

Dust blew over top of several square cubicle structures. Together they formed across the horizon cut cleanly edged around the sandy wastelands.

"Ohhhh thank-you finally, I almost thought it didn't exist!!!"

"Get up you fool, we got no problem leaving you behind yaknow."

Cera and Jericho were keeping up with their usual banter while Sadako and Evan stood side by side. Avery began walking first as they finally arrived at the outskirts of the town called Selina.

They had been traveling for nearly a month through the treacherous wasteland, battling monsters along the way. They had to stay on guard 24/7 in that time, though after their time on Neodeka this was something they were perfectly used to anyways.

Inside Selina was pretty similar to the kingdom of flames, though it was drastically different at the same time. Selina might as well have been another country. Everyone generally looked different they had a different air about them, almost like they were less stressed out more relaxed.

The first thing they did was go to get a nice glass of cold water at the closest restaurant.

"Ahhh. Now that was the best water I've ever had in my life."

Evan sighed out after quenching his thirst, everyone was sitting lined up at the bar drinking water. Meanwhile everyone else sitting at the bar was drinking alcohol giving funny looks towards Evan and his friends for just drinking water.

"No kidding, I'm ready for round two. Lay it on me."

Avery pulled out a bronze coin and layed in on the bar top.

"That money is worthless here you know."

The bartender had announced this news and suddenly Sadako, Evan and Avery went cold in the face.

"You guys have money don't you?"

Cera looked confused for a second as she asked.

A slight tension had filled the air as they realized that they were all completely broke in the event that Selina had it's own currency.


Jericho decided to scream this and bolt out the front door. This took Evan and the others by surprise as their eyes went wide. Evan laughed nervously while Sadako looked pissed off all of a sudden. Cera just looked totally amused, though the bartender wasn't happy at all.

"Either pay up or get out now!!!"

They all tensed up and got ready to leave but just as Evan had begun apologizing someone had gently laid down a paper bill.

"It's okay, I'll pay for them."

A familiar soft voice had rung through the restaurant. Evan turned around to see a beautiful blue haired girl standing behind him smiling warmly.


It had been so long since he had seen her. Lyran Ichihara looked a little bit older now and she had grown her hair out. Though there was no mistaking it was her the moment she smiled and waved.

"Hey Evan, Sadako…Cera. It's been a while…I'm so happy to see you're okay."

Tears began to fill her eyes for a moment, she had truly believed that all her friends had died. She was thankful to see that at least some of her friends were still alive.

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