
・°°・ Backstory ・°°・

Warning/s: Blood, death. ⚠️

Y/N POV (Age 13):

I first saw him on a foggy night, when I was on my way back home from picking up some food from the market for my family. We were running low on food and we couldn't wait until the morning to get more. Therefore, my mother gave me a list of items and held me responsible for getting everything on it.

When I was sure I had everything, I paid and then left the market. Fog shrouded my view as I stepped out into the street with a basket in hand, ready to head home. The sun was setting in the distance as I made my way home, plowing my way through the snow that covered the ground.

Upon nearing my house, I heard a scream and the slash of a blade. I mentally kicked myself for not paying more attention to my surroundings and focused on what I could smell.


Going as fast as my feet would take me, I was greeted by a horrible sight at the front of the cottage where I grew up. My father's corpse was at the door of the house, sliced cleanly into 6 parts (the legs, the arms, the head, and the torso). Blood was seeping from his wounds, turning the snow red. However, my mother's corpse wasn't here too.

Foolishly gaining hope, I ventured into the house while sweating and trying to prepare myself for the worst. I searched every room frantically until I came across the kitchen. From outside, I was able to pick up on some muffled screaming and the sound of claws grating against the walls.

Steeling myself, I opened the door and screamed at the sight in front of me. My mother's body was right in front of the door and lay almost limp. Blood was everywhere and covered the floors. The ruby-red liquid was splattered on the walls and floor, leaving a stain that would never wash away. A ghastly-looking creature, the likes of which I had never seen before, was hunched over my mother's corpse.

The creature took a human form, but they were far from human. Their red eyes bore directly into my soul as if they were discovering my weaknesses, ready to exploit them. In the two pupils of their eyes, there was "Lowermoon 6" inscribed in Kanji.

Lowermoon 6 gave off a chilling aura, its bloodlust aimed directly toward me. Dashing into the fog, I ran as fast as my legs would take me. In the end, I realized it was pointless as I could hear Lowermoon 6 closing the gap between us.

When I tripped over a branch and fell to the ground, I was certain it was all over. However, as if by miracle a figure appeared right in front of me. Beholding their amazing timing and defined features, I began to feel my energy zap from my body. Despite my protests, my eyes succumbed to the darkness.

I would later recognize the boy who saved my life as Muichiro Tokito, the Mist Pillar.


Editing: Complete.

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