

The history teacher was a man who seemed to embody the perfect blend of wisdom and enchantment. He was a tall, lean figure with a straight posture that exuded authority. His hair, streaked with touches of silver, cascaded down to his shoulders, giving him an air of elegance and experience. His eyes, a deep shade of hazel, held a spark of curiosity and knowledge that seemed to peer into the depths of time itself.

He donned a tailored dark green suit, complemented by a black shirt underneath. The suit seemed to flow gracefully with each movement, as though it possessed a life of its own. When he spoke, his voice held a mesmerizing quality, capturing the attention of his students and leaving them yearning for more. It was the voice of a true orator.

In his hands, he carried an old, leather-bound book brimming with notes, like a treasure trove of historical knowledge.

There was an aura of dignity and agelessness about him, as if he had witnessed centuries pass by, yet retained an unwavering passion for the subject he taught. As the history teacher, he held the role of a keeper of heritage, imparting the wonders of the past to the young minds eagerly seeking to explore the mysteries of history.

To begin his class, the man picked up the white chalk resting on the border of the blackboard.

*Tap, Tap*

With deliberate strokes, he started writing his name on the blackboard, introducing himself to the students.

"Good morning, students," the man greeted warmly as he stood before his class. "Welcome to the fascinating world of history, where the past intertwines with the wonders of the present."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in as he observed the curious faces before him. "My name is Professor Elias Harrington" he continued with a gentle smile, "and it is my distinct honor to be your history teacher in this esteemed academy for the year."

With a hint of pride in his voice, he shared, "I have spent decades delving into the depths of both ordinary and enchanted history, unearthing forgotten chronicles and uncharted tales. I have traversed ancient ruins, deciphered cryptic texts, and studied the mystical artifacts of eras long past."

He gestured to the leather-bound book in his hands. "This book," he said, patting the worn cover fondly, "is my companion in my long years as a researcher, an adventurer, an archaeologist, and a seeker of truth. Filled with my own notes and discoveries, a testament to a lifetime devoted to unraveling the captivating history and enigmatic mysteries of our realm."

"I believe that history isn't just a collection of dusty facts and dates." he expressed earnestly. "It is a tapestry of stories that shape who we are, where we come from, and what we can become. As we embark on this journey together, I hope to ignite in you the same passion for history that has guided my life."

He concluded with a warm smile, "Let us embark on this adventure together. I promise to make our time here an enchanting experience."

As Ethan listened to Mr. Harrington's passioned speech, he couldn't help but feel captivated and inspired. The genuine enthusiasm and dedication in the history teacher's words were evident, making Ethan grateful to have such a passionate individual guiding his learning journey. In a sense, Ethan had been dreading the idea of returning to school, having experienced enough of it back on Earth. But with teachers like Mr. Harrington and the subject he would be providing, the classroom no longer felt like a mundane obligation.

"Now, I will take attendance before we delve into our first subject," Mr. Harrington announced, carefully noting the presence of each student. Once he confirmed that everyone was accounted for, he proceeded with the class.

"Today's lesson will revolve around our esteemed kingdom, known as The Imperial Kingdom of Calydora" he began, setting the stage.

"As we venture back in time." he said, flipping open his leather-bound book to reveal faded illustrations and ancient texts, "we will uncover the rise of the great Sorcerer King who ruled with benevolence and awe-inspiring powers. His legacy can still be felt in the enchantments that grace our very surroundings today."

The room filled with eager anticipation as Mr. Harrington delved into the history of The Imperial Kingdom of Calydora. He started with an intriguing tale that dated back centuries, to the era of the Sorcerer King.

"In the ancient times of Calydora, before the name even existed." Mr. Harrington began, his voice carrying a sense of reverence for the past, "there existed a powerful and wise ruler known as the Sorcerer King. He was a legendary figure, possessing unparalleled magical abilities that surpassed even the mightiest of sorcerers in his time and in ours."

"With great foresight and unmatched wisdom," Mr. Harrington continued with a hint of reverence, "the world of that time was plagued by rampant monsters and the chaos they wrought. Most people struggled to merely survive amidst those catastrophic events. However, the Sorcerer King envisioned a realm where peace reigned supreme, a land where humanity could flourish."

"In the face of adversity," he elaborated, his voice carrying a sense of admiration, "the Sorcerer King saw not just turmoil, but potential and hope. Despite magic being feared at that time, he firmly believed that harnessing its power could be the key to overcoming the monumental challenges that humanity faced."

"Driven by his unyielding vision," Mr. Harrington continued, "the Sorcerer King embarked on a quest to unite like-minded individuals, those who shared his unwavering belief in the potential of magic. These individuals, known today as the Five Magus, were the pioneers of magical arts along with the Sorcerer King, revered for their extraordinary talents and profound knowledge."

"The position of the Five Magus," he explained, "is a prestigious and revered role held by the most established and accomplished mages in the realm. These extraordinary individuals are entrusted with safeguarding Calydora and guiding toward a prolonged prosperous future."

"With the Five Magus at his side," he emphasized, "the Sorcerer King's vision began to take shape. Together, they laid the foundations of The Imperial Kingdom of Calydora, a land where magic and humanity could coexist harmoniously to go up against the monsters that plague this world."

"As the kingdom prospered." Mr. Harrington added, "the influence of the Five Magus spread across the realm, leaving an indelible mark on the course of history. Their wisdom and dedication not only elevated the status of magic but also ensured that it was used for the betterment of the realm and its people."

"Even in the present day." he concluded, "the legacy of the Sorcerer King and the esteemed Five Magus endures. Their extraordinary contributions continue to inspire and guide the path of magic, as we stand here today, inheritors of their visionary legacy, ready to protect what has been passed down by our ancestors against those foul beast known as dark creatures."

As Mr. Harrington observed the class, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between Ethan's genuine excitement and the indifference displayed by most of the other students. For many of the noble-born students, the tale he shared was a well-known fact, passed down through generations as a story of heritage and prestige. Their disinterest in the class was evident, as they perceived it as merely an easy credit to add to their records.

However, as he watched Ethan's face light up with curiosity and passion, Mr. Harrington felt a profound sense of accomplishment. In all his years of teaching, he had rarely encountered a student who was so genuinely captivated by the stories of the past. It was a refreshing change for him, and he couldn't help but feel a growing fondness for Ethan's eagerness to listen for more.

Unbeknownst to Ethan, this genuine interest in history set him apart from the other noble students. Unlike them, he hadn't been educated about the kingdom's history and magical heritage from an early age. This lack of exposure made his fascination with the stories all the more genuine and sincere.

As the class continued, Mr. Harrington found himself gravitating towards Ethan's whenever he divulged new information that he did not know, unknowingly developing a sense of liking and favoritism. It was an unconscious acknowledgment of Ethan's unique approach to learning, appreciating his willingness to embrace the wonders of the past with an open heart and mind.

"Teacher, what is a magus?"

"Glad you asked!"

"the title of Magus holds the highest honor and reverence among practitioners of magic. A Magus is a masterful mage who has achieved unparalleled expertise and profound understanding of magical arts. Attaining this prestigious status is a lifelong journey that demands unwavering dedication, exceptional talent, and an unyielding pursuit of magical knowledge." said the teacher with excitement as he revealed more information.

"To become a Magus, aspiring mages must first embark on the path of magical education and training. They usually begin as novices, learning the basics of magical theory and practical applications as students. As they progress, they become apprentices, studying under experienced mages who serve as mentors and guides which usually happens in the second year."

"Upon successfully completing their apprenticeships, they are recognized as Adepts, signifying their proficiency in the magical arts. Adepts then gain the opportunity to specialize in specific magical disciplines in their third year, such as elemental magic, healing arts, or enchantments."

"The next level of advancement is that of a Master Mage. To achieve this status, one must demonstrate extraordinary mastery over their chosen magical discipline. They are expected to contribute significantly to magical research, innovation, and advancements in their field. Us teachers within the Academy are considered at least Master Mages to be able to teach in the Academy."

"Upon reaching the level of Master Mage, the path to becoming a Magus begins. A Master Mage must undertake a momentous quest known as the "Trials of Ascension." These trials are not only physically and magically demanding but also encompass tests of wisdom, morality, and leadership. The Trials of Ascension are overseen by the current Five Magus, who evaluate the aspiring mage's accomplishments, character, and potential. Each of the Five Magus represents one of the magical elements—earth, water, fire, wind, and arcane—and they are themselves esteemed individuals who have achieved the pinnacle of magical mastery."

"If a Master Mage successfully passes the Trials of Ascension and gains the approval of the Five Magus, they are officially bestowed the title of Magus Successors. It is a ceremony of great importance, witnessed by the magical community, nobility, and even the reigning monarch of The Imperial Kingdom of Calydora."

"Becoming a Magus grants individuals not only the highest accolades but also significant responsibilities. Magus are expected to guide and protect the magical realm, serve as advisers to the kingdom's rulers, and contribute to the betterment of society through the ethical use of magic."

"In the magical hierarchy, Magus stands above all other ranks, including lesser mages, scholars, and even nobles. Their expertise and wisdom are highly sought after, and their decisions hold significant weight within the realm."

"Overall, becoming a Magus is the embodiment of excellence in the magical arts and a testament to an individual's dedication and impact on the magical world of Calydora."

Ethan's eyes widened in astonishment as he listened to Mr. Harrington explain the path to becoming a Magus. Before he could ask another question, the time for the class ended abruptly, and Mr. Harrington dismissed everyone.

Ethan left the class somewhat disappointed as he had wanted to hear more about the fascinating explanation. However, he had no choice but to leave the class and head to his next session, "Introduction to Magical Theory II."

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. I wanted to check in with you about the pace. Is it moving too quickly or too slowly for your liking? Also, what are your thoughts on the concept of the classes? Through these classes, I aim to delve deeper into the world-building and create a more immersive experience for all of you. Your feedback is valuable, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

P.S.A.: I wanted to let you all know that I will be making a change to my applauding routine. Instead of applauding every single day, I will now be applauding only three times a week. These applause sessions will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The reason behind this change is that I am working on creating another novel and would like to see how it fares. If things don't work out as planned with my new project, I may resume applauding more frequently. Your support and understanding during this time are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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