
Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

"leana, come here baby" my mom callled me. she was downstairs, cooking my favorite dishes.

"I'm coming mom" then i grab my slippers and. head downstairs. i saw my parents happily talking with each other, smiling and i can see the love between them.

" hey honey, come quick the dishes will get cold" my dad looked at me with a smile on his face.

i am so thankful that i have them as my parents. then i started to fantasize my own future.. will i be married with a man like mu dad??

As we are having our dinner as a celebration on mother's day, someone called my dad.

"hello" he said.. as someone talking on the other line my mom and i saw the shocked painted on my father's face.

he excuses himself immediately which is very new to us. he never leave his spot when someone is calling him because we shut our mouth and not uttering anything as a respect on the caller. so we are very bewildered when he suddenly got up and went to the balcony.

" continue your food baby, dad might have something urgent on work" my mom told me. but i know that she, also was surprised on my dad's movement.

i nodded and continued to eat my meal. I'm almost done when dad came back dazed,.

"leo, is there's something wrong?" my mom asked out of worry.

"oh, nothing my dear. just some issues at work." he said.

but we can tell that he is lying.

why would he lie? what's there to lie??

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