

I heard a faint voice in the distance telling me something; Wake up…I was confused so I walked closer to where the voice was coming from until suddenly I heard-…WAKE UP!

Immediately I opened my eyes, but all I saw was darkness. Where am I? Who am I? As I looked around my surroundings, my eyes adjusted to where I was, which led to even more confusion. It was a grassy field full of flowers and trees, filled with apples on the branches above me. The grass was shiny and wet, which must have been rained on while I was asleep. The trees around me covered the sky, so I could only see the leaves above me. The tree trunks were a dark chocolate brown, and the leaves were as bright as green apples. The grass around me was so long that it reached up to my knees, brushing my legs as I walked by. As I observed the grass length, I saw many flowers such as blue orchids and roses. Then I saw the moonlight from above; it was so bright that it shone down light onto a small path. I might as well follow and see where it leads me. I nodded and started following the bright light. Before going any further, I crouched to one of the blue orchids and picked one up for the journey.

As I was skipping down the trail, the moonlight was getting brighter and brighter behind me, and I thought I was finally going to go where I was supposed to be. The trail ended before me, and I looked up to a big lake shimmering in the moonlight. What a beautiful sight! I saw many animals like foxes, bunnies, turtles, fishes and more everywhere I looked. The foxes were as bright as an orange, while the bunnies were a soft white like marshmallows. The turtles were dark green, like lily pads, while the fishes were all different in size and shape. I smiled, knowing I had found the most beautiful place known to man. As I looked up, I could see the whole sky full of bright shiny stars, and the moon was a full gray circle. I spun around in joy at my discovery and thought: I must tell everyone else! It's so pretty here, and I love it! I must tell…tell who again?

As I stopped spinning, I heard the same faint voice saying, What others? You're alone, and you did that to yourself.

"What do you mean?? Who are you, and what do you want from me?" I said, feeling a bit shaken up.

You know me… and I know you, go to the water and see for yourself what you did…

I walked slowly to the water in fear; I hadn't seen myself when I woke up, so maybe I should. I closed my eyes while I walked to the water until I stopped when I realized my feet were soaking wet. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at myself; I was confused at all the red substance all over me. "What is this? Why am I soaked to the brim with this weird juice?"

The voice in the distance laughed, but not in a fun way, no, it was full of anger. No… it's blood, don't you remember?! I jumped back as fear sunk into my body.

"WHY AM I COVERED IN BLOOD?!? AM I HURT?!?" I screamed asI tried to clean the blood off me.


As the voice screamed at me, I saw black dots around my eyes. I feel like fainting, but before I do, I remember a girl with red hair covered in blood saying something…a name? My name? After having heard something, it all went to black once again.