
Fire Mountain Pt. 1

After dealing with Oolong and saving the girls he had taken for himself, we left after getting the 6 star dragon ball now all we got to do is find 2 more and we can summon the dragon to grant our wish.

"Hey Goku?"


"I should tell you more about sayians, besides your tail there's other things that make Saiyans stronger than normal humans."

"Oh really? Like what?"

"Well for one thing Saiyans have limitless potential."

"Limitless potential?" x2

"That's right, meaning if you keep training you'll just keep getting stronger and stronger by the day, legend has it that when one becomes strong enough all you have to do is wave your hand and you can topple the largest of mountains." I'm under selling it of course but I don't want him to get to big of a head, but I doubt he will.

"Wow! That's sounds amazing!"

"That kinda sounds scary though…" (Bulma)

"It can be, but Goku is a good kid and he wouldn't do anything that put innocent people in danger after all right?"

"Yeah! My grandpa also told me that I should always be kind to people and try to find the good in everyone!"

"Your grandpa was a good man, but you should know that some people in this world are completely irredeemable and are rotten to the bone, no matter what you say or do will change them, and so for the benefit of the world we have to take them down for good."

"Ohh… but I don't want to kill anybody though…"

"I know Goku, but there will come a day where a powerful enemy will come and try to kill everyone you care about, whether it's us, or the friends you make in the future." I say looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"But you don't have to worry about that kid, something like that probably won't happen till we're older."

"Well I hope so…"

"It looks like will have to pass through the desert to get to our next Dragon ball." Bulma says looking at the dragon radar and seeing we have to cut across it.

*Damn… I thought there was a way where we could get away from wolf boy and not have to deal with him, though I'll deal with him and not Goku this time.*

"Alright let's get through this place then, though I think we need a car that's better for going over the sand dunes." I say hoping out of the car along with everyone else.

Bulma clicks a button and the car turns into a dynacapsule which she puts away before pulling out a new capsule and throws it to make a dune buggy before we all hop back in and speed off into the sands.



"Ryuu I think we should set up camp for the night." Bulma says as the sun begins to set.

"Alright, let's find a spot to set up camp and get dinner ready for the night, tomorrow will keep heading off to the next dragon ball…. Wait… someone is following us…" I say as I notice through my rear view mirror that in the distance a hover car is chasing after us.

"You think their just going through the desert like us?" (Goku)

"I doubt it Goku the only people that live out here are the desert bandits I've been hearing all about recently…" Bulma says nervously but I just grab her hand.

"It'll be fine I'll take care of them, after all I haven't even gotten a chance to show off my skills yet now have I?" I say with a grin as I look at her causing her to blush before I make the buggy drift to a stop before getting out.

"Goku, keep Bulma safe alright? I'll leave Nero and Chulainn here just in case there are more bandits that show up." I say as I summon them both up from the spirit plane.

"Man it's hot out here…." Chulainn says airing out his shirt.

"Umu, this reminds me of the days when I visited Egypt when I was still alive."

"Where is this Egypt?" Bulma asks as she has never heard of that place before, but before Nero can answer I cover her mouth.

"I'll explain everything about myself and my origins when we get the dragon balls, but until then you'll just have to wait okay?"

"…. Hmph! You know I don't like that your keeping secrets from me." She said looking at me with a side long glance.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that it's, complicated to explain okay? But I promise after we're done here I'll explain everything okay?" I say reassuring her.

"…. Fine, you have your reasons after all…" *plus it does make him cooler that he's a bit mysterious in my eyes after all…* she thinks with a blush coming across her face.

I just smirk at that, *Whistle!* "Brigliadoro! Let's go!" I say as I hop on my horse and start speeding off towards the bandit that's still chasing after us.

"Oh he's so dreamy!" (Bulma)

"Umu, Ryuu does play the knight role very well." (Nero)

"Tch, why does he get to have all the fun, I haven't been able to do anything lately." (Chulainn)

*Growl* "Man, I'm getting pretty hungry…" Goku says before he sits down to save his energy for when he need it.

Not long after setting off I came across the bandit in his hover car and stop before him as he and his pet(?) jump out as well.

"Well, well, well? What do we have here? A real knight in shining armor? What are you here to stop me?" The man who appears in his teenage years says as he hops out of his hover car while resting his left hand on his scabbard.


"Yes, a knight whose here to kick your ass, luckily for you my girlfriend is watching, so today I'm gonna let you live after I'm done with you." I say materializing my wooden sword and holding it over my shoulder.

"Oh is that so? You seem very confident I see." He says as he starts to strike a fighting pose as he gets ready to fight.

"I am Yamcha, the desert bandit! And when I'm done with you I'll be taking everything you have!" He says with absolute confidence.

I grin as I kneel and put the tip of my blade into the sand, "And when I'm done with you, you won't be getting out of bed for a week or two." I say with a grin before I activate one of my skills.

"Armor of the Nine Worthies." And soon enough a orange aura wraps around my body for protection as a red aura covers my sword as I stand back up.

"I don't know if using one of my skills on you is over kill, but I need a test dummy after all." I say after I stand back up cracking my neck.

"Grr! Fine then! If your so confident take this then!" He shouts before he does a breakneck sprint towards me, as he runs at me a shadow of a wolf.

"Wolf Fang Fist!" He shouts as he lunges at me for the attack, but…

"Your too slow…" I say as I easily dodge him, now his attack was fast and most people wouldn't be able to dodge it, but me being at lvl 32 I'm one of if not The strongest person on this planet currently, though that depends on how tough both Master Roshi and Ox King really are before that's a definite answer.

Yamcha would be something like Lvl 15 if I had to guess and Goku currently is some where in the lvl 20's based upon how there fight was supposed to go.

And to clarify I'm not twice as strong as him, no I'm about his level squared in strength because levels aren't additive but multiplicative.

"What?!" He shouts surprised I easily dodged his Wolf Fang Fist.

"Let's end this." I say as I brandished my shield and smashed it across his head before sending a flying kick straight into his gut making him bend forward in pain.

I then grab him by his long hair and drag him over to his car before pulling his head back and slamming it into the hood of his car over and over.

"Yamcha!" The little creature shouts in fear as he watches his friend getting beaten to a pulp.

Finally his legs go slack as he loses consciousness before I grab him and throw him in his car and walk over to the terrified creature.

"Now I'm gonna say this to you to tell him when he gets up, don't come after us ever again, or else next time I won't be so nice and just leave him knocked out, got it?"

"Yes sir! Whatever you say sir!" The creature says as he nods his head rapidly.

"Good, now get out of my sight before I change my mind." And hearing that the little guy instantly starts up the hover car and speeds away into the distance.

(You have defeated Yamcha! 500xp & 250sp)

"Yeah that figures, I don't really get much from dealing with small fry's after all." I say as I look at my current xp, besides Yamcha we also dealt with some bandits when going off to meet Master Roshi on the beach after all.


Those bandits I fought before with everyone else didn't really give much and Yamcha gave much more than any normal bandits, but then again I only came to this world to meet and become friends with Goku and make a wish on the Dragon Balls after all, I'll help deal when the Saiyans down the line and all of that but for now I'm just here to have fun not really to get stronger, well besides the wish thing after all.

"Let's go Brigliadoro!" I shout as I get back on my horse and head back off to my friends so we can go off and set up camp for the night.

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