4 Chapter 4: The New Kid

"Alright, this is it. Welcome to your new home kid!"

"It's, quite big actually"

Big was an understatement, this thing was practically a mansion, the houses Mansen was used to were a quarter of the size, although they did have more decorations. But being an assassin now, he guessed they wouldnt exactly have need for it to hide.

Mansen and the women had been walking for almost a week, during so he managed to get a name from her, she told him to call her Walker. He didnt exactly object but assumed that was her nickname.

As they approached the building, Mansen saw someone sitting in a window near the top of the house, but after glancing back a second time, they were gone.

Him and Walker reached the front door, and Mansen felt uneasy, as if something powerful laid beyond these doors. Walker opened the doors. And the main hall was empty.

Puzzled, Mansen asked, "Didn't you say there were other people?"

"There are," Walker responded, "But most of everyone else is on a mission right now. We're supposed to stay here until they get back, which should be today"

A few hours go by and the others that Walker had told him about still havent come back. It was almost sunset now, so he wasnt sure if they were coming back. He was hoping that they would get back soon. He was getting really bored with nothing to do, so he decided to inspect the sword that he had brought with him.

It laid on a table adjacent to the relatively average sized bed in the room, next to a completely empty closet with a mirror next to that.

He picked up the sword and looked over the cross-guard as he did a week or so ago back in the forest and read in his mind.

'Terrors Smite? Odd name for a sword'

He immediately remembered what had happened after he read the words back at the forest, and decided to say the words aloud just like in the forest.

"Ok, here goes, something.....

Terrors Smite"

The same process began just like in the forest. He figured it out! The red liquid like substance began to form armour around him once more and he began to feel the same type of energetic power like before.


The voice of a muffled Walker came from the other side of the door.

"You in there still? The others should be getting back within the hour..." She started to open the door

'Shit shit shit!' Mansen started to panick. What would she do if she saw him like this?

The door swung all the way open with him in the middle of the room still.

..."I brought you some clothes to change into so you look ni-..."

"uh, hi..."
