
Dictionary to newcomers


First off, this is somehow needed because most of webnovel (QI) readers don't understand what is Fanfic or fan-fiction. So, here a copy paste from the results of my Google search for explaining basics for newcomers into webnovel and fan-fiction world.

First off, let's start with the basics.

fan fiction: A piece of writing about characters of which the author is a fan of, and in no way connected to the real writing or script.

fandom: The object of which someone is writing fan fiction for. Often TV shows, movies, books, comics, video games, etc.

crossover: A piece of fiction that incorporates two fandoms in the same plot:

The cast of Glee meeting Alvin and the Chipmunks.

pairing, ship: A pair of characters that are romantically involved, according to the author. Usually depicted with either a combination of the two names:


or combined with "x"s or "/"s:



OTP: Stands for "one true pairing." The ship one favors over all others.

fanfic, fic, ff: Numerous nicknames for a piece of fan fiction.

one shot: A piece of fiction that is only one chapter long; alternatively, a "two-shot" is two chapters long.

ficlet: A nickname for a piece that is usually short, but not as short as a one shot.

drabble: A piece of fiction that is short and usually repetitive, vague, and/or deep.

fluff: Romantic moments, often cute.

Disclaimer: 1) A declaration stating that you are not the owner of what you are writing for and are not trying to perform copyright infringement in any way. 2) A warning of something that is about to come, such as a new writing style, or an excessive amount of gore.

AU: Stands for "alternate universe". Often changes and manipulates key points in the fandom's world.

The worm hole from two seasons ago never opened and now the heroes are faced with new problems.

slash, yaoi: Slang for a guy/guy pairing.

femslash, yuri: Slang for a girl/girl pairing.

crack fic: Often a name for a piece of fiction that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, or is very random/crazy. Not meant to be taken seriously.

OC: Stands for "original character"; often created by the fan-author instead of the legal one.

R&R: Stands for "read and review".

WIP: Stands for "work in progress".

OOC: Stands for "out of character".

mpreg: Abbreviation for "male pregnancy".

smut, lemon: Slang for sex and/or sexual themes.

flame: Being intentionally mean or hateful towards someone's work, and not trying to improve it.

Well, by now I hope you've got it, and now you're ready to go out into the wonderful world of fan fiction and not make a fool of yourself! Hope I helped!

~Jill "Jillylou" Diamond


End or the copy paste.

I really wonder where you all came from before went to QI. Not your irl place, where you usually read webnovel, other original title and fanfic. Would love to know what are your preferences and hope before reading a title, maybe with the tag too.

Luft_Rausercreators' thoughts
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