
everything broken down

these two people worked for sshd or secret superhero devision. they both got this job after college only the best are apart of this devision. in this business superheroes are not aloud to know who else works there or is apart of it to keep identitys safe. the person they were after was named glitch. he was after Topez. glitch saw her put on her mask when she got to the park and noticed she was a girl and got interested in her to. he contacted vision his partner and left the park.

sadly not many superheros still existed but back to Ruby and Topez. they both moved to idoho in 8th grade. they went to the same school and dated all throughout highschool. they never broke up but went to different collages and theses collages did not allow outside world contact. they lost touch and still missed each other but gave up on trying to find each other again but yes they still hoped. well they would get to have a fateful encounter today though. they saw each other every once in a while but did not realize who was who since it was late and they had mask on as well.