
Heavens, are you there?

Pulling into line while waiting to be admitted into the city, I really wasn't sure what to expect. Would there be a cliche scene where someone tries to make trouble? Maybe the guards are extorting people to get in?

But other than a long wait due to them inspecting goods from traders we made it through with out a hitch. There wasn't even a charge after we mentioned why we were in the city and showed records proving as much.

I don't know why I was expecting it to go wrong, maybe I just wanted to see some excitement. The entire trip, nothing happened and this was my first time outside my home town.

"Must be just bored..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" one of the guards asked as we went by.

"Oh, nothing sir, just bored is all." I responded, internally thinking I might have spoke to soon.

"Bored are we lad?" The guard started with a smirk. "I'm sure that will change real quick."

After saying that he went back to inspecting the people that were trying to gain entry into the city.

Confused I turned to my parents but all they did was shrug in response.

Time passed quickly and all too soon we had unhitched our strange beast of burden and stowed the carriage behind the inn my parents had made reservations for.

After taking care of those tasks we made our way to the front of the inn. As Peter opened the door it wasn't the loud noises that came from the patrons inside, nor the breaking of a glass and roar of laughter that followed. No, it was the sign. The kind of sign that you would normally overlook but still drew the attention anyways.

The words "FireCracker Inn" emblazoned onto the wooden surface in a dark orange and red hue. Sparks periodically jumping off the surface and falling down above my head before winking out of existence.

The touch of magic in such a seemingly ordinary manner stuck with me even after we walked in. So much so that I didn't notice my father telling me something nor the woman that had inadvertently come across my path.

Well.. I didn't notice her until I'd all but ran into her. The suddenness of it all left me muddle headed and the fact that she somehow didn't see me and even toppled over as a result of our collision befuddled me even more.

I'm not even five yet, and sure.. I might be a little big for my age but she's at least 3 times my age. The complete bizarreness of the situation didn't allow me to come to my senses until I was already on top of her. Serving tray, thankfully empty flipping through the air.

My first thought was surprisingly not that fact that I was half straddling her, one leg resting between her legs. But the blush the bloomed through out her face in fact it only reddened further with time.

With confusion written on my face I pushed up from my position.

"I'm sorry miss, I wasn...." The words I was saying trailing off. My attempt to get up brought my attention my right hand which I suppose thinking about it now was probably resting there the whole time. Which if you haven't guessed it by now was on her breast. An idle thought popped into my head as I noticed the blush deepen further and scrambled even faster to get up.

My quick movement only exacerbated the problem and brought attention to my knee which unfortunately was grinding into her as well.

You must understand coming into this, I might have lived quite a few lives before this. But even still, the body I am residing in is only a child. I hadn't even thought of anything untoward. Even if I wanted to do anything with it, well.... I am nothing but an inch worm! What am I to do with that!

So here I am getting up, this girl which I can only assume is one of the servers considering the tray that's still defying gravity and to make the whole situation even more ridiculous is still sprawled out on the ground red as a tomato. And her I am finally on my feet all flustered.

Against better judgement or perhaps it's good judgement? anyways, I reach out my hand to her to help her up whist spouting an apology somewhere along the lines of how sorry I am when the damn tray decides it's had enough of the uptown life.

And then BAM!

I haven't even got a name yet, and I've already groped a girl, and considering how my knee feels either she was already soaked or getting there.... which (I would scratch my head if I could) would explain how I so easily caused her to fall aaaand got knocked out.

What was it that guard said again? Is this karma? Heavens? Is that you?

As I faded out I couldn't help but think that this is only the start of my trouble in this city, that and another thought pervading through out.

I really spoke too soon!

I wasn't planning on making a chapter today. didn't feel it, but I got bored after I caught up with House of Horrors. You should go read it, it's great! Oh, and no that would not have been the reason why there was to be no chapter today!

There you have it. Another chapter that doesn't do much. But it's neat to see what exactly our little mc is up to. I certainly wasn't expecting that, and considering what I just saw cooking up in my head I sure as hell didn't expect what's coming up next!

Tyyphooncreators' thoughts
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