
Goliath vs The Dark Chimera

"This is all the great King of Demons has to offer? I'm honestly disappointed."

Goliath grit his teeth and used his full strength to crawl outside of the zone of the immense gravity sphere. His wings dragging against the rough terrain became tattered and torn to the point that he could no longer fly until they have time heal.

"Your end is upon you King Goliath, its time to finish this foolish mascaraed."

"The only fool here is you!"

Goliath had crawled far enough to the front to incinerate Jesshira's entire body with fire shooting from his mouth. The Dark Chimera was reduced to mere ashes. Goliath had laughed at his former opponent scattering his ashes in the wind.

Goliath had turned for a split second believing he had been victorious. That was until he felt something hit the top of his head.

"You see, that would've worked if I didn't have the blood of the phoenix coursing through my veins. Now to continue where we left off all mighty Goliath."

Jesshira's ashes had gathered into the shape of his body, blood vessles formed around bones covered with muscle tissue, skin and hair. He had fully recovered without a single scratch on him. He jumped onto Goliath's head and stabbed a wooden stake into the dragon's skin.

This was wood from the underworld that Jesshira could use to summon an object to that realm. He flipped through the air and landed in the distance.

Goliath had been flailing around in attempt to destroy the undead soldiers that were appearing from the ground beneath him.

His huge claws swatted away the zombies, though more would rise in their place. The zombies began to tie him down with white bandages used to mummify the dead in ancient times.

A tomb of bones rose up with a violet aura. The zombies had wrapped the dragon and shoved him inside that tomb. An enormous stone lid was placed on top. King Goliath was left in pure darkness. The tomb began to descend towards the depths, Goliath could hear the moans of millions of the dead.

He knew that escaping the underworld would be nearly impossible for him.

An explosion erupted from deep within the ground sending dirt shooting through-out the sky. At the speed of an instant, Goliath flew out of the hole. He had reduced his size to that of a gargoyle.

"Since fire is useless against you, perhaps I'll cast you into a stone oblivion!"

The earth released a low rumble as a wave began to move through the area. Everything in sight was turned into pure concrete, including Jesshira. He had been frozen into a statue of a running man. The Dark Chimera was rendered helpless.

"You see, what you didn't know is that I can turn anything I see into stone. But, I can also permanently imprison you within this stone in a single touch, prepare to be trapped forever."

Goliath was walking towards Jesshira, once he cast his stone prison on him it would be over.

Suddenly, like a speeding bullet Damien rushed in while hitting Goliath like a freight train. His cape flowing behind him, Damien traded blows with Goliath. Every punch, every kick was blocked even though they were being thrown at blinding speeds. The power behind every swing caused a shock wave of impact strong enough to be heard from far away.

Damien knew he could only last but so long against an opponent this strong. He had only been trying to hold him off long enough to make his move. As soon as he found an opening he threw a small canister on the ground that shrouded the whole scene in a thick cloud of smoke. He had with him a respirator that allowed him to breath in the now smoldering atmosphere.

Damien found Jesshira kneeling on one knee, he was choking on the fumes. The lack of air had affected both Goliath and Jesshira in that moment. With this chance Damien and Jesshira had made their retreat back to the castle.

"That was a close call…I seem to have underestimated the Demon Lord."

"At this rate our chances at holding the castle will end in a matter of time…"

Rellik was eagerly awaiting their arrival from the war grounds. She had an urgent message to deliver Damien from their prisoners.

"My Lord…"

"Not now Rellik, we've just lost a battle to the King of Demons."

"I must insist, It's important that you listen…"

Rellik was trembling, this was the first time that she ever talked back to the Vampire Lord.

"The prisoners we put in the dungeon seem to have a connection to the Grim Reaper Kayako…They say they can set up for us to make a peace pact with them in exchange for territory in the Hollow Forest."

"Are you serious? How do you know if we can trust them?"

"About that…It seems one of them is my nephew. He's one of us by blood my Lord."

Damien had made his way down to the damp old dungeon to hear more of this proposition. If it was true then his people may finally be saved, they might have the chance to find peace again.

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