
We Bloom in December

[Mature Content] ||| It wasn't supposed to happen. But it happened so naturally none of them could have even realized they were falling, they just did. All because of an email with a typo when they were young, which made them become pen pals in secret. Maybe it was the magic of never meeting in person, maybe it was the charm of the unknown, but they fell, and they fell hard through the years. But were they really strangers in real life as they believed while keeping their identities a secret? ||| It's a fast paced age gap romance, there will be smut, the initial stage of the story is focused on them being pen pals, each chapter is an email in the first part. So, they will be quick paced and short in the beginning, and when they meet in person it'll get longer. It won't be a long story, the romance when it happens physically, will be fast paced. English is not my first language. It's original by me.

NastyRaven888 · Urban
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

I ||| March 8th of 2016 (I)

From: A.LF

<alf.weeknd@gmail.com >

To: P.BG

<pbg.prada@gmail.com >

Sent: Tuesday, 08 Mar 2016, 16:55

Subject: woman's day

Mrs. Lawson,

I'm sorry I missed your class the past Monday, yesterday. I had to take care of my dog's funeral and of my baby sister, because my mother has been sick ever since my father died two years ago.

I understand that this shouldn't be an excuse, but it is the only thing I have to say. Regarding that, I would like to ask you to reconsider giving me a chance to re-do the advanced physics test I missed.

Oh, and, I wish you a happy international woman's day, and that you have a pleasant Tuesday.

- A.LF