
Who are you? (Part 2)

Without wasting any time, the three of us changed our clothes in an isolated room.

Our movements were hurried yet it remained quiet.

'Not bad.'

I said to myself while looking down at my clothes.

The [Level II] security uniform fitted snugly on my tall and lanky body. Turning my head to the side, the same could be said for Shin and River, who are nearly finished changing.

For the record, we were wearing perfectly fine clothing but for our infiltration plan to succeed, we needed to blend in perfectly. Especially since the Pheregor Household had their own order of things in their security.

To explain, [Level II] security guards wore different uniforms from [Level I] security guards for the sake of distinction. In this way, everyone can visibly tell if a security guard left his or her post.

[Level I] security is assigned to guard outside the mansion so their posts are only limited to the areas outside the mansion.

[Level II] security is assigned to guard the inside of the mansion so their posts are only limited to the interiors of the mansion.

Leaving their assigned posts is not allowed and if caught, the person will be eliminated immediately.

With the distinctive uniforms, Pheregor made it so that it would be visibly possible to tell if a [Level I] security tried to enter inside the mansion or if [Level II] tried to go outside the mansion regardless of their facial identity.

Tok. Tok.


My breath halted and I warily gazed at the door.


It opened and a man with completely white eyes poked his head inside.

"They're here."

Elliot said before poking his head back out and closing the door.

He didn't need to elaborate. It was obvious that the ones that arrived were the soon-to-be slave children and the [Level III] security guards.

'Finally, it's happening.'


Quickly, I turned to my side and gave River a knowing look. He nodded his head slightly and immediately left the room.


Clicking the lock on the door, I turned my head to look at Shin.

"What the hell?"

I paused, and a shocked expression slowly covered my face.

'What happened to him?'

Shin, who had been pale since earlier, stood on the side of the room with his hands on his stomach. Beneath him was a pool of clear liquid that I suspect to be sweat from nervousness.

Seeing this, a frown started to form on my face as I leaned in and whispered.

"Hey, stop being pale. That's River's role."

"What? Who's pale? Where?"


Ducking, I took a step back as Shin looked side to side with his arms moving everywhere like a paranoid idiot.

Realizing the situation, I couldn't help but curse internally.

'Shit. Isn't this worse than I thought? This is not good.'

Shin was too tense. And while I know it's good to be alert, if he keeps being anxious like this he'll faint halfway into our plan from exhaustion.

'I have to do something about this.'

Before I could say anything, Shin raised his hand as if to stop me.

"Huu. Huu. I'm fine. I'm not scared."

Shin, who said he wasn't scared, was rubbing his hands together and exhaling rapidly. He kind of reminds me of an introvert that was suddenly thrown in front of a crowd.

'What should I do? We can't keep moving if he's like this.'

Looking up, numerous ideas filled my head. Out of all of them, I went with the easiest one which was to distract him.

"Hey, Shin."


This time, though he stuttered, Shin didn't move around like he was fending off bees after hearing me call his name.

While making sure his eyes were focused on me, I slowly pointed at the three dead bodies on the floor.

"Wanna see me do a puppet show using dead people? I'm really good at impersonating voices."

"What? No."


Shin looked at me like I had grown three heads or something. More sweats covered his forehead which concerned me more.

'I don't think it's working.'

Shaking my head, I decided to change my plan from 'distract' to 'words of encouragement.'

"Ahem, I get that you're nervous."

"I'm not."

He answered immediately while trying hard not to sound defensive, albeit failing miserably.

I shrugged.

"Look, don't worry if we fail in our plan. Though we might die, we can be proud that we didn't die as fast as them."

"What the hell?"

"Ahem, nothing."

'Really, I don't think I'm good at calming people down.'

Awkwardly looking at the growing puddle of sweat beneath Shin's feet, I decided to do the third and most effective way I thought.

'I'll just calm him down by force.'

Nodding to myself, I went to Shin and placed a hand down his shoulder.



"Calm the fuck down if you don't want to die."

"What the hell?"

Shin flinched. His nervous eyes focused and he gazed at me with an expression full of doubt and disbelief.

"Dark-san, tell me if I'm wrong about this."

"Wrong about what?"

"Are you trying to cheer me up?"

"What? No. Why would I cheer you up? I'm not a cheerleader."

Shin opened his mouth to say something but I ignored him.

Removing my hand on his shoulder, I quickly turned around and walked to the other side of the room where a fairly big closet stood.

'That's a good place.'

"Shin, let's put the bodies there."


Shin answered with a comparably calmer voice than earlier. After that, both of us started dragging the three dead bodies into the closet.

I made Shin do all the hard work since I can't lift any heavy things with my weak arms. As for me, I wasn't watching idly either.

While Shin placed the dead bodies in the closet, I wiped the traces of blood on the floor.

"Huu. That's about it."

Smiling, I looked at the spotless floor that did not have a drop of blood.

"I'm also done here."

Shin said.

I turned to look at him and saw that the closet was open and inside it was three dead bodies.

"Good job."

"Well, it was easy-"

Suddenly, Shin stopped talking.

Tension quickly rose in the air as his nose twitched and his eyes became rooted to the door.

"Shin, what's wrong?"

"Shh. Someone's coming."

Not a second after he finished talking, the door opened.


And a person entered, one with completely white eyes. It was none other than Elliot.

'Oh shit, that scared the hell out of me.'

But my relieved face quickly turned serious when I noticed that he came alone. River, who had left together with him, was nowhere to be found.

Please tell me if I am dumping information so I can adjust the amount of information I place in a chapter based on the majority's preference.

CooCooNotcreators' thoughts
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