
Welcome to the DCU

Author: Emmanuel_1_A
Anime & Comics
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Woke up with the 12 talismans from jackie chan adventures and some weird books in the DC universe. Mc will be a hero but will also kill. English is not my first language.(3rd) If you see any mistakes point them out I’ll fix it. Mc will have 2 wives no more. One of them will be Diana of themyscira the other is undetermined. I appreciate all feedback. 1 chapter every 2 days I don’t own anything apart from my ACCs

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Mc pov

" the fuck"

" the fuck"

" What the fuck"

I look around left and right. Observing my surroundings trying to see where the fuck I am. It's dark and I can see street lights on at the other side of the road from where I am. So it's obviously night time. I also took notice of the lack of cars going by and the fact that it was very quiet, so it was pretty late in the night. To the right there is dumpster against a wall and I got to say this shit smells like ass. I looked around more and came to the conclusion that I am in some alleyway, behind me there is a wall, so that's a dead end!!. To my left however there is a door that leads most likely to a restaurant or some type of food shop cuz they probably own the dumpster to my right that's giving of the shit, fishy, ass smell.

Bear in mind this whole time I hadn't stood up but rather was sitting down. One of the things the drill into you before joining the special forces is to never stand up abruptly when you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment.

I took a deep breath to orientate myself and dive into my memories to try and figure out how the fuck I ended up here.

The last thing I remember is coming out of tesco and making my way back to my car. I remember wanting to get some groceries after work because I had nothing left at home. I also remember parking my car across the street because there was no space in the parking lot. I started crossing the road when the light went green and…. And …..


I got hit by a fucking truck. Yes It's all coming back to me now. I was in the middle of the road the light was still green, heard beeping to my right turned and bam darkness. Next thing I know I woke here.

Quickly checking my self over for any injuries only to find that I'm completely fine. No blood, no wounds, no bruises and no new scars. I was completely fine, after a fucking truck ran me the fuck over.

I've always considered my self a calm and reasonable person, but right about now I'm starting to shit myself a little. I mean what the fuck kinda situation is this. And to make it worst I still don't know where the fuck I am.

I took a minute to take some deep breaths and try to calm down but that didn't really work. Finally I decided to get up and take a look around the street to try and find out my general location. Just as I stood up straight, I was assaulted by the most horrendous pain imaginable and that says something as I've been put through a lot of physical during my time in the army. The pain was so bad it felt like my head was going to split in half. It was so bad my legs buckled underneath me sending me right back to ground. It was so bad that no sound would come out of my mouth when I tried to scream.

My head was quite literally been stuffed with information. Images and weird sounds that I somehow understood were being played in my head. It hurt so much that I wanted to just pass out. I was never religious but I prayed to whatever god or gods existed to make it stop, of course that did jack shit.

After what felt like hours of pure torture. It finally stopped and was drenched in sweat. I just laid there huffing and puffing and trying to make sense of the fuck load of information that has been crammed into my mind.

According to it

in the beginning before existence, there was nothingness, the endless and absolute void known as προ ύπαρξης translating to pre-existence. From the great void came the BIG THREE.

Y'SHUA. The all mighty.

CHAOS. The great Lady of Nothingness.

AZATHOTH. The Supreme holder.

Their birth spark the great flames of existence leading to the appearance of

AYINNT, the Great Beast.

AEUNN, the Lord of Infinity.

and SHUSHHA, the Lady of Silence.

And so with them the void no longer was the void for it now was no longer truly empty.

The six went around doing as the pleased. Until Y'SHUA now proclaimed as THE PRESENCE, began creation. Filling the nothingness with an uncountable number of worlds because he no longer liked it's stillness. Something the other five did not take well. Especially AZATHOTH, CHAOS and AYINNT. So they began destroying them.

Y'SHUA, on the other hand, was still intent on continuing with creation. Wanting to show the rest that they did not have to be the only ones in existence. But They nevertheless continued with their destruction. Of course the Almighty's patience was not unlimited. So he decided that even if it meant going against all of his "siblings" he will populate the emptiness.

SHUSHHA, the Lady of Silence, after a while began disliking the empty nature of the emptiness too and so sided with THE PRESENCE and began aiding him in creation.

With him now no longer being alone he declared war against AZATHOTH, CHAOS , and AYINNT. Excluding AEUNN for he never took part in destruction. Thus began the battle of Creation and destruction.

A truly indescribable, unexplainable , and unfathomable war between the most powerful beings in existence. THE PRESENCE and SHUSHHA, despite their infinite might, were still at a disadvantage when faced with three equally powerful beings at the same time, but somehow managed to hold out long enough for the unexpected betrayal of CHAOS of her side and her subsequent switching of teams. None know the reason behind her choice but it was the key to turning the tides of the war.

THE PRESENCE with the aid of CHAOS confronted AZATHOTH, managing to defeat and imprison him in the deepest part of the emptiness also know as the ABYSS. All the while SHUSHHA intercepted and prevented AYINNT from joining and assisting AZATHOTH. With AZATHOTH now out of the picture THE PRESENCE came up with the plan of separating AYINNT into many pieces and banishing them into many different realms that he created especially for her imprisonment. These realms will then go on to become the many different hell realms, one of which holding the largest piece is the famous HELL ruled by Lucifer.

With the banishment of AYINNT, the war of creation and destruction finally came to an end. THE PRESENCE proceeded to fill the emptiness with as many creations as he could and then created the HEAVEN realm were he welcomed his allies and AEUNN who remained neutral throughout the entire war. They all accepted his invitation and hence made HEAVEN there home. Fostering peace.

The presence then proceeded to use his light to creat life and had them populate the different levels of HEAVEN. The angels.

CHAOS seeing this grew interested and decided to dabble in creation as well wanting to creat life of her own. This action was the catalyst that began straining the relationship between she and THE PRESENCE because she intruded upon his domain.

None the less using the essence of the emptiness she created the abstract representations of existence, ultimately known as the first PRIMORDIALS-DESTINATION Gali, NIGHT Nyx, DARKNESS Erebus and TIME Chronus.

Having had enough THE PRESENCE confronted her regarding her actions threatening to start another the Great War, but at the end the came to an agreement for a war between them would definitely result in the destruction of their creations.

They came to the conclusion that CHAOS would have her creations bound by the rules of creation set by THE PRESENCE hence splitting their consciousness infinitely and having them placed in the infinite universes in the form of avatars in order to maintain the great balance of the multiverse. Tho they could rejoin if it were ever necessary.

And so the threat of war was avoided.

After some eons and the rebellion of lucifer in heaven the GREAT ONES came to know of the destructive nature of life and decided to come together under the leadership of THE PRESENCE to creat THE SYSTEM. A metaphorical code etched into existence to keep life in check, maintain order and further populate the multiverse with life forms. A system that will be maintained by the archangels, the primordials and the newly created entities known as THE ENDLESS. - Death, Delirium, Desire, Despair, Destiny, Destruction, and Dream.

With the system now having appropriate managers the GREAT ONES started existing the stage. THE PRESENCE retired to his timeless palace closed to all in the deepest part of heaven. CHAOS AND SHUSHHA went into eternal sleep never to be seen again. And AEUNN created the ETERNAL LIBRARY also known as the Akashic records and locked himself within never to come again. And so they left the multiverse in the hand of their creations, the ANGELS blessed with eternal life for the cannot procreate, the first PRIMORDIALS not blessed with eternal life but with immortality and the ability to reproduce which later on leads to the birth of the second generation PRIMORDIALS such as MAGIC, FIRE and LOVE. The ENDLESS and finally Lucifer The first DEVIL. Altogether known as


And so creation thrived in the peace of the cosmos. The SYSTEM ensure the birth of new life under the rules set by THE PRESENCE. The first to be born were the TWELVE ZODIACS entities not far from the ENDLESS in nature but still no where near. They were the first beings not born as singular entities as each universe within the multiverse had it's own different and unique ZODIAC. This was a sign that from then on all else will be born as separate. They were also ironically the first recluse as they simply liked living in isolation removing themselves from the ongoings of the ever filling universes. After them came the CREATION GODS. The likes of RÀ the sun, GAEÀ the natural and the hidden, URANUS, BRAHMA, BORÏ and many more. They were tasked with bringing the first MORTALS into existence. MORTALS are beings of lower existential power. They are born with no set purpose and hence free to do as they please, however though their lives are not planned out their ultimate end is already prerecorded within the book of DESTINY.

The birth of the MORTALS brought an unexpected change to the multiverse as with them came a new energy one that flowed through their souls and into the cosmos in waves. THE KEEPERS at the time were left wandering what they should do about the situation, but it seems all was foreseen by the GREAT ONES. as the energy, later title as fate energy became the bridge that joined some of the smaller immaterial realms to the material universe. Allowing for the eventual children of the elder gods to gain powers of their own. Children born with no pre set purpose but with regulations nonetheless. THE GODS. Such as ODIN,ZUES,AMATERASU, FULUT and many more.

Following the birth of the gods the cosmos continued to progress under the guidance of the system and THE KEEPERS. life grew stronger with the passage of time through the process of evolution. Until the peace thought to be everlasting was abruptly destroyed with


THE GREAT DISASTER came about with the appearance of the rift. It became apparent that AZATHOTH. The Supreme holder, was in fact not just taking his eternal imprisonment quietly, no he was dabbling in the power of creation himself. Using unknown means to realise Beings of pure destruction. Malice incarnate. and pure evil into existence.


Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu,

Shub-Niggurath and many more. These outer gods then proceeded to create an immense army of endless evil known as THE EVILS lead by their many children


Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh,Malice and many more.

The rift itself came about when AZATHOTH wore down the seal that imprisoned him in the ABYSS.

As soon as it was formed he had some of his creations who could fit through it cross over into the multiverse, tasking them to corrupt his enemies creations hence weakening his seal from both sides, speeding up his escape.

Immediately finding out about the situation

THE KEEPERS took actions hunting down

THE EVILS and erasing them from existence. However it is a task the found immensely difficult as the evils are somehow able to hide themselves in the shadows of existence itself and influence the rules of creation set by

THE PRESENCE to weaken the seal.

THE KEEPERS were forced to leave the evils who had already manage to come through and rather stop any others from doing the same. Eventually they managed to temporarily halt the enemy's movements and went out in search of their creators to seek aid, but that inevitably failed. The great library couldn't be located the two ladies couldn't be found let alone awaken and

THE PRESENCE remained unreachable.

The forces of the other side could not be halted for ever and so THE KEEPERS decided to find away to buy enough time in order to come up with a solution for the problem. THE LANDS BETWEEN. THE KEEPERS took one of the many infinite realms created by THE PRESENCE and placed it upon the seal hence separating it and creation. A realm the evils and the daemons would have to travel through before reaching creation. This also allowed

THE KEEPERS to fight the outer gods and keep the truly powerful daemons from crossing the rift.

But of course no plan survives first contact. It became apparent that when does of the other side gather in one place in THE LANDS BETWEEN they are able to punch a hole through it and easily escape it. At first this was not a major problem as THE KEEPERS could still spare the effort to annihilate them before they ever reach the appropriate numbers. But ones again a problem arose. AZATHOTH himself used his power to widen the hole even more. Though this sent him into a deep slumber it nevertheless allowed more of his more powerful creations to cross the seal this inevitably meant THE KEEPERS had to focus more of their efforts on the frontlines.

Yo make maters worse the enemies influence on the mortals had caused creation to go into turmoil and destruction. To counteract this virus

THE SYSTEM initiated the purge erasing 99% of all mortals from existence, pushing life back to the beginnings.

Even though this eased the pressure on the seal the problem within the lands between was still very present. At some point it was suggested to designate a specific group tasked to eliminate the EVILS and insuring that they do not congregate.

But the question was who to task with this sacred duty. It could not be the ZODIACS for they were incapable of handling the task despite their great power due to their very nature. It could not be the ELDER GODS as they were already tasked with creating and maintaining life. And it could not be the GODS either for they only had power within the universe they were born in and would lose it all as soon as the exit it. THE KEEPERS were once again back to square one until once again the unexpected happened. A piece of will with no thought of it's own left behind by THE PRESENCE in THE SYSTEM personally created the first man on all GAEÀs across the multiverse.

And so the story of Adam and Eve ensued. None were allowed to interfere with their existence for they were the first mortals born without a pre set purpose and a pre set ending. The snake that ultimately tempted Eve was In fact one of the many Daemons that escaped the seal at the beginning of the rift.

Having broken the rules set by "God" the will left behind by THE PRESENCE, it followed its objective and destroyed Adam and Eve all the while keeping key parts of their souls on the earth or GAEÀ. Following this the elder gods used does parts to creat the first humans well involved monkeys at the time. Nonetheless evolution continued until the time human civilisation began when Prometheus giving man fire.

Seeing the immense potential within the humans which came about due to the parts of the souls of Adam and Eve GOD kept on earth THE KEEPERS decided that they would be the ones to receive the great task. But humans had no powers of their own. Even with the blessing placed upon them by the gods they were still truly weak. Even when the second generation PRIMORDIAL MAGIC blessed them with her gift it was still not enough. Luckily however THE ZODIACS came and offered to sacrifice their powers and their very own essence to grant 1 human the power needed to fulfil their sacred task, and all they wanted in return was for their chosen forms to be forever remembered. And so in exchange for their forms to be seen in the stars from some point in the universe the turned themselves into the twelve talisman and linked all the talismans in all the infinite universes in which they exist to form the web.

In every era there would always be one human born with no pre set purpose and no pre set destiny just like Adam and Eve. It is that humans responsibility to then carry out the task carried out by his ancestors before him, the previous ZODIACs.

That brings us back to the present. To the very alleyway our mc found himself in. To the very mc who is to take on the mantle of the next


Mc PoV

I'm royally FUCKED.



It's all the ZODIACS across all universes in the multiverse that made the sacrifice.

Mc doesn't know about Jackie Chan Adventures, eleden ring or Warhammer.

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RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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