
Chapter 3 - Settling In

It had been a few weeks since I decided to join the Hyoudou family and I must say, I'm not regretting my decision at all.

Maybe it's because of how long she's been waiting for a child, Ayako (Don't know her name as I don't think it's said in the canon. If it is, I haven't seen it and I'm probably gonna keep it as Ayako~) or better known as my mother nowadays, was a very doting woman and didn't suppress any of my urges.

If I wanted to go outside and play (exercise) she'd just tell me when to be back and on my way, I would go. When I asked to take Martial Art classes, she nodded and set them up for me. She truly was the epitome of a doting mother spoiling her only child.

Luckily I already have the mentality of a teenager otherwise I'd have grown up to be a right spoiled brat with the arrogance to go along with it.

Speaking of exercise I've been using the training method The Morrighan gave me, and I must say, it's quite impressive. As for my race, I'm pretty much like a Werewolf from Noblesse and because of that, I use a unique system of power for this world - Aura. It's quite similar to Senjutsu but it's much easier for me to gain an understanding of Aura because of the innate Aura Perception I have as Werewolf.

The training method is called Aura Body Arts. In it, there are multiple ways to use Aura to enhance the body through training with the Aura flowing through specific pathways. There are 12 pathways and each increases the body to a certain degree. My progress through the 12 pathways is entirely dependant on the thickness and amount of my Aura as each pathway needs more and more Aura for it to be effective. Oh, and my Aura Control is quite important for the technique as well.

Think of it as a Body Tempering Cultivation Technique but instead of Ki/Qi/Chi it uses Aura. I don't quite understand how it works just yet but I do know that the Aura imbues itself into the very center of every cell it passes through, making a little battery of Aura in each of my cells. The cells are slowly filled with Aura until they reach a limit.

As the cells are filled with Aura, my body will become passively stronger and if I ignite the Aura in the cells I can experience a boost in my power. When the cells reach a limit, I will need to use my Aura Control and Pressure to compress the Aura in the cells into a purer version of itself. Once this has been done, I will have to do the same thing with the rest of my Aura or I won't be able to use the pathways. If I run impure Aura through a cell with pure Aura, the pure Aura will slowly be corroded back into impure Aura causing my power to drop, so it is paramount that I increase the density and purity of my Aura once I do so to the Aura in my cells.

Other than this, I've slowly started to awaken my Sacred Gear. It seems similar to the process of a Shinigami connecting to their Zanpakuto and learning its name, so all I've been doing is meditating and trying to connect with it.

I know it's there but it's like seeing something behind an electric fence - you can know it's there, even see it in front of you, but you can't get to it. I was currently trying to find a way to get over that electric fence.

But what didn't help was that I was trying to do it on my first day of Elementary School.

"Hyoudou-kun~" an innocent voice called out next to me, I felt a slight tug on my sleeve, "Hyoudou-kun, answer me~!" the voice was slowly becoming whiney, so I opened my eyes and looked at the person calling me.

She had chestnut brown hair which was quite short and tied into a small ponytail behind her head. Big, innocent violet eyes looked at me from above, an aggrieved light flowing out from them. Her face was cute and despite her young age, I could tell she'd become quite a head turner when she grew up.

Her cute face was currently pouting while her cheeks were blown up like a chipmunk storing food. Seeing her face, I could only sigh, 'Seeing as Issei's not here, did fate throw this troublesome angel onto my lap?...' taking a big breath, I spoke to her, "What do you want?" my voice wasn't harsh or aggressive but my speech was quite impolite.

It wasn't that I didn't want to speak to the girl as I knew who she was and what she'd become - a hot girl - but I was currently a bit annoyed over not making any progress in awakening my Sacred Gear.

She seemed cheerful at my reply, regardless of how rude it was, "My name's Irina Shidou, nice to meet you!" she stuck her hand out with a bright smile on her face. Seeing her I couldn't help but smirk slightly as I realized that she really was a cheerful girl.

I took her hand in my own and completed the handshake, "You already seem to know my name...but I'm Takuya Hyoudou, nice to meet you, Shidou-san," I was going to go back to meditation but she sat down in front of me and leaned in uncomfortably close.

"Hyoudou-kun, everyone seems quite scared of you, so you don't have any friends...so, do you want to be friends with me?!" she seemed excited that she'd found someone like herself and her violet eyes were lit up like lights.

Hearing her say the first part made me let out a slight sigh.

After becoming a Werewolf or at least Part-Werewolf, my appearance had started to drastically change...

My height grew about 10cm with a few days after I changed, my body was very well-proportioned and despite being 6-years-old my body was athletically toned and even seemed to have a little bit of muscle to its frame.

This put together with my wild grey hair and fierce yellow eyes, and sharp facial features made me quite an intimidating kid to the others in my class. It wasn't that I cared all that much but I was just hoping this wouldn't affect my chances of getting involved with the hot girls of the world(s).

But hearing the last part, I smiled, thinking that at least one of the girls didn't seem to care for my wild looks, "Yeah, sure, I'll be friends with you Shidou-san--" before I could finish Irina jumped on me.

"Yay~! I've finally got a friend~! And call me Irina, Takuya!" her cheerful voice rang in my ear and I couldn't help but wryly smile and slowly pried her away from me.

"Okay, okay, Irina, get off me first..." she reluctantly agreed but she still stuck close to my side. Seeing her look so happy over just being friends with me made me feel happy for some reason...I guess it would have something to do with that fact I had so few friends in past life, huh? Not that I was sad with that, but it doesn't mean I can't be happy over the idea of having many (girl)friends this time, right?

I looked over at Irina, "Um, Irina?" she looked over at me and tilted her head, "Well, do you wanna come over to my house after school? My mom would be pretty happy that I have a friend to spend my time with..." I trailed off as I saw Irina slowly start shaking from the hyperactive energy flowing through her body.

She started to nod her head vigorously, "Yesyesyesyes! I'll tell Mama when she comes to pick me up! We'll have so much fun!" she jumps onto me once again, pulling me into a death-grip of a hug once again. It was so tight that I thanked the fact that I was a Werewolf as a normal Human would've probably been choked out by her.

I wryly smiled once again and pried her off once again.

And thus started my first friendship in the world of Highschool DxD.

Gonna have a small-ish time skip next chapter, just to get the ball rolling~

Hope you enjoyed the chapter~!

Lazyycreators' thoughts
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