
The System & YunYun Gets Sick

That was probably the greatest gift I could ever get as a birthday gift was my system finally unlocking.

And not just any system, it was THE system, a system that rewards me from doing anything, and I mean anything, I could literally do nothing for the rest of my life and I could passively gain points from just living out my life.

Though I won't really get that many points from doing nothing, but when I do anything I get points, training and working out gets me points, helping people and improving my relationships…. Even just seeing certain women gives me points as well, probably because of the scumbag subsystem if I had to guess and I'd probably get more points if I do pervy things to them.

Maybe I would do that if I was interested in them, but most are too chunni for my tastes, though Sokketo Oneechan is starting to bud into a beautiful young girl even though she is only 10 right now.

Now before anyone says anything I will say this even though I have lived two lives before I know that being a kid and enjoying yourself as much as you can is great so even though I should be more mature for my age, sometimes I am, I just want to live like a kid again.

I could go off and do quests and go to other worlds even, but I don't have a clue which ones I should go to yet.

(Based upon hosts age and level of power there is a limited number of worlds that host can go to)

(Suggestions) Rank F (Least Dangerous) to Rank S (Very Dangerous)

(Dragon Ball (Kid Goku Era)) Rank C

(Dr. Stone) Rank F

(One Piece (Pre-East Blue Saga)) Rank D

(My Hero Academia (Middleschool)) Rank D

(Promised Neverland) Rank B

There are a few others but most of them are basically death sentences to me at my current level for the time being, especially that last one I showed, I could take down a demon if it's one on one but a group? No.

"Man I'm glad my son got me into anime for a couple years before I died so I know what most of these worlds are about, though others I've never heard of before…."

(Devilman Crybaby) Rank S

(Akame Ga Kill) Rank S

(Attack on Titan) Rank S

(Flip Flappers) Rank A

(Campione) Rank A

(Twin Star Exorcist) Rank A


And another thing about worlds I go to is that no matter how much time passes in the other world only a day will pass in mine, same will be said for the worlds I visit making it only a day will pass in those worlds unless I want time to keep moving in them.

I can even make gates that connect worlds that my friends can cross if they want as well.

"This thing is really convenient after all, I have free reins to do anything and be anything I want."

"Although it sucks that the Quest Functions are still locked for the time being or else I would be able to get more points and maybe some rewards as well by now from doing things." Though while I was looking at this I was still training like before with both my sword and shield which had become a summonable shield as well along with my sword and turning it into my original buckler shield from my past life.

"Oniichan! Cmon! Let's go play at Megumins place again!" YunYun says taking out of my training to play.

"Alright, let's go then." I say making my weapons go away and following her to Megumins.

I can think what to do and where to go on a later date, and how to convince YunYun and Dad to let me go 'camping' for a day on my own.



It's been a two weeks since then, and well it hasn't been going that well on the whole camping front since dad thinks I'm too young to go out and camp in the woods by myself even if the camp is close to the village.

Reason being there are dangerous monsters in the forests around the village even if they are taken care of by the adults most of the time.

So the whole go to another world thing will need to be put on hold for the time being.

On the downside is that YunYun has gotten sick with a really bad fever, worse Dad and Doc are out of the Village for a few days and I can't leave her side to go get a cure potion so I'm low on options.

And when I say bad, I mean extremely bad, like it's a high enough fever that it's life threatening that I had to fill our bath with cold water and put her in to try and cool her down.

Why don't you just buy medicine from the system shop? Well yeah I could do that, thing is YunYun has good memory so I'm worried that even if she's sick she'll remember me just pulling the medicine out of thin air and pester me about it, I don't want to tell her about the system yet until we're older.

"Damnit Ryuu! Think! What can I do to help YunYun?!" I say to myself quietly while I do everything to cool off YunYun.

"Nii…. Chan *Cough Cough*"

"Don't talk YunYun, just relax in the water and cool off, Niichan will make you all better okay?"

"Ok…. Niichan *Cough Cough*" The water is cooling her off but only so much.

"If only I knew healing magic!" I say as I clench my fist, but then I have an epiphany, back in my life as Mandricardo along with my friends we had a healer in our party who could heal all of our injuries whenever we got seriously hurt or even poisoned, she was even good at healing people from sickness as well.

Getting this idea I summon up the Authors Pen along with the note pad that comes along with it that changes reality based upon what I write on it with the pen.

'Mandricardo can use Medea (Lily) Noble Phantasm Pain Breaker.'

After writing that down it disappears and is locked away until next year, I then summon a staff from nowhere, Medea's Staff, it was taller than me with a metal shaft, with three wooden circles for the top, with one large circle on top of a smaller one with a smaller one inside the larger one making it look like a crescent moon interior.

"Niichan?" YunYun says confused seeing me summon a staff she's never seen before, but she did notice I summoned the pen so I must have just made it up just now.

I smile, "Don't worry YunYun, Niichan is gonna heal you up right now." I say before I begin to focus my magic through the staff.

"May it become a world where no one can hurt others and no one can be hurt..." I say as I focus all the magic in me to the staff before waving it before her.

"Pain Breaker!" And soon some magical dust floats through the air and lands on YunYun before a light surrounds her before slowly disappearing before my eyes.

And soon enough she looks completely fine which just brings a smile to my face, "Feel better YunYun?" I say as I pat her head.

"I feel great Niichan! Better than before getting sick even!" She said excitedly.

I just smile before rubbing her hair, "Good then, well dry yourself off and get dressed, but your still gonna have to rest for the rest of the day though okay?"

"Okay Niichan, but why did you use the pen to give you that ability? Because I know you don't use healing magic at all." She said confused why I did that even though she knows that it takes a year before I can use it again.

"Because then I can heal anyone in need from now on, you know just in case, now wipe yourself down and get dressed alright?"

"Okay!" And with that I leave her be and sigh with relief that this incident is over.



In a certain nobles house within the Kingdom.

"Mama…." A young girl with long blonde hair says as she sits by her bedridden mother with tears in her eyes.

The Doctor is looking over her vitals before shaking his head, "There's nothing I can do, my medicines will only be able to delay the illness but not get rid of it completely…" he says sadly to the man of the household.

"Is there nothing we can do to save here?" He says as he clenches his hands hard enough for him to draw blood.

The doctor just shakes his head, "I'm the one of the best in my field, this disease your wife has, has no cure yet…. Though there have been rumors going around about some miracle child in the Crimson Demon Village that can heal all wounds, but I doubt it since it's the Crimson Demons after all…." He says while shaking his head before putting his medical instruments away and leaving the medicine for her before taking his leave.

His daughter just goes up to her father before hugging his waist with tears in her eyes, he just pats her head before turning to one of his attendants, "Go find out if these rumors are true or not, if they are, bring that Miracle child here to help my wife." The attendant just nods before leaving.

"If it's true and he can save my wife's life, he'll have the gratitude of the Dustiness Household!" He says while patting his 10 year old daughters head, Lalatina.

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