1 If you are not having fun doing something you’re probably not doing it right

It was a scorching hot day in Texas and Mrs. Hardhat is cranky as usual throwing a hissy fit.

For crying out loud chad how am I supposed to correct your work when you write this messy? Like what is this a Chinese letter!

Chad with his feet up shrugs trying to hold it together watching the laser pointer shining on Mrs. Hardhats forehead.

All of a sudden the person shining the laser accidentally shines it into her eye and she began to go bananas.


You must follow rules. I repeat must follow rules. That means do not break the rules.

If I see you having fun that means you're not going to graduate school and if you don't graduate how are you planning on paying your bills and all sorts of crap for your kids!

I didn't sign up to be a teacher in a god damn zoo I am going to get the principal I do not deserve this, I'm done.

A while after she left the room the Vice principal arrived, an old cowboy hillbilly type of guy. Like imagine a guy driving in his vehicle holding a gun out the window trying to kill the sky, and this is the guy we are talking about.

He walks into the classroom to see what appears to be everyone celebrating the last day of school one month early, one kid was making a fort out of the desks and 2 other kids were skateboarding around in the teachers chair.

And you can see on the cowboys face he is perfectly fine with it. In fact he found it humorous.

He walks to the front of the room and says ok now I have a list of things to do from your teacher.

But It ain't lookin so fun so I think we will skip all that.

Hey who knows how to run this high tech chalkboard here let's get some football on this screen.

You kids should have seen it. Me and the family were taking care of an alligator invasion last week! I had to rear naked choke the son of a gun unconscious for him to let go of my buddy's leg. The thing didn't want to let go of him! We were beating it with sticks and rocks and it still wasn't letting go so I just hopped on its back and started rollin around with the thing.

While I was daydreaming of wrestling an alligator it occurred to me just how strange and amazing the imagination is. Like for an example any creation or idea in this world first came from the mind. So when you imagine something you're basically creating at the first stage or ground zero.

And i began to feel like my thoughts were trying to communicate with me. I asked "who are you?"

And I got the response "I am you."

I started to think I am just going crazy talking to myself and then my thoughts tell me

"what's wrong don't you trust yourself?"

I began to ignore the voice thinking to myself "you are not real you're just in my head."

Then I clued in how the imagination is the beginning for anything that is real.

And I asked how do I get to know you better?

And the voice said follow me and forget about judging what is real or not.

I followed myself up a spiral staircase made of light wrapping around a giant spinal column. As I reached the top of the staircase I saw what appeared to be a representation of heaven in the shape of a brain. I got the impression that it would be the place where all the questions can be answered.

All of a sudden my smartphone falls out of my pocket, and you know everyone's natural instinct is try to stop it from landing on the ground. And my smart phone ended up falling down every last 33 vertebrae on this spine in a ridiculous way making me do front flip face plants trying to catch this thing so I can get back to business.

But by the time I finished inspecting my cracked up phone I had completely forgotten what I was doing and I'm sucked into my phone world.

My higher self comes to see that I am wearing an iPhone shaped box covering my head and begins to knock on my head like a door "hello anybody in there?"

I even pulled the box back over my head as soon as it was removed by force because I wasn't done checking my messages and likes.

My higher self waiting very patiently never left my side and continued to try to send me different thoughts and voices attempting to get my attention once again.

And then I awaken in my bed

"Wow that was some dream"

And I immediately reach to grab my...
