
I will not meet him

(Tara opened her eyes and immediately woke up, she looked around she was in a big room, it just looked like a castle. she was scared even more because the place where she was, was unknown to her then she tried to run from there but the room was locked)

Tara(shouted) : hello! I am locked here! please open the door, can you here me? gosh, where the hell I am?

(immediately 5 to 6 servants came there, they had a mark on their shoulder blade)

"Her grace, please come with us to get ready, our king wants to meet you"

Tara: firstly, tell me where I am?, secondly "I am not your queen, maybe you have mistaken", thirdly "who is your king? and why are you treating me like this?" and fourth "how can you kidnap me?"

"please don't be angry your Grace, you can ask your doubts to his majesty so please get ready"

Tara: oh! is it a maths class to ask doubts? I am being serious, you guys kidnapped me right! you answer me!

(bows) "sorry your Grace, please come with us to meet our king"

Tara: "OK then, I am not gonna come with you, tell your king to come to me, I am not going to get ready neither I am going to meet him, I am not interested in your king, please leave"

"but your Grace.."

"I said get..out.. "

(all the servants went out and they went to their king)

Tara: "wow! it feels so good to order others, and this place is so good! I loved it, but I am damn sure that their king is some kind of an old man, god! how will I escape?

( suddenly she heard the sound of boots, it sounded very majestic, she guessed it maybe their old king so she took a lamp and stood near the door and she took her position to hit that king, and the door opened, she immediately hit his head but something was weird, when she went closer she saw it was not an old king but he was a very young servant, before she could think anything suddenly the door came from backside and hit her head and Tara felt dizzy and fell down)

King: what kind of a weird creature this girl is? huh! never mind, I will take her to my room ( carries her and takes unconscious Tara to his room, places here on his bed then looks at her very carefully) how can you be my queen? No elegance, no good behavior, I think I have mistaken, better I will ask my parents, good idea!

(he calls his servant and orders him to call his parents and tell them that he has bought his queen. The servant goes and informs his parents and then they immediately came to see her)

to be continued...

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