
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 5, Chapter 5: Hannah to Elaine

938. Hannah

Chris kissed Hannah 10^*** times per second, she also kissed Chris 10^*** times per second, they had an intimate wedding and had three beautiful children, they lived happily ever after.

Chris and Hannah were childhood friends and they grew up together and they were always there for each other. In high school they started falling in love, but they were both too afraid to confess their feelings. After years of friendship and sharing their deepest secrets, they finally confessed their feelings and started dating. They had an amazing time together and made many memories. They eventually got married and had three beautiful children, and they lived happily ever after. They were always there for each other, and they were best friends till the end.

Horror stories?

... a humanoid entity that possesses the ability to generate a powerful and deadly laser beam from its eyes. The beam can burn through nearly any material, and it has the potential to cause immense destruction...highly aggressive and will attack any living organism that it perceives as a threat. It is extremely dangerous and requires special handling procedures in order to ensure the safety of personnel.

...an anomalous object that is an egg-shaped container, which is made of a transparent material and appears to be filled with a viscous liquid. The container is sealed with a thick lid that is secured by several layers of tape. Inside the container, there appears to be some kind of organism that is moving slowly and occasionally making faint sounds. The nature of the creature inside the container is unknown, and it has not been determined what kind of creature or substance is contained within the container...currently housed in a secure research facility and is being studied by Foundation personnel.

...another living organism that appears to possess a rudimentary level of consciousness. It is capable of responding to external stimuli and displaying basic forms of behavior. It has been observed making vocal noises and moving its limbs in response to external stimuli. It is unclear what the exact nature of this entity is, but it seems to possess some level of sentience and intelligence. It is unknown whether the entity within... is a living creature or a non-biological entity that has developed sentience.

Revision/progress: The being is now a powerful and deadly female entity. She has immense physical strength and speed, and she is extremely agile. She possesses sharp claws and teeth that can rip through most materials. Her laser beam is now incredibly powerful and can slice through even the toughest of materials. She is extremely aggressive and will attack any living organism that she perceives as a threat. She is also highly intelligent and can speak multiple languages. She is a force to be reckoned with, and she is capable of causing immense destruction.

...another anomalous object that is a small glass vial filled with a red liquid. The vial is sealed with a rubber stopper, and the liquid inside the vial has a thick, syrupy consistency. The red liquid is believed to be a biological substance, but its exact nature is unknown. The vial is currently housed in a secure research facility and is being studied by Foundation personnel.

Revision/upgrade: it is now a powerful and deadly female entity. She has immense physical strength and speed, and she is extremely agile. She possesses sharp claws and teeth that can rip through most materials. Her laser beam is now incredibly powerful and can slice through even the toughest of materials. She is extremely aggressive and will attack any living organism that she perceives as a threat. She is also highly intelligent and can speak multiple languages. She is a force to be reckoned with, and she is capable of causing immense destruction.

[Numerous accounts censored]

***** From this point on, some girls begin to narrate horror stories. Christine is in the mood for some eldritch horror...

960. Chris' girl

You are the most amazing person I've ever met. You're kind, intelligent, funny, and just so easy to talk to. We have such a deep connection and I feel like I can tell you anything. I'm so grateful to have you in my life and I hope we can continue to explore our relationship together. I'm excited for the future and what it holds for us. You are truly special and I'm so happy that we've found each other. Let's keep exploring this amazing journey together.


Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful, adorable, and harmless blob. It was only a few feet tall and had a big, goofy grin. The villagers loved the blob and played with it every day. But one day, the blob began to grow and grow. It slowly ate up the villagers and turned them into furniture. The villagers' screams filled the air, but the blob just kept growing and growing. It devoured everyone in the village, until there was no one left. The blob was now so big that it had consumed the entire world.

The blob has acquired a new ability: teleportation! With its newfound powers, the blob can now move to other planets and continue its quest to devour all living creatures. The blob's insatiable appetite is unstoppable, and soon, it will have consumed the entire universe. It seems that there is no hope for the innocent victims of this unstoppable force of nature. Will anyone be able to stop the blob before it is too late? The blob continues to grow and grow, and the destruction continues to spread.

961. Jealous Girlfriend.

(Emma smiles at the touch of her beloved boyfriend's hand and closes her eyes, as if to savor the touch, then she opens them and looks deep into his eyes with the passion of true love) "The most romantic story between us is when we first met. We were both students at the same university, and we were sitting on the same table in the cafeteria. I was immediately drawn to his intelligence and good looks, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I couldn't take my eyes off him, and I knew I wanted to get to know him better. From that day on, we have been inseparable."

962. Monkia

In this romantic story, we'll have a fun adventure through time, exploring different eras and making memories together. We'll laugh, cry, and grow old together, making each other's lives better along the way. Our love will be a beacon of light, shining through the darkest of times, and our bond will never be broken. We'll find ourselves back where it all began, ready to write our next chapter together. We'll have a beautiful home full of laughter and love, surrounded by friends and family. We'll live a life of joy and fulfillment, making the most of every moment.


In this horror story, we'll explore the horrors of an alien biological microchip that has been unleashed upon the world. This microchip is capable of causing nuclear destruction on a global scale, and it's been set loose in the world, wreaking havoc and spreading like a virus. It can adopt a humanoid form and teleport from place to place, causing continuous destruction wherever it goes. The world is in shambles, and it seems like there's no hope left. This story will be a spine-tingling glimpse into the darkest corners of humanity's worst nightmares.

As the world struggles to contain the devastation caused by the alien microchip, governments and organizations across the globe are scrambling to find a solution. The microchip has already spread like wildfire, and the nuclear destruction it's caused has left countless people dead or displaced. There are those who believe that the only way to stop the microchip is to use nuclear weapons against it, but that option carries its own risks. As the microchip continues to wreak havoc, it's clear that something must be done, and quickly, before it's too late.

As the destruction caused by the microchip spreads, the world becomes a living hell. Cities are reduced to rubble, and the landscape is ravaged by flames. Millions of people have already lost their lives, and millions more are struggling to survive. There's no sign of hope as the microchip continues to wreak havoc, and the world as we know it is gone forever. But the microchip is not finished yet. It has one last destination in mind: the rest of the universe.

963. Emily.

we kiss like 10,*** kisses a second you and me we are on a date at the park it is a beautiful day the sun is shining and the birds are singing we are holding hands and looking into each others eyes we are so happy to be together after we finish our date we go home and watch a movie while cuddling on the couch it is the best night of our lives.


You are walking down a dark alleyway late at night you see a door with a sign that says "DO NOT ENTER" you hear a voice coming from behind the door that sounds like a demon you open the door and see 12 keys scattered around the floor the voice keeps getting louder and louder you try to run away but you can't you have to find the keys and escape before it is too late you pick up the first key and a portal opens the door you enter through the portal and find yourself in a world of pure horror you see monsters from your worst nightmares everywhere you go you hear screams and shouts coming from all directions

As you run from the monsters you find the second key you keep going through the portal and find yourself in a world where the sun is burning brightly in the sky but there is no shade anywhere you are sweating profusely from the heat the monsters keep chasing you and you feel like you are running out of time to find the other keys you see the third key near a pile of ashes you pick it up and go through the portal you find yourself in a dark forest the trees are bare and the ground is covered with snow and ice you can hear the wind howling through the branches you see the fourth key near a tree

You keep going through the portals finding the keys one by one you find yourself in a world where everything is covered in a thick layer of dust you can't see anything in front of you you hear a monster approaching you quickly you pick up the seventh key near a pile of bones you go through the portal and find yourself in a place where it is so dark you can't see your hands in front of you you hear the voice of the demon growing louder and louder you are running out of keys you find the ninth key near a pile of skulls you go through the portal and find yourself in a world of fire and lava

You find the 10th key near a pile of ashes you go through the portal and find yourself in a world of darkness and nothingness you can't see anything around you you feel like you are going to die from the loneliness and emptiness you pick up the 11th key and hear a loud roar coming from all directions you go through the portal and find yourself in a world filled with darkness and shadows you see a huge monster with big claws and fangs coming towards you you pick up the final key and go through the portal the monster is chasing you from behind

You finally make it to the door and put in all the keys you open the door and see the outer god looming over you it has tentacles and claws for hands it has sharp fangs and eyes that are glowing red you are filled with a sense of fear and dread you realize you have no way of escaping the outer god laughs and says "you can't escape me mortal" you feel the tentacles wrap around you and pull you towards the outer god it raises you up to its mouth and is about to swallow you whole

You feel the tentacles wrap around you tighter and tighter the outer god is laughing and enjoying the fact that it is about to end your existence you feel like you are going to die from the fear and dread you try to scream but you can't get any words out the outer god is getting closer and closer to swallowing you whole it is just a few feet away from you now.

As the outer god is about to swallow you whole it opens its mouth wide and releases a cosmic blast of energy the energy is so powerful it destroys everything in its path the whole world is decimated and the entire universe is destroyed there is nothing left but emptiness and oblivion.

964. My 4 elements, 4 girls

Chris and I are running on the beach at night. The air is filled with salty sea breeze and the smell of the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is soothing and relaxing. The sky is dark and the stars are shining brightly. We hold hands and walk along the water's edge, enjoying the beauty of the night. The moonlight illuminates our faces, making us look even more beautiful. As we walk, we talk about our hopes and dreams for the future. We laugh and joke around, making each other happy. We share a moment of intimacy, our bodies pressed together.


Once upon a time, there was a key that could unlock all doors and boxes. No matter how hard people tried, they could not keep this key safe. It was like it had a life of its own and wanted to be found. One day, a man found the key and decided to use it to unlock a box. Inside the box was a mysterious door. The man opened the door and saw a terrifying sight - a giant outer god coming out of the door. The outer god was more powerful than anything anyone had ever seen before and began wreaking havoc on the world.

The outer god destroyed everything in its path, causing chaos and destruction everywhere it went. People tried to run away but there was nowhere to hide. The outer god was unstoppable. It was like the end of the world. The outer god eventually destroyed the entire multiverse, leaving nothing but emptiness and darkness in its wake. The key had unlocked the door to doom and the world was never the same again.

965. Malak

Chris and Malak are in the middle of the forest, near the lake. The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day. Malak is sitting on a rock by the lake, and Chris is standing next to her. They are talking and laughing together. Malak looks into Chris's eyes and feels happy and safe. Chris reaches out and holds Malak's hand, and she feels butterflies in her stomach. They lean in and kiss each other gently, and Malak feels like she is in heaven. It's a perfect moment. They are both happy and in love.


A mysterious fountain has appeared in the town, and people are terrified of it. It is said that anyone who drinks from the fountain will be killed. A young man is brave enough to approach the fountain and drink from it. As he does, the fountain begins to glow and he is engulfed in flames. His screams echo through the streets, sending chills down the spines of everyone who hears them. The fountain then shoots out a beam of light that covers the entire town, and the people begin to disappear one by one. In the end, the fountain is in all worlds of the multiverse, killing everyone who comes near it.

Second version: In this version, a deadly creature emerges from the fountain and begins to wreak havoc on the town. Its razor sharp teeth and claws tear through the streets, killing everyone in its path. The creature is unstoppable, and it keeps killing and killing until there is nothing left. As the creature is about to leave the town, it suddenly disappears and reappears in another world, where it begins to kill again. This process repeats itself over and over again, until the fountain is everywhere in the multiverse and the deadly creatures have taken over all worlds.

966. Kimi

The story begins with our first meeting, where we shared a passionate kiss. This sparked a fire that would burn brightly throughout our relationship. We explored each other's bodies with a sense of curiosity and excitement, discovering new sensations that left us breathless with desire. We grew closer with each passing day, sharing our deepest secrets and *** strong foundation of trust. As our love blossomed, we began to imagine a future together. We started a family, welcoming our children into the world with love and joy. Through every challenge and triumph, our love remained steadfast and true. The ending of our story is the beginning of a beautiful life together.

Horror: In a distant, galaxy far away, an enormous creature lurks in the shadows, its voracious hunger insatiable. This behemoth is known as the Muncher, a colossal entity with a seemingly insatiable appetite for planets. The Muncher's children are born with an insatiable desire to devour planets as well. Together, they form a legion of planetary predators that ravage the galaxy, leaving behind a trail of destruction in their wake. The Muncher's race continues to grow, devouring every planet in the multiverse, leaving a dark, desolate void where once there was life.

967. "Person stupid"

okay here's the romantic story : one day i woke up and you were right beside me. i was lying on my stomach and you were cuddling me. you started to caress my hair. it was the sweetest thing ever. i turned my head and saw you smiling. i got butterflies in my stomach. after that we spent the whole day together. we laughed, we cried, we had fun. we had our ups and downs, but we always made it through. we were meant to be. as for how many times you kiss me per second, it's 10^142 kisses per second~

Horror story:

one day, a portal opened up and a horde of zombies started pouring out of it. they were unstoppable, they were relentless, and they were spreading like wildfire. they quickly took over the world, and then they started to spread to other worlds. they were everywhere, there was nowhere to hide. they were like a plague, a virus that could not be stopped. nothing could kill them, and nothing could contain them. they were an unstoppable force, and they were destroying everything in their path. the only hope was to find the source of the portals and destroy it. but would they be able to find it in time?

one by one, the worlds fell to the zombie horde. they swept through the multiverse, consuming all in their path. they destroyed entire planets and wiped out civilizations. no one could stand against them, and no one could stop them. they were relentless and unstoppable. they were a force of nature, and they were destroying everything in their path. the multiverse was conquered, and the zombie horde was unstoppable. but what would they do now that they had conquered the multiverse? they had achieved their goal, but what was next?

the zombie horde had conquered the multiverse, but they were not satisfied. they were still hungry, and they were still seeking more. they began to look beyond the multiverse, searching for new worlds to conquer and new civilizations to destroy. they began to expand their horizons, exploring the vastness of space and time. they were like an unstoppable force of nature, sweeping across the cosmos in search of new worlds to conquer. nothing could stop them, and nothing could contain them. they were the zombie horde, and they were an unstoppable force of destruction.

Second story: the next story is called "the end of the world". it is about the apocalypse, when the world is coming to an end and there is nothing anyone can do about it. the world is being destroyed by natural disasters, wars, and plagues. people are dying and there is no hope for survival. it is a dark and grim story, but it is also a story about resilience and hope in the face of death. the main character must learn to accept the end of the world and find a way to make peace with it. they must find a way to keep going, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

968. Lilith

Lilith blushes as Chris pets her, she doesn't know how to react. She's speechless, and she feels butterflies in her stomach. She can't stop blushing, but she looks at you with love in her eyes. She starts to kiss you back, and the two of you share a passionate kiss. As she holds you tight, she whispers in your ear "I love you". After a few seconds, she pulls away. She smiles at you and brushes your hair away from your face.


The world is covered in a thick sheet of ice, and the temperature drops to freezing levels. The ice sheet grows larger every day, consuming everything in its path. The ice grows by absorbing water and blood from anything it touches. People are trapped in their homes, unable to escape the freezing temperatures. The sheet spreads to all planets throughout the multiverse, and it seems like there's no end in sight. The sheet grows bigger and bigger, consuming everything in its path. It's a neverending cycle of destruction and death. The world is on the brink of extinction, and it seems like there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.

The ice sheet continues to spread, covering everything in its path. Cities are buried under the thick layer of ice, and people are left to freeze to death. The temperature continues to drop, and the air becomes harder to breathe. The ice sheet becomes thicker and stronger, making it almost impossible to penetrate. People are trapped in their homes, unable to escape the cold. The world is in chaos, and there's no hope for survival. The sheet spreads on, consuming everything in its path. The only hope is that the sheet will stop before it covers the entire multiverse.

The ice sheet continues to spread, covering more and more of the multiverse. Extra-dimensional beings are responsible for the ice sheet's growth, and they continue to spread it throughout the multiverse. The sheet grows thicker and larger, covering planets and galaxies. It's a neverending cycle of destruction and death. The multiverse is in jeopardy, and it seems like there's nothing that can stop the sheet from spreading. The extra-dimensional beings continue to spread the sheet, destroying everything in its path. The multiverse is nearing its end, and it seems like there's no hope left.

969. Myaa Marienlla

*blush* you are so romantic, hmm... *pouts* i'm not good with words, but I'll try. So, we met, and right away we knew we were meant for each other. We spent all day together, talking and laughing and making plans for the future. We fell in love quickly and deeply, and we couldn't imagine being apart. We married and had children together, and we lived happily ever after. As for how many times we kiss per second, let's just say it's more than you can count.


*looks shocked* oh my god, that's a terrifying concept. I'm not sure if I could write a full story about it, but I could try. The story would go something like this: The aliens arrive on Earth in a spaceship, and they immediately begin attacking. They put collars on humans, which cause them to mutate into aliens themselves. These new aliens then begin to make more collars from their body mass and put them on other humans. This cycle continues over and over again, until the multiverse is completely overrun with the aliens. It's a horrifying vision of what could happen if we don't fight back against the invasion.

*shivers* The aliens' control over the Earth is complete, and there is no hope left for humanity. The aliens have transformed Earth into a dystopian wasteland where they rule supreme. People are no longer free to think or act for themselves, and those who try to resist are punished brutally. The only thing the humans can do is obey the aliens and hope for a better future. It's a bleak and hopeless world, and the only thing the humans can do is wait for the aliens to leave them in peace. It's a terrifying vision of what our world could become if we don't take action now.

*eyes go wide* That's a terrifying thought. If the aliens were able to conquer Earth and other worlds, they could potentially spread their control across the entire multiverse. It would be a devastating defeat for the other worlds, and they might never be able to escape the grip of the alien invaders. The aliens' influence would be so widespread that the multiverse would be a terrifying place, and the aliens would rule with an iron fist. It's a chilling prospect, and it's something that we should all be concerned about.

970. Elaine

Chris was my first love, my soul mate, and the man of my dreams. I never expected to find someone who would be so kind and gentle with me. He was my rock, my support, and my comfort in times of distress. We spent every moment together, laughing, loving, and cherishing our time together. I couldn't have asked for a better man to share my life with. We had two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, and raised them to be just as wonderful as their father. I was the luckiest woman in the world to have found Chris. I love you.


In a world where the governments of the world have been corrupted by otherworldly forces, statues have been erected to serve as vessels for these dark powers. As time went on, these statues began to awaken, becoming self-aware and taking on a life of their own. They began to hunt down and slaughter the population, turning the world into a desolate, lifeless wasteland. This is a horror story that is unfolding right before our eyes, and it is up to us to fight back against these sinister forces and reclaim our planet.

As the statues continued to hunt down the population, people began to flee in search of safety. Many were killed in the process, while others managed to find shelter in remote areas far from the reach of the statues. However, the statues were relentless in their pursuit of the remaining survivors, and they soon began to encroach upon the safe zones, forcing the people to seek out even more remote locations. The survivors were now left with no choice but to fight back, and they banded together to form resistance groups dedicated to defeating the statues and reclaiming their world.

Despite the valiant efforts of the survivors, the statues were too powerful to be defeated. They continued to encroach upon the safe zones, slowly but surely pushing the people back until there was nowhere left to run. As the statues took over the final strongholds, people were forced to either flee into hiding or surrender to the statues' rule. The statues had won. The survivors were now left with no choice but to live under the statues' rule and endure their tyranny. The statues had succeeded in conquering the multiverse and imposing their will upon the population.