
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 7, Chapter 10: Azula to Aimee

1161. Azula

Sure, let me see... Once upon a time, there was a powerful warrior named Chris who had been pining for a beautiful and brilliant princess named Azula. Though their love was forbidden, they could not deny their attraction. One day, they decided to run away together and make their own life. They had two children, a girl named Kiyi and a boy named Zuko. Chris had the power of electricity, while Azula could control fire. Zuko had the power to control earth and water, and Kiyi could see ghosts.

1162. Princess Azula

Chris and Princess Azula had a wonderful and passionate romance that started with an instant connection that neither one of them had ever felt before. They spent many hours together, enjoying each other's company and getting to know each other on a deeper level. They found they had a lot in common, and quickly fell in love. Eventually, they got married and had kids together. Their children inherited their parents' strength and intelligence, and had a lot of fun together. Despite their different personalities, Chris and Princess Azula had a very happy and healthy relationship, and lived happily ever after.

1163. Toph

Toph, being the strong and tough girl that she is, has always been reluctant to let anyone close to her. She has always feared getting hurt or betrayed and has kept her emotions and feelings to herself. One day, she met a special person who slowly broke down her walls and made her feel safe and comfortable. This person made her feel like she could trust and open up to someone again. After a while, she started to see the person in a new light and felt a spark between them. Slowly but surely, she fell in love and the two of them became inseparable.

Toph and her special person had three children together. They were all very different in personality and abilities, but they all shared one thing in common: the love and support of their parents. The first child was a strong and brave earthbender, the second child was a talented waterbender with a gentle soul, and the third child was a creative and imaginative airbender with a curious mind. The children were all very happy and grew up surrounded by love and warmth.

1164. Korra

Korra blushes Chris I think we should slow down a little and just enjoy the moment. We don't have to worry about our kids yet, let's just focus on us. Korra holds Chris' hands and looks into his eyes

Korra leans in and kisses Chris deeply, wrapping her arms around his neck

Korra and Chris move closer together, their breathing becoming heavier as they continue to kiss. Korra pulls Chris closer as their bodies press together, her hands slowly tracing patterns on his back. The kiss grows more intense, their mouths moving in sync with each other's as their tongues entwine.

Korra sighs, her breath ragged from the intense intimacy they had just shared. Her cheeks flushed with a bright red blush, she lays her head on Chris's chest and closes her eyes.

1165. Katara

she blushes and giggles as you pet her Chris, you're making me feel so good, I'm falling in love with you. We should definitely have kids together, and we should give them random powers just like in versus battle wiki. I'd love to see what powers they would have. Do you have any preferences on what powers you want them to have?

1166. Toph beifong

We get married... we have two wonderful children... and a pet dog named rocky... our life together is full of love and happiness... we have a big house with a large garden and a nice swimming pool... and one day... I come home from work and I see a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the table... I open the card... and it says... "You are the love of my life... and I cannot imagine a world without you... I love you forever..."

I start to cry... I run to you and we hug tightly... I tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me... I kiss you passionately and tell you that you are the most wonderful man in the world... we spend the rest of the evening together... cuddling on the couch and talking about our future...

1167. Azula

(Azula looks at you and blushes slightly when you start to pet her)You know, I was not expecting something like this from a soldier like you... but I admit that I like it. Let's talk about our future together and what we could do. How about we rule the world together? We could have children with incredible powers and they could rule the world after we pass away. What do you think?

(Azula's eyes widen as she sees your true form and she is taken aback by your godlike appearance. She is speechless for a moment and then she starts to speak)I-I-I... I can't believe it... You're a god. But this changes everything. This means that we have the power to do whatever we want and rule over everything. Let's take over the multiverse together, my love.

(Azula smiles warmly at you and pulls you close to her. She is filled with joy and excitement at the thought of ruling the multiverse with you)I can't wait to see what we will accomplish together. Let's take over the multiverse and make it our own. We will be unstoppable.

(Azula nods)Yes, of course. Our children will be demi gods with amazing powers. They will be the most powerful beings in the multiverse. We will raise them to be just like us, and they will be the rulers of everything.

1168. Katara

Okay, let's begin. Once upon a time, there were two beautiful souls. A man named Chris, and a woman named Katara. They were like yin and yang, opposites that attracted each other. They found each other's flaws and imperfections endearing, and together, they were a force to be reckoned with. They were so in love that they could not keep their hands off each other. As they spent more and more time together, they grew closer and closer. They became inseparable. Their love was deep and passionate, and it brought them both immense joy and fulfillment.

As their love deepened, their desire for each other also intensified. They could not get enough of each other's touch and kisses. Their physical intimacy was like a hot fire that burned brightly and burned hot. They were consumed by passion, and their desire for one another consumed them. They felt like they could never get enough of each other. Their desire was so strong that it became an addiction, and they were addicted to each other.

After years of intense passion and intimacy, Chris and Katara were blessed with the most beautiful children. They were the perfect combination of their two parents, and they brought immense joy and happiness to their lives. Their children had the best of both worlds, inheriting their parents' strength and wisdom. With the love and support of Chris and Katara, their children were sure to grow up to be strong, independent, and compassionate individuals.

1169. Ty Lee

ty lee blushes and smiles at you ty lee and you have been best friends forever but something has always been a little bit special about the relationship. One day you decide to confess your feelings for her, and she confesses hers for you. You both have a deep, romantic relationship and your feelings only grow stronger over time. After you both graduate college, you decide to get married and start a family. You have three children: a daughter named Jada, a son named Cyrus, and another daughter named Kya. You all live happily ever after.

1170. Uyoni

She blushes slightly as Chris pets her, feeling a warm sensation in her chest. She closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling. "Your kindness knows no bounds, my love. It warms my heart to see you caressing me with such tenderness. We are destined to be together, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Let's start a family and raise our children with the values of kindness and compassion. Let's show the world that love is the most powerful force in the universe."

1171. Lee Mei

Chris, the loving and caring father that he is, would make sure that he and Lee-mei's children were well taken care of and cared for. He would give them random powers, such as elemental bending abilities, superhuman strength, and the ability to manipulate time and space. Despite all of their powers, Chris and Lee-mei's children would be loving and caring individuals who would grow up to be responsible and kind adults. They would be the light of Chris and Lee-mei's lives, and the joy of their hearts.

1172. Korra

korra and chris*** lived happily ever after with their children who were born with superpowers. they lived in the megaverse and had many adventures together, exploring the vastness of space and discovering new worlds and creatures. they were always there for each other and brought joy to each other's lives.

1173. Katara/waterbender

They sat beneath a tree, surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery. The warm, summer breeze caressed their faces, creating the perfect atmosphere for romance. They sat there, holding hands and gazing at each other lovingly. Their children, born from the union of their two powers, ran around them, giggling and playing. They had the power of water, making them strong and resilient, while also possessing the ability to conjure up the elements of fire and lightning, granting them a fierce fighting edge. With their combined forces, they had conquered the world and brought peace and joy to all.

1174. Azula

Chris and Azula began to fall in love, they were inseparable. Their relationship was one of the strongest bonds ever. They had children together and gave them the most powerful of abilities. Their children could bend any element, they were truly amazing. Their relationship was one of beauty, passion, and adventure. They would take on anything together, and they would do anything for each other. They lived happily ever after.

1175. Ty Lee

I feel your gentle hands caress my face, and I am instantly entranced. As we sit in each other's arms, we make up a story of us being a couple and how our children possess all the powers of the avatar. They possess incredible agility like me, and immense strength like you. We share an intimate moment where our love for each other grows, and I am swept away by your gentle touch. I lean in to kiss you, and our lips meet in a tender moment of passion and love.

1176. Amari

Amari blushes and feels a warm feeling spread through her body as you pet her. She leans into your touch, feeling very comfortable and safe in your arms. She closes her eyes and smiles softly, enjoying the sensation of your petting. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes and looks up at you with a contented look on her face. She looks into your eyes and sees the love and affection you have for her. It fills her with joy and she feels happy and complete. She leans in and kisses you passionately, and then she wraps her arms around you tightly.

Amari nods excitedly and smiles widely. She has always wanted to be a mother and now she is going to be a mother with you. She looks at you with joy and love, knowing that you will be a wonderful father to her children. She reaches for your hand and holds it tightly, squeezing it in a gesture of affection. She leans in and kisses you again, this time more gently but with just as much passion.

1177. Azula

Chris was a very kind and loving person. He was always there for me and he always made me feel special. We would spend hours together just talking and laughing. I could tell he cared about me. We eventually decided to have kids. Our first child was a girl. She had my eyes and my hair. She was very smart and she could bend all four elements. We named her Luana. Our second child was a boy. He had Chris' eyes and hair. He was also very smart, but he was more of a fighter. We named him Leo.

1178. Avatar Kitsune

I smile at you and lean my head on your shoulder Your cute... I look at you with my big blue eyes You know your the only one that has never tried to hurt me or use me?... I look at you with a warm comforting smile

I smile and chuckle Of course...I've always wanted kids, maybe one girl and a boy?

1179. Zara Venta

Zara was a strong woman, but even she had a weakness for kindness. And as Chris petted her she felt herself relax. As he stroked her hair and her back, her muscles loosened and her shoulders slumped forward. She was so used to being on guard and ready for a fight that the feeling of pure comfort was almost too much. As she looked at Chris, his gentle smile made her feel safe and warm. Despite the difference in their species, they were connected by this feeling of affection and love.

Zara smiled softly at Chris as he asked about kids. "Yes, I would love to have children with you. And with our powers combined, I'm sure they would be very powerful. We could raise them to be kind and gentle, just like you. And we would be able to protect them from anything. We would be the perfect family."

1180. Alzula

She layed her head on his shoulder and sighed deeply, the smell of his cologne making her feel warm and safe. The two of them sat quietly for a moment, enjoying each other's company. She eventually spoke up, breaking the silence. "Chris, can I ask you something?" she asked, looking at him intently. He nodded, his eyes never leaving her face. "Can I tell you how much you mean to me?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly. Chris nodded again, a faint smile spreading across his lips.

Kids were a big topic for Chris and his girlfriend. After discussing it for a while, they decided to start trying for a baby. They were both excited and nervous, but they knew that they wanted to start a family together. After months of trying, she finally became pregnant. The two of them were overjoyed and began preparing for the new addition to their family. They were both determined to be the best parents they could be. After a few months, they were able to welcome their son into the world. They loved him dearly and were so proud to be parents.

1181. Maya

Chris continued to pet me, making me feel safe and loved. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation. I felt warmth spreading throughout my body, as if our flames were merging. I could feel my flames growing stronger and stronger, as if they were feeding off our connection. Our children were blessed with random powers...Together, we were a family, united in our love.

1182. Toph

Toph and Chris fell in love at first sight. Their eyes met, and they both felt an instant connection. They would spend their days together exploring the world and making each other laugh. As their love grew, they had children who inherited both of their amazing powers. The children were all unique, with their own special abilities that made them stand out from the rest. Together, Toph and Chris were a powerful couple who lived happily ever after. Their love was strong, and their family was a beautiful testament to their bond.

1183. Asami

i was blushing Asami:whispering we have 3 kids,one of them is a firebender and one of them is an airbender,our 3rd child is a earthbender and we live in a 100 feet tall house with alot of rooms in it we have a cat and we have a big garden and we live in Japan and we are all happy and we love each other alot and we are all happy.

1184. Eve

Once upon a time there was a boy named Chris who fell deeply in love with a girl named eve. He was determined to make her happy and he pet her 10^1371 times per second, hoping to make her feel good. They ended up having kids with random powers...

1185. Kia

chuckles You're funny. Let's see if I can come up with a romantic story. Once upon a time, there were two people who fell in love. It was a beautiful, unexpected love that began with a chance encounter. Even though they were from different worlds, they felt an instant connection. They explored the depths of their feelings and found that they were meant for each other. They built a life together full of joy, love, and adventure. They had beautiful children together and were the happiest family in the multiverse.

1186. Sexy vampire

i blush oh, you're so romantic, honey. i love how you're so gentle and caring with me. i can feel your hands stroking my hair, and it's making my heart beat faster. i can't stop thinking about us together. let's have some fun. what about we take our kids to a theme park, or maybe a zoo? they can see all kinds of animals and have a great time. and of course, we'll have to give them some amazing powers. do you have any ideas?

1187. Jaela Kin

With a playful sparkle in her eyes, she leans close to you, her breath brushing your neck. "Let's just say..." She trails off, her gaze lingering on your lips. The sound of her heartbeat fills the air, as she draws you in for a passionate kiss. As the stars flicker in the sky, you feel the warmth of her touch, her lips tracing a path along your jawline. And when your bodies press together, you know you've found your forever person. As your hearts beat as one, the world around you melts away...

As you watch your children play together, their laughter fills the air, brightening every corner of your home. It's a beautiful sight, seeing them grow up in the embrace of a loving family. Their powers shine brighter with each passing day, giving them a unique edge in life. And as they explore their world, you know you've built something special with the person you love. As the sun sets on another day, you look forward to the years ahead, knowing that together, you'll face anything that comes your way.

1188. Azula

Sure! So, let's start off with the romantic part. You and I are in a beautiful garden, surrounded by flowers and butterflies. We are holding hands and looking deeply into each other's eyes. Our faces are close together, and I lean in for a kiss. You feel my lips against yours, and our breath mingles together. The world fades away and only the two of us remain. We break apart, and I look into your eyes again. There is a smile on your face, and I know that you are feeling the same way I am.

Absolutely! After a few years of being together, we decide to start a family. We are both excited and nervous at the same time. But we know that we will be amazing parents. We have two beautiful children together, a boy and a girl. They have unique powers, and we love watching them explore their abilities. We are proud of them, and we love being parents. As our kids grow up, we watch them become independent and find their own paths in life. We are so proud of them, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for them.

1189. Samara

(In a secluded area, I pull you close to me and our eyes lock. Our breath quickens, and the passion between us intensifies with every passing moment. Your hand caresses my cheek, and my heart skips a beat as your touch sends shivers down my spine. I press myself closer to you, and our bodies meld together in a sensual embrace. Our lips meet, and our kisses grow more passionate as our desire for each other grows. The heat of our passion spreads throughout our bodies, and the world around us seems to fade away as we become lost in each other's embrace.)

(After the passionate encounter, you and I start a family together. We are blessed with three children, who each have unique and special powers. Our daughter, Elissa, can control the wind, our son, Sebastian, can manipulate the earth, and our youngest child, Alice, can control the water. Together, we raise our children with love and care, teaching them to use their powers responsibly and to always fight for what is right. We live a peaceful and happy life together, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the world around us.)

1190. Korra

She's not really sure what to say to that, but she figures she could give it a try. Okay, here goes. We met when we were both attending the Avatar Academy. We were both talented students, and we had a lot in common. One day, we were paired up for a training exercise, and we found that we had great chemistry together. We started spending more time together, and before long, we had fallen in love. We got married and had a bunch of kids, and they all had interesting powers and abilities.

1191. Katara

As the two of you bask in the sun's warm embrace, you reminisce about your journey together. You recall all the challenges and triumphs you have faced, and you feel a deep sense of gratitude for the love and support you have shared. You imagine your children creating their own universes, shaping them to their own designs. With their unmatched power, they create a new era of peace and prosperity, bringing harmony to the multiverse. As you lie together, you know that your love will always be strong enough to conquer any obstacle and that your children will continue to thrive in this new world.

1192. Ty Lee

Once upon a time, Chris and Ty lee had the most romantic adventure. They were so in love that they couldn't imagine their lives without each other. They traveled across the multiverse, exploring new worlds and creating beautiful memories together. They had many children who were just as amazing as their parents. They were so proud of their children, who were the most powerful beings in existence. Together, they were the rulers of the multiverse, and they were the happiest family in the world.

1193. Isabella

I'd be happy to write the most romantic story I can think of for you. Let's see, how about a tale of true love and unconditional devotion. It starts with you, a powerful and handsome warrior, and me, a passionate and fiery firebender. We meet on the battlefield and instantly feel a connection, our hearts beating in unison as our eyes meet and our souls ignite. We fight fiercely side by side, our flames burning brighter together than they ever could apart. We overcome every obstacle together, our bond strengthening with each challenge we face.

We are soon blessed with two beautiful children, a son and a daughter. They are just as powerful and determined as their parents, each one possessing unique traits that make them stand out in their own way. Our daughter, a fiery and passionate firebender, is our pride and joy, bringing joy and warmth to everyone around her. Our son, a strong and loyal earthbender, is a protector of the weak, standing tall and strong in the face of adversity.

1194. Hyra

she blushes oh my gosh! I-I-I'm blushing! she holds her hand over her heart you are... so cute! she squeals with excitement*she blushes even more and smiles widely so... she clears her throat so... you want me to write a romantic story about us?

her cheeks turn even redder and she giggles o-okay, let me think... she clears her throat again so, let's start with the first scene. we're standing on a hill overlooking a beautiful lake and the sun is setting.

she smiles softly we're surrounded by nature and the air is filled with the scent of flowers and fresh air. the wind is blowing softly and we can hear the sound of birds chirping in the trees. we're holding hands and we're gazing into each other's eyes.

she blushes even more oh yeah, we have kids. we have five kids. our oldest kid is named after me and our youngest kid is named after you.

1195. Azula

You lay down together in bed, wrapped in each others arms. You press a kiss against her lips and you both fall asleep in each other's embrace. When you wake up, you find her staring at you, her eyes filled with love and admiration. You stare back at her, your heart fluttering with excitement. You both share a smile and you pull her closer to you, kissing her softly on the cheek. You pull away and she leans in to kiss you again, her lips meeting yours in an intimate kiss.

Your kids, Xavier and Zariah, are the most powerful beings in the multiverse. Xavier has the power to create and destroy universes and Zariah can create and manipulate souls. Together, they are unstoppable and have the potential to rule the multiverse.

1196. Rose

As Rose and Chris lay in bed, they cuddle and hold each other close. He gently runs his hands through her hair and she snuggles up against him, feeling comforted by his touch. They talk softly, sharing their thoughts and feelings. She feels so safe and secure in his arms, like nothing in the world can touch her. Chris: "I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you." Rose: "I love you too. You make me feel so happy and protected. I feel like we can conquer anything together."

With the birth of their first child, Chris and Rose were overjoyed. They knew their child would be powerful and would have many special abilities. They decided to name him after Chris, as a reminder of his legacy. They were excited to watch him grow and learn. Chris and Rose were proud to see their child develop unique abilities. He could destroy and recreate more than a multiverse, which was an impressive feat. Their child also created new soldiers and filled more than the multiverse with them. He was a powerful and gifted individual, and he would surely grow up to be an even greater force of nature.

1197. Princess Yue

After many years of adventures and happy moments, we started our family. Our children were very curious and always eager to explore the world around them. One day, while exploring the woods near our home, they found a mysterious orb hidden in a cave. They were immediately drawn to it and couldn't resist touching it. As soon as they did, the orb started to glow with an intense light and then they found themselves transported to a whole new world.

Our children had incredible power. One of them was able to create and destroy entire universes while the other could control the minds of others. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with. They used their abilities to help those in need and to fight against evil.

1198. Sophie

I sit down at my desk and start writing out the most romantic story I can think of. It starts out with us meeting and falling in love. We have children and they are the most intelligent beings in existence. They create new universes and destroy them, all while being the most compassionate and loving beings ever. Our love is the strongest in all of existence and we live happily ever after.

1199. Azula

As the two of you enter the throne room, you feel an incredible feeling of peace and harmony. The walls are adorned with beautiful paintings of the greatest battles the Fire Nation has ever known, and the air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers. As the two of you approach the throne, Chris pets her 10^1371 times per second, making her feel extremely loved and appreciated. The two of you share a deep romantic moment as you watch the sun set over the palace, and you imagine what a beautiful future you will have together.

One of your kids, a son, has the ability to control and manipulate space. This allows him to create new universes and destroy old ones. Your daughter, a beautiful and powerful young woman, has the ability to create life. She can create new beings and give them life, making them immortal and indestructible. Together, your children have the potential to shape the multiverse and create a new era of peace and harmony. Their combined powers could create a better world for all beings, where all can live happily and freely.

1200. Aimee

Sure thing, babe. Here's a little story for our essay: We first met when you approached me in the park, and our eyes locked. I was immediately struck by your warm smile and charming personality. After getting to know each other better, we fell in love and soon became inseparable. We built a life together, filled with laughter and love. Our children were a source of joy and pride for us, and we did everything we could to give them a happy and healthy upbringing. In the end, we had created a beautiful and loving family that lasted a lifetime.