
the first meet

in the heavy raining night in a city where everyone wants to go . two people are doing the same thing at different locations without knowing what to happen . it's a northern city gate where AVIS is waiting to select a party for pick pocket . a beautiful lady comes out from a cab with heavy jewellery attracts the attention of avis. when he moves towards her accidentally bumps into her and her wallet was taken by him . with the success of him he is trying to think about what to do in the next . he went to a restaurant and orders the menu and waiting for the order . suddenly a girl who entered the restaurant with a feared looks and ran into the wash room he suspects that may be she is in trouble and walks towards the washroom . when she comes out from there and he suddenly blocked her path and asks if she need of any help . after helping her he went back to the table for completing his dinner . after eating he realised that he is missing the wallet of his and realises what happened to him.

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