
Chapter 2: beyond expectation

After a walk that lasted a few minutes an incredible building stood there with majestic feeling to it, the design itself was the epitome of perfection and innovation a mixture of Japanese and Chinese ancient culture with a touch of the western style, if I knew the designer I will spare nothing to get him to work for me it is the first time I saw such an artistic sense in a building design, I put a reminder to find more about such artist.

We went inside the building to find a bigger surprise waiting for us, the interior has a calming and mythical like feeling to it, I can see the counter as we move towards it, many customers are already inside yet silence dominated the place, I guess it has the feeling of a library.

Jordan "excuse me"

Staff "how may I help you sir?"

Jordan "we would like to know about the facility and what kind of service you provide in this …. Library"

Staff "well here is the royal pavilion complex, it is a library that has a major collection of all kind of books around the world, from novels to scientific books all in the house, also we provide many other services in other forms , we have many halls inside the pavilion such as the tea hall or the dining hall where you can enjoy deferent kinds of tea while reading your book which is selected from fancy brands to a Chinese medicinal herbs tea and of course many other kind of drinks like coffee and cocktails but please remember alcohol is strictly forbidden in this place, moving to the dining hall where you can eat and relax to the privet champers that you book from many choices, we also have the lake and the imperial garden at the back of this building you can start your member ship here from many choices please look at this document here that shows the member ship classification from ordinary to the VIP platinum member ship, I hope that answer your questions sir"

The male staff provided the minimum information about this place, the surprises keep coming, Jordan picked the tea hall and finish dealing with the member ship procedure, the moment I entered the hall a pleasing fragrant teased my nose, we were led by the staff to our place, we were given a tablet to choose a book to read and from it you can choose a drink I saw many types of tea like the staff says and it was hard choice, it was then that I saw an unusual female staff that looked way out of the place yet she blended in perfectly at the same time.

The young lady was wearing a baggy clothes, a coat with a hoodie and a cold mask, she was the only one of the staff that wasn't wearing any uniform and she was walking towards us I left my head to take a look at her face only to find myself lost in the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, the only visible feature of her face was the eyes that was like the night sky full of stars, it was like a vast new universe for myself to explore, the moment I heard Jordan voice I woke up from my day dreaming to feel shocked, I froze there for a moment and it happened because of a woman, if anyone who knows me heard about this it will shock them to the core.

Jordan "excuse me, there is many types of tea and frankly we don't know what to choose so what is your recommendation, I prefer if it help our nerves to relax a little"

Staff lady "then if you allow me sir I would recommend the (eight treasures tea), it is a Chinese herbal tea, it's great for soothing the nerves and restore the energy"

I sat there frozen like a fool listening to her talking to Jordan, her voice was like a melody to my ears, the way she talked with a low relaxed tone alone relaxed my tensed nerves, suddenly I heard Jordan coughing to wake me up from my trance state, thinking about what happened to me in last few minutes, I couldn't believe that was me who was staring at this young lady a minute ago, I hurriedly retracted my gaze to look somewhere else for the first time in years I felt embarrassment.

Jordan "we will take two of that tea, that all thanks"

Staff lady "enjoy your time, the order will be in a minute"

After the young staff lady went away and I couldn't see her any more Jordan spoke to me with a concerned tone.

Jordan "sir …. Is everything alright? Is there something wrong with the staff lady from before?"

Adrian "ah no no it was nothing"

Jordan "sir you should have seen yourself, you were staring at her with an incredible intensity, If I don't know you from young I would have said that you are interested in her but….."

Adrian "don't over think about it, I just thought I saw her somewhere that's it"

Jordan "do you want me to lo…"

Adrian "Jordan it is nothing, I am here to relax, drink some tea, read a book. Now it seems you want me to be stressed out don't you?"

I cut Jordan not allowing him to ask or continue this conversation, I myself don't know what happened to me and I feel embarrassed about it, so I but it at the back of my brain, and I get back to my original plan to relax.

Jordan " hahaha, sorry young master you are right lets enjoy this place, next time I will come with my angle here and enjoy a relaxed afternoon"

Adrian "yea you should and please give Maya a platinum membership, it is a gift from me to thank her for finding this place"

Jordan "she will be happy that kid is already fifteen and she just like books and quietness, I am glad that she isn't like the other crazy teenagers but I am worried that maybe she needs to set herself free once in a while you know"

Adrian "leave her alone she is a smart kid, she knows what to do, when I look at you and her I can't help but ask myself are you her real father, she way too smart to be your daughter"

Jordan "well she is my bride and joy"

So Jordan says and I feel the happiness in his eyes, something I will never savor at all.

We continued the small talks until the tea arrived, it had a strong smell like a mixture of spice, the moment it went down my throat the warm sensation invaded every part of my body, one moment after the other my tensed body and nerve started to relax, all the bent up stress faded away, it has been a long time since I felt like this coming here indeed was a blissing in disguise.

Jordan "huh! That some fine tea we have here, I might get addicted to it"

Adrian "with that I agree"

Well it was thanks to wired looking young lady, I have to thank her in the future when I come here again.

Without me even realizing it the eyes of the little lady has already sucked my soul, her image was without me knowing imprinted in memory for eternity.

hope you like it

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