

"I can teleport us out to the part of the wasteland where me and Jericho first landed here."

Cera has the ability to fold space to her will, she can instantly travel to anywhere she's ever been before.

"That'll cut our travel time in half at least, but we'll still have a ways to go until we reach the gateway to Neodeka."

Sadako is the only one who has been to the gateway from Jigoku. She is leading the charge, navigating through the desert.


They arrived at the outter wall of the Kingdom Of Flames. Only something was unusual, the wall was caved in at the left side of the Kingdom. It was massively devastated. Crumbled pieces of the wall were spread all over the ground.

Hundreds of starving rabid beasts and monsters were rushing inside the now open kingdom. They were feasting on the flesh of their closest victims, screams could be heard from within the city.

"We could get involved…But…You see, I'd rather not."

Avery threw his hands down ready to rage quit right then.

"We're jumping on that train too, right Cera?"

Jericho is quick to flock to the safest chain of action.

"That depends on what Evan's doing…"

"What do you think Sada?"

"I think we should tread carefully…I feel a strong presence coming our way."

Everyone suddenly tensed up as a man came crashing down from the sky like a comet. His landing sent sand clouding into the air which obstructed everyone's sight. A voice called out through the dusty settling air.

"I suggest you all surrender peacefully before this gets violent, my strength alone will overwhelm you."

"Are you insane?"

Sadako forced a powerful surge of telekinesis causing the man to blow back into the distance. Like a sandstorm he sped back in the blink of an eye. His red hair whipped through the wind, he wore black face paint and crudely spiked armor.

"I tried to warn you."

A crushing force pushed his opponents to the ground as if the gravity of a black hole was suddenly placed on top of them. Their breaths cought short as they were gasping against the pressure.

"Wha- what is this?"

While squirming against the blazing hot desert sand they were wrapped up in the arms of the undead. Seemingly appearing from nowhere the zombies had taken them captive. They struggled to gain the upper hand to no avail as the man slowly walked towards them.

They were utterly helpless in the situation.

"Who are you?"

Sadako was the first to speak to this mysterious red bearded man.

"I am The Dark Chimera, I am of the gods, know my name as I etch it into history, I am one that will never be again, for I will become a living legend."

"No…it cant be… you are…Jesshira?!"

Cera is frighten to the point that she began to speak in whispers as if her voice was stolen from her.

"Jesshi-wha? Who's that?"

Avery was in a daze of confusion.

"The reincarnation of the dark lord Anubis. That is me."

Jesshira raised a hand, immediately afterward the zombies began marching into the heavy gravitational field. Their consciousness was forced into a state of submission.


"This…This right here you see? This was NOT supposed to happen."

Avery was outraged as they woke up chained in a dark dungeon.

"Hey, we're all in this together man okay?"

Evan tried to lighten the situation.

"Yeah, 'in this together' that's nice and all…but there's a freakin' monster trying to eat me here…No, seriously though is somebody tryin' to help a homie out? My life is at stake no biggie...take your time…GAHHH HE'S GONNA EAT ME!!!"

Jericho was in tears as a rabid 10 foot tall troll was grasping at his feet. Everyone was chained in a circle. In the middle of that circle was the troll. It wore a metal collar that was chained by its neck. That chain was just barely long enough to reach anyone within the cold musky dungeon.


A thud as the giant head of the creature smashed against the cold brick stone. Lyran had used her scythe to cut it off. A volcanic eruption of blood sprayed from it's decapitated corpse, drenching everyone in the disgusting steamy hot slimy liquid guts.


Cera whined about the stench of death covering them now.

"Sorr-EH?! -Gahhh!!!-"

Lyran's body was lit up with some sort of glowing marks that seemed to be constricting her all of a sudden. Roman numerals XIII appeared on her chest.

She seemed to be in pain as if she was suffocating.

"And there it is…That there is a curse that will stop any of you from using your powers, if you resist it too much you will die."

A mysterious woman's voice echoed through the darkness.

"Who is that? Who's there?"

"I am the Vampire General Rellik. You're all prisoners of war, we the Vampires have come to overthrow Goliath and his demon army."

Everyone's eyes went wide in response to those words.

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