
007 11th floor

11th floor of Goldensand Dungeon.

The first ten floors of Goldensand Dungeon have the same style. They all have abandoned tunnels as passages with giant rats as the only monster that roam.

Luis and Zea have already experienced this tunnel-like environment last week. Today they want to preserve their stamina as much as possible. Because of that, they decided to pass through the first ten floors while trying to avoid monsters. When they notice monsters blocking a passage, they try to detour. Only when the detour route is too far did they choose to fight the monsters.

"Woah, this place is bright," Zea exclaimed. "I never thought that it is possible to get this bright inside the dungeon. This level of brightness is the same as the outside world during the day."

"Feeling excited and all is okay but don't forget to be careful." Luis reminds Zea. He then pointed toward an area on his right, there is a group of 5 goblins. Out of those 5 goblins, one goblin uses a bow, and the other four uses knives. "See there? There is a group of goblins. We need to get around them."

"Evading again?"

"Yes, we need to preserve our stamina. Our goal is to reach the 23rd floor after all. There will be more battle later, every bit of stamina matters."

"But I have never fought a goblin before. Don't you think this is the best time to train?"

"That makes sense but…" Luis look at Zea. "Sure then, let's fight that group."


Luis dashed toward the group of goblins. While running, he also readied his spear, the aim is the goblin with a bow. Zea is running behind with her trusted machete.

The group of goblins is surprised when they noticed two humans are running toward them. They tried to make a formation to protect the goblin archer. Too bad they are a step too late.

Luis and Zea is already on their nose when they completed the formation. Luis's spear pierced toward the goblin archer on the backline. It pierced perfectly toward the hearth, killing the goblin archer instantly.

Zea on the other hand swings her machete toward the leftmost goblin. Coupled with the momentum she carried since running, the machete landed perfectly on the neck of the goblin. The goblin gets its neck broken, it becomes paralyzed for a second before dying.

Luis and Zea move back a little bit after their first attack.

The remaining goblin, on the other hand, charged toward both Luis and Zea. They thought that they still outnumbered their enemy.

"You take the left one first," Luis ordered Zea while readying his spear to take the center goblin.

Zea moves as instructed and targets the leftmost goblin. She swings her machete as hard as she can toward the neck of the goblin. At the same time, Luis stabbed his spear toward the center goblin. The rightmost goblin is able to swing its knife at Luis. It hit Luis's right arm.

After hitting Luis's right arm, the last goblin notices that all of its comrades are already dead.

"Ah, it is running," exclaimed Zea when she notices that the last goblin is trying to run away. She tried to chase the goblin but, "Get back!" Luis also has noticed this, he is ready to throw his spear.

The sound of a spear flying in the air resonates in the area. Not long after, the spear accurately pierced the goblin on its heart. The goblins' bodies disappear one after the other. Leaving only the mana stones.

Different from giant rats, goblins dropped 2 mana stones on average. Sometimes, a goblin can drop 3 stones, but it is rare enough.

"Fuh… It is done." Luis wiped a bead of sweat on his head. The battle lasts in less than a minute, but it still uses stamina.

"You okay?" asked Zea. She knows that Luis is hit by a goblin. "Is it hurt?"

"Not really, I get this kind of injury often when going into the dungeon," answered Luis. He then moves toward a patch of small plants. "Help me get this. And then follow my "

"What is this?"

"This is a Kesia plant, I personally called it healing herb. This plant is used as an ingredient in low-quality health potion material."

"So we can use this to heal a wound?"

"Not really healing a wound, this plant only helps to speed up the healing process. I don't know the detail, but that is how it works."

Luis picked a few Kesia and he then crush the plants using his hand. He tried to make a paste using his hand. He beat the plant, rub his hand with power, anything. Zea also followed suit.

"You can also crush the plant using your mouth, it will be more effective as there are more 'plant juices' you can make that way. The only problem is… This plant is too bitter. Not only that, its bitterness will last a long time and drinking water will not help you." Luis explained while crushing the plants. "Only crush the plant using your mouth if the injury is deep or big. It is not worth it if the injury is small like mine."

"Can you use a blender for making the paste? I'm sure we can make a good efficient paste." Zea asked.

"I— I don't know. I never considered it. But it should work?" Luis is bewildered by the question. He never thought about this. But it should work, there is no reason it will not work.

After he feels that it is liquid enough, he applied the 'paste' to the injury on his right arm. "Ouch"

"You okay?" Seeing that Luis didn't use all of the paste. Zea wonders what she should do with the paste she made. "So what should I do with this paste that I make?"

"Take a bottle from my bag, we will store the rest there."

Finished with storing the excess paste. As it is impossible to clean all the paste, there is still a minuscule amount of paste left on Zea's hand. She tried to lick the paste. Her face changed from a curious one to a weird face in a split second. Her lips puckered up, her eyes squinted as a response to the bitterness of Kesia.

"I told you so," said Luis.


"Blah— The bitterness is still there. Luisss… Help meeee…" Zea has tried to drink her water, wash her mouth, or eat a snack. Too bad it didn't work.

After that incident, they moved toward a small pond in the area. They want to wash their hand on this lake.

"Nothing I can do, I have told you that Kesia is bitter." Luis ignores Zea and washes his hand. "Remember, curiosity killed the cat.

"Don't worry it will fade away as time pass. Also as you only lick a little, it should not be that bitter.

"If you already wash your hand, let's go. We still have a long way to go. We will have this grassland area until the 12th floor, and all the grassland areas are huge."

The eleventh floor is a grassland area. Many kinds of monsters can spawn on this floor. From goblin, boar, snake, wolf and if unlucky someone might meet hobgoblin.

For the 12th floors, the monsters are the same as on the 11th floor, but there are some additional monsters. Basilisk or cockatrice, a serpent and chicken half can be found on the 12th floor. Someone also said that they saw a goblin chieftain on the 12th floor, but as of now, no one can confirm that.

Luis's group keeps walking through the grassland. They tried to avoid many monsters. They fight only when they know that a monster is alone. This is to give Zea the experience of facing many kinds of monsters.

After walking for around an hour, they finally reach the stair to the next floor.

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