

I wolfed out, fully and utterly shifted. Unfortunately I have no idea how as I did it in my sleep but it's a start. Now I shouldn't have any more partial shifts unless I make it happen.

Adam turned up a tad early at about seven thirty this morning, put one foot out the truck before jumping back in and driving off excessively fast.

He called the house from down the road to let my parents know. Newly shifted Weres can be disoriented and grumpy as a result. When they're extremely strong and have large teeth and claws, only immediate family go near them. It's better for everyone's safety.

Of course I didn't go to work but knowing the situation they were fine with it. At least that's the answer phone message they left told me. I was to take the rest of the week off and acclimatise.

Dad came to the annex door, slid in a plate of six raw steaks and closed the door again. I do remember that but it was very much like a dream. I also remember devouring them in two or three gulps before laying down in the lounge and sleeping again.

I woke maybe six hours later, human looking again and absolutely ravenous. Sara was waiting with my parents in the main part of the house. Once she heard I had shifted she came over to help my parents while mum was still sick.

She also brought four times the amount of food that she'd previously been cooking. As soon as they heard the shower going in the annex they started cooking. So that when I walked in the main building, the food was ready and waiting.

This woman is a keeper!

Carly came over in the evening to offer congratulations and a gift for transforming. It was a gorgeous set of hand made candelabra for the annex. The intricate workmanship that went into them is absolutely stunning. They stand maybe a foot tall and can hold four candles in a square setting.

An absolutely wonderful gift, more so was the second gift in that she has ended the probation and will allow us to remain.

Carly said that everyone so far had spoken highly of us and with my budding relationship with Sara, she knew we wouldn't cause issues. Given those details it didn't make sense for us to wait and wonder, she wanted us to remain and be comfortable in that security.

Next chapter