


Just an fyi, didn't want to put this in the last chapter because well... Feels. But this is pretty much a tie-in to the last one. kind of a .5. Anyways, enjoy.


And then time seemingly stops. "Fucking idiots, can't do anything right can they."

Looking up at the boy in the sky intermittently bursting in red and back again the woman in blue shakes her head. "Poor bastard, that can't be pleasant." Turning her head back to the temple which just started to explode her face grimaces.

"Tsk" Looking down at the slight crack on the astro globe floating above her hand she sighs. "I miss you Lucas.."

"So unnecessary, well... I suppose I should fix this."

Bringing her unoccupied right hand up a large mandala begins to be made. Hundreds of symbols drawn out in mere moments as the magical construct comes into being.

With a Curt nod at her work and placing one last symbols she completes it. Pushing her hand forward the mandala begins to glow blue before all the symbols invert.

The black statue hovering in the air with a large scowl on it's face rapidly moves backward. The stones covered in a still explosion moving back to where they originally were.

The souls who had yet to be drawn into the underdark have bodies reform. All of them airborne for a moment as they fully reform return to a seated position. The last stone on the pool drops into place and the water which had evaporated coalesces back into the pool, the water still displaced all along the edges into the air due to the explosion.

The mandala having had it's energy spent abruptly cracks then shatters.

Scrutinizing the scene before her, Fionna checks her work. Sighing once again she glances at the astro globe once more and at the crack that had only slightly gotten bigger.

"What to do... Can't have these mortals remembering that now can I?" Pondering she taps her chin with a finger from the now freed up hand. "Well, " She starts as she waves her hand. " Might as well just wipe all those memories and show a relatively less abnormal Ascension."

"I guess it's time to go and crash that party." Shrugging she puts away the astro globe and gives one more glance to the temple. "Yeah, that should be it."

Pushing her hands together before pulling them apart another mandala rapidly forms. the symbols on the outer edges begin rapidly rotating as it grows to her hight.

Glancing once more at the people in the temple a perturbed expression appears on her face as she steps through and disappears with the mandala winking out of existence soon after.

Oh I originally made it so Solus fixed it, but writing this scene just felt better with Fionna. So I went back to "It's just the fate of the world" and fixed that.

Tyyphooncreators' thoughts