intelligent than animals in a prior chapter? Well, I don't remember if I mentioned why... Irregardless, I'll just mention it again.

Kids who have not come into contact with magical energies are really dumb. My guess would be that just by absorbing a small amount of said energy, everything about a person develops once they do. So their race had no reason to evolve.

The humans on Ardtús look quite similar to your own race of people. Just a few differences that really don't matter. Besides, once you've experienced as many lives as I have you come to figure out that color of skin, height, pretty much anything defining about a person doesn't matter. Yeah sure, some people are more 'attractive' so to speak. But what's even more attractive is the soul inside of the bag of meat.

Whether you are a humanoid like the Earth people or a being that is difficult to describe in any of your languages. On the inside? Well, each of us is pretty much the same. Now then... Don't get me wrong, souls have defining characteristics too. That's why I said it could be attractive. Some people give off a very clean aura, others are dark as pitch. There are large souls, which from my experience are older souls who tend to be good people. Less evil that needs to be rid of and the energy of thousands of lifetimes accumulates and they grow.

On the other hand, There are tiny souls, these can be caused by large amounts of "sin" accumulating throughout a person's life. The energy normally used to nourish the soul is drained and the majority discarded. A soul can also shrink due to dying early in their life multiple times. It takes a lot of energy to create new consciousness. But there are also souls that are tiny due to it being compressed. So be careful there, especially if you ever find your self in a situation where you can see the sizes and "color" of souls. Don't make face value assumptions!

The reason I'm going into such detail is because well.. It's good to know and and I like to talk. But there's a deeper meaning too. And honestly, wouldn't you like to know more about what makes up that which is you? Anyways, I mentioned dark and light souls, I also mentioned to not make assumptions and here's why.

My soul is quite large, unsurprising really considering all the tempering I've gone through. But my aura is very mixed. In fact, I give off a very chaotic aura. it's constantly changing if I am not actively conscious of it. That's mostly when I sleep or my mind wanders. And the reason behind that is because I don't lose bad energy after I reincarnate. Which can be very dangerous mind you. Because I have lived my life in every way I wanted and it doesn't help that depending on the world and my experiences up till I regain my memories my personality during that reincarnation is slightly different.

You would probably show caution if you ever saw my soul, and you would be right too. But that doesn't mean anything, especially considering that I've changed a lot in my recent years. But just because my soul is like it is, doesn't mean that I have to be like my disposition. Yes, I know that was rather long winded just to tell you that the color and size of a soul do not define a person. But what can I say that I haven't already, I like to talk.

So I'll just get on with it now. What I've been building up to anyways. One of the darkest souls I have ever seen was quite large, but that's irrelevant at the moment. Regardless of what you might expect, he was one of the kindest and most genuine people I'd ever met. But he believed that everything he did in life was never enough. That he was a horrible person, and so even though he was such a good man and more than likely his prior reincarnations too. Because of how he viewed life, the very energy that he created through out his lives was tainted black.

That is all well and good, but this is really just an info dump. It's very interesting, but in the end... Right now you don't need to know it. But, you might at some point and I'm sure some where in this story it with become relevant.

Oh man, I kinda forgot that this was supposed to be a plot advancing chapter. I was going to talk about what happens to all lowborn children... Oh well, I really aught to change this chapters name to something like... "A Description on Souls" and call it a auxiliary chapter.

Oh well, you could say that I am the heavens, infusing you with knowledge!

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