1 Chapter 1 Her parents separating.

The day starts with Alexia coming back from a holiday with her young brother,after a month finding her mother gone . Leaving her father bankruptcy with nothing. The mother left with her youngest brother. Immediately Alexia reached home she asked her elder brother "where is mom?"

"Mother has gone",responded Brian,Alexia's elder brother.

"What do you mean mom had gone? Where has has she gone and when is she coming back "? Alexia asked.

"can you calm down please, mom is not coming back,she has gone for good",said Brian.

"No you are lying thats a lie!" Screamed Alexia in tears. .. "Mom can not leave me and go she would never do such she loves and adores me so much. if she has left she would have taken me with her ". Alexia said

"it's true mother had gone, its now 3weeks since she left and she has not come back" said Brian.
