1 Prologue

I burst through the trees, into a wide clearing. I'm running away from something. I'm out of breath. I can tell I've been running for a while now because my legs are burning. But I don't stop to take a breather. No, I keep going. I'm scared of it. No, I'm terrified of it. Whatever "it" is.

Suddenly, I was roughly pushed to the side. I heard the snap of bones, my bones. I screamed. in front of me stood a 7-foot wolf. Massive with a muddy brown fur coat. Ruddy bloodthirsty eyes were staring at me. Growling with saliva dripping in strings down its muzzle.


It opened its jaws and I saw rows of sharp white teeth. Some even looked like they were gleaming in the sun. It pounced on me, aiming for my neck. Out of nowhere, it was thrown off me. It flew across the clearing into a tree. In front of me stood another wolf. This one is slightly taller than the other one by a few inches. It looks at me for a moment. Bright, cobalt blue, eyes stare back at me. They look like I can trust them...

I jerk awake in my bed gasping for air. My body covered in a thin sheen of cold sweat. I hear the beeping of an alarm clock somewhere in the distance. I slowly come to and switch the clock off.

Even as I make my way to the bathroom, I can't that dream out of my head. I mean it's not the first time I have the dream or dream of those eyes and it's confusing the fuck out of me. When I look at them, I feel warm and safe even if there is a 7-foot pitch-black fucking wolf standing (sometimes sitting) in front of me.

I'm losing sleep over these dreams or nightmares or whatever the hell they are. Maybe I should see a therapist about this.
