
Chapter 1: Welcome Home

It's been 3 years since I have visited my mom after the circus incident.

I bet your wondering what is the "Circus Incident" well let me tell you. My little brother Tommy was having his 4th birthday at the circus, he loved balloon animals, the fresh smell of popcorn, and his favorite thing in the world was tha cotton candy, So we arrived at The Circus at like three o'clock, man was he happy the first thing he said to me when we got there was, "I love you," so we went got some cotton candy but when we were getting out food this weird clown was standing and staring at us just lurking in the shadows, at first I thought nothing of it, until I saw him again and again, so I'm pissed cause theres a clown stalking, So I walked up to him and confronted him and said "Hey bub you have a fucking problem." He didnt answer he looked at me Grunted and walked away, it was very confusing on what happend but I didnt care because, I had gotten rid of him but I turned around....and my brother was gone.

"TOMMY", I went around yelling and I could not find him I waited for the park to close and still nothing my heart was racing and my mind was all over the place, I could not sleep so I took so melatonin and relaxed.

The Next day at like six o'clock, they had found my brother, Finger cut off and him laying on the side of a road dead.

I Broke down in tears.

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