
Chapter Two

After taking a relaxing shower, she changed into a grey jumpsuit and made a bee-line to her father's office. The guards bowed their heads in respect upon her arrival she nodded acknowledging them.

Riyana strolled into the office after seeking permission from the king," You have summoned me father", she rather stated, skipping the pleasantries.

"Yes, how are you my child? It has been a while since we had a private chat isn't it?" her father asked. The king was seated in his luxurious chair behind the huge mahoghony desk, piled up files; laptop and a name board occupied it, his name carved in elegant gold, King Magus Lupus.

Riyana resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she took a seat opposite to him, they live under the same roof and yet manage to avoid seeing each other unless for political reasons and it has never really bothered any of them, but still he pretends.

"May we get into the business?" she asked already getting bored of the conversation.

"You are going to start your journey tomorrow so I called you to handover the seal to you." ,he said as he handed her an envelope .She stared at the golden envelope in her hand, the word "Crescent" was elegantly etched in it along with the royal seal, the gravity of the situation started to weigh her down. She nodded at her father, murmuring a thank you as she stood up to leave.

"Anything else your majesty?" she asked before leaving.

"All the best." came his short reply.

She stared at him taken aback by his words, its not like he didn't wish well for her but he never bothered to express it,atleast it has been that way for the past few years.

"Thank you father." ,fwith that she left, gripping the envelope tight in her hands.


She stared at the royal seal etched on the envelope, she didn't dare to open the cover even though she very well knew what it is carrying, her fate.

Tomorrow she would start her journey, she had to travel to every pack under their control proclaiming her power as the next in order to the throne after her father, if any Alpha comes forward to object it then they would have to win a battle against the Royal Pack and the other packs under the control of their rule, this is a custom followed by every royal family across the globe.

There are totally six dynasties that rule the werewolf community.

Crescent Dynasty of North America,Poornima Dynasty of Southern Asia, Half Moon Dynasty of North Asian Territory, New Moon Dynasty of Africa, Gibbous Dynasty of South America and Mōna Dynasty of Europe.

Werewolves initially didn't have royals to command, they were bound by the loyalty towards their respective packs which were controlled by their Alphas .But in the early 11th century the Alphas began fighting each other waging war in the lust of power , trying to claim controll over other packs.This lead to massive bloodshed and destruction in both the werewolf and human community, almost threatening to expose the werewolf world to the humans causing the Luna to intervene. She made everyone succumb under her order, the ones who dared to disobeyed her were cursed to turn into the hideous demi human and wolf form and their mate bond was snapped. There were few who were not clouded by the lust for power and fought for harmony, their blood lines were crowned as royalties and rewarded control over the packs in their territory, any Alpha who decides to defy them has to face them in a battle.That terrific period was marked as the Era of Destruction in the werewolves history,it also marked the beginning of a new era.

She as the next heir to Crescent Dynasty has to travel to all the packs under their control and assume her power and reign over them. This is going to be a long journey, it may span over to a year or two.

She convinced herself all these years that she had accepted her fate and was ready to take over her responsibilities, but in reality she was still in denial, somewhere deep down she still wished things would have been different.

A notification from her mobile snapped her out of her thoughts, she sighed as she picked up her phone to check it. It was her Gamma Henry; he was going to accompany her to this trip, initially it was decided that Beta Sam would accompany her but due to the current situation with his mate she thought that he would be needed here the most,and hence the change in plan. Henry had messaged her to inform that all the arrangements for the journey have been made .

She looked around her office, she was really going to miss this place during the trip. She stood up to organize the place for one last time before leaving tomorrow. Stacking the files she has been working on neatly on her long glass desk,she shut down her laptop and packed it as she had decided to take it with her, just because she has to travel around it doesn't mean she had to abandon her other duties, even if she wanted to she can't. After arranging the golden cushions neatly on her pearl white sofa , arranging the coffee table and watering her bonsai's, she spent few moments with them, she felt calm whenever she interacted with her plants.

Riyana looked at the clock ,it was half past nine , she decided to call it a night.They have planned to start early tomorrow by sunrise and she was in a desperate need of some good sleep. She had never been on a road trip before ,but she very well knew that it was not something she would enjoy, especially when she has a man as stiff as a pole for a companion. Something tells her that this trip would be really longer and exhausting than she had estimated.


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