

Brown Hudgens stared long and hard at the exquisitely made invitation card infront of her and let out a long sigh. The invitation card came along with an old photo of her and her ex-boyfriend Kent Howards along with her ex-bestfriend Lacy Hill which had been taken in their early college years.

That particular photo brought back painful memories she wasn't ready to rehash but no matter how unwilling she was, her mind took her eight years back.

The fifteen years old Brown had been adopted by a couple who had all the best things life could offer except a child. Brown had always wondered why Cameron and Perla Hudgens had not adopted a younger or white child.

Finding herself in a high society without anyone to guide her properly, fifteen years old Brown found herself at loss as to how to fit in until she met Lacy Hill.

Brown had been taken with Lacy's bright blue eyes and beautiful blonde curls and unconsciously began to trust Lacy more than anyone. The first thing she learned from Lacy was that she was a princess and princesses did not mingle with people below her. The humble and kind Brown became haughty overnight not paying attention to anyone's advice.

Looking back, Brown always looked and acted like the typical wicked witch whilst Lacy always acted like a serene fairy. There were a lot of who tried to absolve Brown from under Lacy's influence and one such person was Alexis Williams.Brown took Alexis as a friend only because Alexis' parents were best friends with the Hudgens and also because Perla loved Alexis very much but what could one do when the person in question didn't want to be saved?

During their final year in highschool, Brown fell in love with Kent Howards,a lowlife delinquent who was the school hunk at the time. Brown thought it was going to be the fairytale story of the princess and the bad boy and failed to notice the fact that Kent was with her only for her money and nothing else. After Brown's twenty-second birthday she decided she wanted to marry Kent at all costs. Though Cameron and Perla were against the marriage because they felt Brown was inexperienced and because they didn't like Kent, they still had to grant Brown her wish.

Everything came crashing down on the eve of the infamous wedding when Brown caught Lacy and Kent in bed in her own apartment. Apparently,the two had been having an affair since highschool and were already engaged to be married and they only needed money from Brown's joint account with Kent after marriage  to seal the deal.

Being betrayed by the very people you loved and trusted the most can be very painful and especially experiencing this on the eve of what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Brown went through a psychological breakdown which almost cost her her life because she overdosed on drugs numerous times to curb the pain in her heart.

Cameron and Perla had no option than to admit her in the best rehabilitation center to get their only child back . Brown underwent a huge change in the center.

She learnt to be herself,she found hope and true friends and she finally gained a direction in life.

She snapped out of her reverie and placed the invitation card aside after which she resolutely reached for her phone.