
But I didn't finish!

Watching as he was ushered over and told to sit down, thoughts of the names I had come up with for my son flitted through my head. Peter wanted to call him Pete, but how lazy is that? I swear, I love that man but he is just so thick headed sometimes.

Dorren, no... James has a nice ring to it? Too common, I want my boy to turn eyes everywhere he goes.

Ahh, I know.. That's a perfect name, he'll surely be set for success.

Turning next to me I make note of Peter, is he sweating? "It's okay Peter, " Felicity starts, while holding onto his arm in comfort. " you know our son will do wonderfully. In fact, I have come up with the most perfect name for him. I can't wait to see his face light up."

Beaming she doesn't notice his face darken, "That's only one of the things I'm worried about. You don't hear about it, but a man in my position.." Peter slowly shakes his head with a hollow laugh. "We will be lucky if this goes smoothly."

Glancing back at her husband, Felicity feels a bit of fear seep into her chest. Is this something he's been keeping to him self? Holding that in... "It's not easy.."

Looking back at her with a half hearted smile Peter's eyes soften. "No, no it's not." And in that moment it's as though they shared more then just a few simple words.

Sitting in silence, time passes until their son is finally called forward. Even before he reaches the pool, energy seeps into the surroundings. Almost tangible, with each step closer it gets more intense. As the wind begins to pick up, howling through the windows and stirring up dust. A barrier forms, isolating him from the outside world. The only way of seeing it the gathering dust that is blown around its edges.

Almost in a trance the couple follows their sons figure as he steps into the pool. Everything stops then, the wind as though scolded for bad behavior goes out with nary a sound and the air turns almost solid. Dust and other debris held aloft by some unknown source.

A light many fold stronger than what was seen before strikes down from the sky, watching as it incinerates everything in it's path Felicity's heart jumps to her throat in worry. Wanting to jump up and save her son, "Ahh." all that's heard is a slighy cry as she notices she can't move. Tears well up in Felicity's eyes as the light reaches him and then turns to sobbing when he isn't hurt.

Three differently colored lights slowly make there way down from the sky light. Twisting around the large blue tinged pillar in the center. All the sudden as though it's turned into a game, they all rush down, trying to beat one another to the bottom. The very air they pass by shorn apart. If not for the solidness of the air the people watching could have very well been blown back.

Reaching their destination simultaneously they disappear into her son's body, the sobbing at this point getting even more manic due to events so far. Felicity pushes her will against the inability to move, wanting nothing more than to run up and save him.

Suddenly every sound stills, the color draining from the surroundings. Then an explosion of light appears below him, unable to withstand the pressure he disappears as a cloud of blood appears where he once stood.

Felicity's face pales as blood drains from her face. Not comprehending what she just saw she stares at where her son was just standing.

The next second it reforms a few meters above where he once stood and quickly flits upward.

Breaking free from her shackles as the air starts to thin, Felicity begins to stand up as she yells though her sobbing. "Son!"

As soon as he leaves, the air abruptly normalizes. All the pressure held at bay before now given free reign....

And then the temple explodes.

fwew.. as I was writing that the scene running through my mind kinda gave me chills.

side note, sorry for the almost month long inactivity. been really busy and just haven't been in the mood to write. Actually had the start of this chapter, maybe the first two paragraphs or so just sitting in my draft box since I released the last one.

so, now you know that author is super unreliable, that means I'll get more likes right?

speaking of unreliable, if I can get one stone I'll release a bonus!

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