
Other Me


The hoarse and scary voice whispered with a deep echo which caused an intense headache for Gabriel, forcing him to grasp his head with his arms as he pressed his head against the cold ground while he groaned in pain.

"NG-ghuh! FHHUauargGGH... w-whass <pant> happenin to mhey..."

Gabriel started panting due to the pain and the hoarse voice that was tearing his mind in half as he squealed out sounds of agony while he suddenly began to sweat bullets.

Then, the voice spoke once again;

[Relax, Gabriel... let your muscles loose... let ME loose...]

"W-hat.. da fhuc-gGHHhhaaargh!..."

Right after the sinister voice spoke, Gabriel suddenly flipped around as he held his head while his torso was lifted from the ground before noises of bones and muscles contorting in a violent demeanor could be heard.

"hhHHuUgh, n-no, pleass...<sob>..hnngh..<pant>..."

Gabriel gasped in air as he tried to shout while he was writhed around, but was unable to due to his voice not coming out for some reason.

[Do not scream, Gabriel... WE do not need unnecessary attention.. It is almost done..]

The hoarse voice spoke once more, in an angry tone.

"..w-what ish... UGH! pF-fhuck..."

Gabriel cursed under his breath before his muscles contorted while his head flipped backwards as his veins started to bulge out in a violent demeanor, only to seep back inside after they finished moving around and contorting for some time.

Gabriel quickly squirmed around as he pushed himself towards the wall while panting heavily before he leaned his back onto the wall as he held his face with one of his hands while his other hand supported his body by pressing towards the ground.

"P-please...l-l-let i-it en-nd..<pant>..I'll never eat anythin' bad no more..<weak spit>..."

Gabriel muttered as he started to massage his stomach with his free hand as drool came out from his mouth while he stared at the ceiling with tired eyes...




After Gabriel stood in the same position for quite some time, by using the wall as a support, he slowly stood up while holding his arms around his chest like how people would do once they felt cold.

Gabriel then slowly walked towards the toilet and looked down at his "masterpiece" before he exclaimed in shock and took a step back.

"W-what the fuuuuuck..." he whispered to himself as he looked inside the toilet once more...

Inside the toilet was a "mess" that had green and red colors.

"W-w-what the hell is that...w-wait.. P-FHUCK! <slip>"

Suddenly, Gabriel's eyes went wide as he cursed loudly before he fell down on his bum, causing Ben to walk towards the bathroom as he loudly asked;

"Gabe, are you alright my boy?"

Hearing Ben suddenly call him made Gabriel jolt in panic, as he did not want his father to see this disgusting display of the bathroom and him. So Gabriel mustered up his tough voice as he shouted;

"I-I am alright, don't worry about it! I just stubbed my toe!"

Hearing Gabriel's shout, Ben exhaled before he turned back and scratched his neck as he shouted back;

"Alright then son, don't strain yourself!"

Ben then walked downwards to tell May that Gabriel was okay and that he just shouted because he had stubbed his toe, while Gabriel ran back towards the toilet to flush away the grotesque piece of "art" that he has mustered out from his insides.

After a few flushes, most of the substance he had puked were finally flushed away, causing Gabriel to exhale a breath of relief as he walked away and leaned back towards the wall before he massaged his temples while groaning lightly.

Gabriel looked at his sweaty and shaky body for a bit before he decided to take off his shirt, mostly because it was being sticky due to him sweating intensely because of the previous intense and crazy event.

Gabriel easily took off his shirt in a single sweep and tossed it aside while he was still slightly shaking due to the intense shock and pain he had to endure previously.

He then wiped the sweat off his face with his arm, causing him to have a close up on his arm, which caused him to exclaim in shock as he noticed that instead of normal green veins that people normally had, his veins were pitch black with very few hints of a white color!

This caused Gabriel to shiver once again as he clutched his head for a bit in panic and fear, before he strongly got up before he clutched all of his muscles as he talked to himself with his cracked voice;

"A-alright Gabriel, calm down, caaallm doown... Now there are multiple reasons to this... Number one; I just puked up all of my blood and now have absolutely zero blood... Number two; The color of my blood changed for some reason... O-oor Number three; I am extremely fine, and this is just some kind of misunderstanding..."

[How about Number Foour, all of the above...]

Before Gabriel could say anything else, the hoarse voice echoed inside his head once more.

The sudden voice caused Gabriel to jolt back in panic as he jolted himself back towards the wall while shivering as he spoke;

"W-where are you! Leave me the fuck alone, man!"

There was a short silence before the sinister voice spoke once more.

[Gabriel.. I am inside of your skin, inside of your blood, your bones, your very mind! ...I am you, and you are I...]

Gabriel paused for a brief moment before he shook his head in confusion as he whispered;

"...what the ffffuck are you talking about?..."

The voice seemed to be annoyed and angered by Gabriel's ignorance as it's already scary voice became even more terrifying as it spoke;

[Listen closely Gabriel, I. AM. YOU. ..Got that!?]

Gabriel's expression of confusion turned into one of fear and anxiety, but as he was about to say something, the voice interrupted once again;

[Gabriel, I see that this is a bit too "sudden" for you... Continuing this speech is pointless and tiring... So how about once you calm down and feel like you are ready to talk, <chuckle>, call me.]

Gabriel was too scared to do anything, as he just stood there like a stone statue for some time...

...After a while later, Gabriel somehow managed to calm his nerves down and wanted to take a bath due to his sweaty and sticky body making things extra uncomfortable for himself...

He slowly walked towards the shower and opened up the valves...

Gabriel thought about the experience that had happened to himself and wondered that if it was something similar to those mutants or weird people on the news...

-After Shower-

Gabriel threw his clothes onto the dirty bin before he exited the bathroom with a towel that was tied around his waist.

He quickly went inside his and Peter's room before he changed into a black hoodie and cargo pants and quickly flung himself to bed before he cried himself to sleep...





-Tomorrow Morning-

As the morning sun shone through the glass window and over to the body of the sleeping teenagers, causing them to groan before they slowly got up separately...

"<GRroOAn>, Mnnh <lick>... is it morning already?..."

Gabriel said in a tired tone as he stretched his arms upwards.

"Hmmgh..?.. did you say something?.."

Peter groaned back towards Gabriel as he rubbed his eyes before he wore his big glasses and lazily got up from his bed.

Seeing Peter up on his feet, Gabriel unwillingly jumped out from his bed, before he asked;

"So, <groan>... how was yesterday with Mary?" his voice had a tinge of interest.

Hearing Gabriel's question, Peter's expression lit up as he dashed towards Gabriel before quickly holding him on his hoodie's neck and began to excitedly explain;

"It was great! MJ and I talked a lot during our walk to the market, and it seems that we have so much in common! S-she also gave me her number, can you believe it Gabe!?"

Shocked by the sudden change of speech and burst of energy from Peter, Gabriel's brows lifted up as he scratched his head while he asked;

"MJ? Who the hell is MJ?..."

Hearing his stupid question, Peter shook Gabriel as he jokingly shouted;

"Heeey, what do you mean ''Who is MJ''?(put Gabriel's tired voice mimic). You know, Mary Jane Watson!?"

Gabriel's brows fell down in an annoyed style as he tiredly asked;

"<sigh and groan>... Why are you calling Mary Jane, 'MJ'?"

Peter smiled brightly as he proudly bragged;

"You might not know this, but all of her close friends call her 'MJ'."

Hearing this, Gabriel lifted one of his brows as he gave Peter a mocking grin before saying;

"Congratulations then, little brother. You have just been Friend-zoned." in a tired manner.

Gabriel then threw the stunned Peter who was still grabbing his clothes away from him and right on top of the lower bed of their bunk bed. Gabriel then yawned as he made his way towards the bathroom in order to brush his teeth, leaving behind a frustrated and confused Peter.

He entered the bathroom and started to brush his teeth before the memories of yesterday suddenly hit him, pretty hard.

Gabriel quickly spat out the toothpaste and harshly placed his toothbrush back at the cup before he massaged his temples and looked at his reflection on the mirror.


As soon as he saw his own reflection in the mirror, Gabriel jolted backwards as he screamed in shock, which thankfully was not heard by anyone else.

His breathing turned into panting as he stayed back for a bit before he quickly walked back towards the mirror.

Gabriel then harshly held the sides of the sink as he somehow swallowed all of his fears due to the constant irritation and fear, as he leaned down towards the mirror.

Inside the mirror, he did not see his own reflection, but instead saw a monster who had purplish black substance as skin and deadly white eyes. The monster however, unlike Gabriel himself, did not have a mouth, and only had some slight rise on the black substance as nose.(Imagine Carnage and the Spider-man Suit. If you are wondering why is it different. Well, Venom is still weak.)

Gabriel slowly moved his face around while he lifted up his hand or touched his face, which the monster in the reflection copied every single motion perfectly. Gabriel rubbed his eyes before he looked at his arm and his body, checking himself if he had became this weird black creature. But to his relief, his body was still normal, only the reflection looked like some kind of weird creature.

"Don't be so hopeful Gabriel, you won't be growing any beard before I do."

Said Peter suddenly, causing Gabriel to jolt in shock as he quickly turned back.

Peter was a bit startled by the sudden action, so he lifted up his hands and quickly said;

"Hey, hey... calm down bro, I was just joking." in a slightly apologetic tone, as he did not actually want to hurt his brother's feelings.

Gabriel quickly calmed down as he sighed a breath of relief before he looked at Peter, and back at his reflection in the mirror in a surprised face, before he turned back towards Peter and asked him if anything was wrong with his reflection.

To which Peter just took a peak and brushed off;

"Meh, the only thing that's wrong is that you look more handsome than I do."

before he walked back towards his room to get a change of clothes.

Gabriel stayed still for a bit before he chuckled slightly as he muttered to himself;

"Hehhe, alright... It seems that I really am becoming crazy..."

Gabriel then washed his face once more and wiped his face with the towel. He then turned towards the mirror and made an intimidating action (ya know, the one where the guy takes a step while he suddenly pulls his arms slightly backwards) towards his reflection in the mirror before he flipped it off and slammed the door closed.

He then walked downwards and told May that he will be leaving early, so that he won't be staying for breakfast. To which May just gave a curious look before she gestured in understanding.

Gabriel then quickly exited his home and started to look like he was walking towards the local market, but in reality, he was walking away from his family in order to keep them safe if something bad happened while he spoke with... "himself".

While walking, Gabriel's face hardened as he sternly whispered to himself;

"Hey, other me... I-I think that I am ready to talk..."

As soon as Gabriel spoke, a hoarse voice echoed inside of his head;

[Ah, took your sweet time, did you not?...]

The monstrous voice unintentionally managed to wash away half of Gabriel's courage in an instant, yet Gabriel clutched his hands and told himself that it was alright again and again as he sternly walked at a slow pace.

"I-I want to ask, why did you choose me?" Gabriel asked in a slightly scared tone as he scratched the back of his head.

[I did not ''choose'' you, Gabriel. I AM you...] The voice simply replied, yet this simple reply was easily able to overwhelm Diego in a sense of terror and fear.

Gabriel breathed in and out, iiin and ooout in order to calm himself before he spoke once again;

"Okay, so what are we, some kind of mutant?"

The voice paused for a second as it hummed while thinking before it answered;

[I do not know if we are or not... Honestly, I do not know anything that you don't... The only thing I know is that I am able to control your body just like you can.]

This comment made Gabriel suddenly jolt as he exclaimed in shock;

"W-what!?! W-w-wha do ya m-mean, c-control?" His voice cracked due to this sudden vital and dangerous information.

[Hehehe, let me show you...] The voice chuckled before he whispered.


Then suddenly, Gabriel's right arm lifted up in a fast manner and stopped right in front of his face, causing Gabriel to yelp in panic as he actually jumped in air due to the sudden jumpscare.

Gabriel's heart was beating profusely as his breathing became distorted. This thing was able to control his body and he could do nothing to prevent it, but before he could say anything else, the voice spoke once more;

[I am also able to manipulate anything that is inside you, including your organs..]

Then, Gabriel's breathing and beating heart quickly turned back into a stable motion. This made Gabriel sink away from the feeling of fear, and plunge right inside the deep sea called desperation.

If It wanted, this fucker could literally just stop his organs from functioning! This realization had swallowed Gabriel in a sense of desperation as he just stared into the air blankly, even stopping his stern walk.

Then, the voice spoke once more;

[Gabriel, why do you feel despair? Didn't I already tell you... I. AM. YOU. Which means that; if you die, then I die!]

This sudden comment, especially the last one echoed in Gabriel's brain, causing a warm wave of relief travel around his body. Sure, the voice could be lying, but still, this information caused Gabriel to feel somewhat relieved from his previous despair as the color on his face turned into normal.

Gabriel then took a deep breath and sat down on an asphalt bump, before he calmly asked to the voice;

"So, if you are me, why didn't you speak to me any sooner?"

[It is simple, Gabriel. We were far too weak. If you compare the we today, to a flower, then before, we were but a small seed... Too small and too weak to hear each other...] The voice answered.

"So, you could not hear me?" Gabriel asked in a curious tone.

[Yesss, I could not... I could still maintain your body and feel what you feel, but I could not hear your voice...] The voice answered once more.]

Gabriel seemed surprised to learn that the voice was with him during his whole life. He thought that how the voice seemed to be in a similar situation such as himself, and knowing that the voice could still control his body and kill or use him during his childhood, yet did not, served to convince Gabriel even more.

Gabriel then came into a realization as he shook himself and asked;

"W-wait, what do you mean by ''maintain''?"

Hearing his question, the voice hummed once more before it spoke;

[Yes, maintain. Unlike how normal humans "function", our body is completely under our control, meaning that we do everything manually.]

This piece of information shocked Gabriel as he hurriedly asked;

"S-so, what, you mean that right now, you are manually pumping my heart and managing my other organs?!"

[Yes and no. I am indeed managing all of OUR organs and such, but so are youu, Gabriel... Yet you are not aware of it, because it is even easier than breathing for us. Humans might develop an instinct that lets them breathe automatically, but we have it even easier, as our instincts are engraved upon our biomass.] The voice said, causing Gabriel to open his mouth, only to close it up and ponder about this newly gained information.

Gabriel then asked;

"How do you know about this? I-I mean, you said that you didn't know anything I did not, no?"

The voice then answered in an annoyed tone;

[Too much time in my "hands", you see...]

This caused Gabriel to exclaim in understanding as he realized that all this time, this voice inside him should be bored.

The voice chuckled as it spoke;

[Don't worry, Gabriel. I was not bored at all... Did you forget that you and I are one? Whatever you feel is also felt by me, what you see is seen by me, what you touch is touched by me... and so on...]

Hearing this, Gabriel was a bit confused at first, only to conclude that the voice was him, but something like an alternate personality or something like that. He figured that he would find out about it on a later date.

Then, a question popped up on Gabriel's mind, which he asked with no fear, as he was already used to the weird voice inside of his head.(it's sudden but quick! meh);

"You said that we were too weak, then how did we gain the strength to speak to each other?"

[Simple, really. In order to get strong, all we have to do is "eat".] Said, the voice.

This surprised Gabriel, as gaining strength only by eating would normally make no sense. He then asked;

"How does eating make us stronger?"

The voice then responded;

[You see, Gabriel.. When we "eat" something, instead of normal digestion, we consume it and turn it into a part of our biomass. And I discovered that the more biomass we have, the more stronger we get!] with excitement in it's last words.

This excitement was of course, shared with Gabriel, as he quickly got up from the asphalt that he was sitting on and quickly asked;

"Stronger? What do you mean by getting stronger? How strong are we right now? Do we have any special abilities like those other mutants or weird people, or is this the extent of our abilities?"

To Gabriel's stream of questions, the voice only chuckled before it spoke;

[I don't know about most of your questions as well... But what I know is that we can do..THIS!]

Then as soon as the voice spoke, puddles of black goop gushed out from various parts of Gabriel's body before it stretched around and covered Gabriel's body with a lot of black strands.

When the puddles had gushed out and stretched, they had unwillingly tore apart some places of Gabriel's clothes, but the latter had no time to notice something like this as he quickly turned and twisted his arms and body around while looking at them in an excited manner.

He then lifted his muscular arm and moved it around as he asked;

"Whoa... This feeling... is so great, amazing! Can you make more of this stuff and cover me up completely? A-and speaking of which, what is this stuff?" in an excited and astonished manner.

To his question, the voice chuckled and stated in an echoing tone;

[Not "what", .. "Who"...]

This caused Diego to exclaim in shock and excitement as he asked;

"You mean that this black stuff is you?!"

The voice then stated once again;

[Not "me", Gabriel... The "black stuff" is "US"!]

These words caused Gabriel to get shocked in realization as he had a gush of adrenaline, making him have a hard time standing still. But he controlled himself, as If he did not, he would probably get caught by some camera or a person that he failed to notice.

Gabriel then curiously asked;

"What can we do when we are in this strand-like goop form?"

[Hmm... Go and pick up...uhh... that rock.] Answered the voice.

Gabriel obliged and walked towards the small rock, and bent down in order to pick it up.

When he picked up the stone, the voice told him to squeeze it as hard as he can, which Gabriel did, causing a cracking noise that echoed around the empty street.

The cracking noise surprised Gabriel, which caused him to open up his palm. And when he did, crumbled and broken pieces of that small rock, fell out from his palm, causing Gabriel to exclaim in shock before he turned his arm around and grasped his palms as a sinister grin appeared on his face.

"What do we need to do in order to increase our biomass?" Gabriel asked with no hesitation.

[Hehehe.. well, If we want to grow stronger, we need to consume living beings, but it does not matter if they are dead or alive. So, for example, both cooked or raw chicken will work...] The voice also replied with no hesitation.

"Exciting, exciting indeed... Then I'll go back at my place, and If I'm lucky, I can still get some of that breakfast..." Gabriel said as he chuckled, but was interrupted by the voice.

[Not "I", Gabriel...."WE"!]

Realizing his error caused Gabriel to stop walking for a second, before his surprised expression turned into one of excitement as he laughingly said;

"Yes....WE! Kehhehe..."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I realize that some parts seemed rushed and worse compared to other parts... But understand my position, as I am trying to write a long and immersive story while trying to not bore you readers for too long...

LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts
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