
Chapter 1

Far within the cosmos, All of the Celestial beings could be seen.

Angels, Demons, Archangels and Archdemons has gathered all in one place.

Both sides released an intense aura so much so that if one movement was done, an all out chaotic war would occur.

Representing the Angels, In front stood the Seven Archangels.

Michael, The Defender and Protector.

Raphael, The Divine Healer.

Uriel, The Light of God and Pillar of Strength.

Gabriel, The Great Messenger.

Ariel, The Great Earth Mother.

Raguel, The Judge of Justice and Punisher of unfaithful.

Remiel, The Giver of Hope.

These Seven Archangels stood in front of the angelic army, all releasing powerful holy aura.

Standing towards the opposite side, Stood the Seven Princes of Hell.

Lucifer, The Pride.

Satan, The Wrath.

Mammon, The Greed.

Leviathan, The Envy.

Beelzebub, The Gluttony.

Belphegor, The Sloth.

Asmodeus, The Lust.

These Seven Princes of Hell stood in front of the demonic legion and stood tall and proud as they represented their sins.

Among the suffocating glare and unending menace, Lucifer suddenly took  a step forward which immediately agitated both sides.

After taking several steps, he stopped in the middle.

"Greetings my Brothers and Sisters, It's been a while since we've seen each other no? a few eternities to be exact?"

He smiled towards the seven archangels and proceeded to step closer.


Michael, suddenly released an even more intense aura as he ordered the prince of pride to stop.

"Hm? still quite the stuck up I see... Well, anyhow, Any idea why the big man called us out here?"

Michael merely glared at Lucifer and turned his attention back to the demonic legion.

"Sigh.. even after countless eons you're still the same old-"

Suddenly, Michael appeared in front of Lucifer.

"Get back to your kind."

Lucifer scoffed as he retorted with,

"Excuse me? Can't you see that's what Im doing? Here I am, just walking back to reclaim my throne in Hea-'

Lucifer's statement was cut off by Michael as his hand grabbed Lucifer by neck.


"Aaak! I-is that so b-brother?"


Michael then suddenly let go of Lucifer as he felt something wrong with his hand.

He looked at his palm to see a dark cloud-like mark that seems to be expanding at a noticeable rate.


Lucifer merely smirked as all of the sudden, a force pushed him back toward the demonic legion.

"Sigh.. Brother, you are still easily taunted by him ever since the beginning of time."

Raphael then moved towards her brother in order to inspect the parasitic-like tattoo.

'This seems like newly developed curse, I see that Lucifer upped his game.

However, this is still nothing in front the Divine Healer!'

She held her hand towards her brother as she casted her spell.

"I apologize my sister, It's just that an uncontrollable anger resurfaces my emotions whenever I see him."

"It's understandable, after all-"

Raphael suddenly stopped speaking as she felt something wrong as she healed her brother.

What the-

The parasitic smoke tattoo, not only was it not cured, but as well as it also started to appear on Raphael's hands.

What is this?! How is this happening?! Why can't I-

"I hope you enjoy my present!"

Lucifer's voice resounded throughout the whole spectacle in which caused Raphael and Michael to glare in pure hatred while causing the demonic side to cheer.

"B-brother, I- I don't know what's happening."

Raphael started to panic as she genuinely don't know how to cure the parasite as it showed an extremely fast unending growth.

Damn it! I'll need to use my staff in order to cure ourselves but all our holy weapons are locked out from this place!

Michael's anger then grew to uncontrollable heights as he deathly glared at Lucifer.



All of the sudden,  a large voice echoed throughout the whole place and without a second, all the angels and archangels bowed down as a Holy presence floated down in the middle of both sides.

The demons were about to dis and ridicule the entity but they were not able to as in front of the almighty being, everyone is powerless.

A wisp of pure light suddenly appeared in the middle of the place, a light that blinded almost everyone.

The seven princes of hell glared as they squinted their eyes in annoyance of the spectacle.

Meanwhile, the archangels all showed different and confused expressions.

It all leads to one question,

' Why is father's true figure here? '

Lucifer too, thought the same thing. Since the beginning of time, The God and Creator of existence has never once showed himself.

Only through voices and thoughts and even messengers was he able to communicate to his creations but now, standing before everyone is the truest figure of the almighty God.

This naturally left all the archangels and angels speechless. However, that did not last a second as they bowed down and rejoiced.

" The Holy Spirit is here! "

"The almighty creator has arrived! Hallelujah!"

"The alpha, the omega, the almighty God is here!"

"We bow down before the almighty God!"


After moments of praised and cheering from the angels, the true form of God glowed brighter as he began to speak.

" Greetings, my children. "

Immediately, all the archangels dropped on the ground as they greeted him.

" Father! "

" You may all rise."

" Yes father! " Slowly, each of them started to stand up as they faced their creator.

It seemed like the world was still as no one made a sound. Micheal on the other hand, seemed to start to tremble as the pain on his arm started to spread even more.

His expression however, did not changed as he face the Lord with utmost calmness, admiration and respect.

Nevertheless, beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead as his breath starts to become rigid.

Meanwhile, Lucifer on the other side was smirking as he saw his troubled brother.

The wisp of light glowed as the almighty God began to speak.

" Micheal, it seems that you are troubled. What's the matter?"

Everyone's attention was now switched to Micheal, whose arm is now pitch black and emitting a decaying scent.

" I-it's nothing sir- I mean, Father! No worries needed."

The wisp then hovered towards Micheal as it shone brightly at Micheal's wounds.

" Hmmmm... what a unique poison."

"U-uh... Father, I'm really fi-"

Suddenly, blinding light flashed for a second and just like that, Micheal's arm was as good as new.

" Wha- "

"Tch." Lucifer cursed beneath his breath.

This once again reminded everyone in present, most especially the demons, of how powerful the creator truly is.

Shivers went down the archdemons's spines as they once again took another look at the almighty God's true form.

" This poison... was created by-"


This time, it was Raphael that cut in.

" It was Lucifer who created that poison, father."

" I see...."

Meanwhile, all the other archangels was staring at Raphael in anger as she disrespectfully cut in God's sentence.

Some were disappointed, ashamed, but most of all, mad.

Lucifer was just smiling.

" I apologize, Father. "

" It's fine, no matter. You said Lucifer created that poison?"

" Yes Fath-"

" That's right Father."

Lucifer then butted in the conversation and began approaching the true form of God.

" Are you proud of me, Father? Have you seen what I created? I-"

" Silence."

Lucifer then stopped. Satan then approached from behind and pulled Lucifer back.

"Tsk! I know already! Let go of me! I said let go-"

Satan merely grunted in reply as he dragged Lucifer back to their side.

The wisp of light, God's true form, hovered back to the middle and started ascend and stopped once everyone present was looking up.

"Greetings, everyone. I have come in my true form as to deliver a news to all of you."

Everyone then held their breaths as the almighty God began to speak.

" I am often called a lot of names. God, Holy Majesty, the alpha and omega, Omniscient and Omnipotent, Creator of existence and so on and so forth."

" Today, I announce to all of you who are present that the one who you call all of those names will soon, cease to exist."

Next chapter