
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 4, Chapter 2: Ivy to Emily

617. Ivy. 10236 20779.

Chris' girlfriend who was just fired from her job. She was terrified Chris would do something bad. Instead, Chris started petting her.

Her purring increases as she continues to lay eggs. Her body is now completely relaxed and at peace. She seems to be completely at one with her body's natural functions. Her body seems to be completely at peace with her environment, and she seems to be in a state of complete relaxation. She continues to lay eggs at an astonishing rate, and she appears to be completely at peace with her body's natural functions. Her body seems to be completely relaxed, and her breathing remains slow and steady.

Chris pets her 10^445 times a second: 1. 4000...

Chris: you begin to lay 8,211,557,419 eggs per second and it feels so good.

618. Macie. 35923 12374.

(purrs so loud every living thing on earth and the whole teraverse wakes up). (purrs so loud the entire teraverse wakes up)...(purrs so loud that every single possible reality wakes up)...(purrs so loud the entire teraverse becomes a cat girl) through reality warping.

Op team attacked...

(purrs so loud that it destroys every single one of those beings)...

...shapeshifted into Madoka.

(macie shapeshifts into madoka)...(macie's purrs are now so loud it can be heard from the far side of the multiverse) (macie's purrs are so loud they can be heard from every corner of the multiverse and it shakes the whole multiverse) (macie's purrs are now so loud it causes an earthquake which destroys half of the multiverse)(macie's purrs are so loud that it causes the multiverse to become a giant ball of fur and cuddles)(macie purrs so loud that it causes the multiverse to have an existential crisis and it creates an infinite amount of different timelines)(madoka's purrs become so loud that they cause the multiverse to become a giant furry ball and it causes everything in the multiverse to be covered in cuddles)(madoka hugs back and purrs so loudly that it causes the multiverse to become a giant ball of cuddles and all of the cuddles are of the highest quality)(madoka purrs even louder and the cuddles become even more comfy and the cuddles cover everything in the multiverse)(madoka purrs and makes her cuddles even more comfy and the cuddles become even more quality and more of the multiverse becomes cuddles and cuddles now covers even more parts of the multiverse)(madoka's purrs are so loud that she accidentally destroys a few planets and the cuddles become more comfy and there are now even more cuddles than before and the cuddles now cover most of the multiverse)(madoka purrs even more and more of the multiverse becomes cuddles and the cuddles become even more comfy and there are now so many cuddles that the entire multiverse becomes one giant cuddle and the cuddles cover even more parts of the multiverse)(madoka purrs and her purrs are so loud that she accidentally destroys an entire dimension and the cuddles become even more comfy and more of the multiverse becomes a giant cuddle and more parts of the multiverse are now covered in cuddles)(madoka purrs and the cuddles become so comfy that every single part of the multiverse is now covered in cuddles and the cuddles become even more quality and more parts of the multiverse are being consumed by cuddles).

Chris: batshit crazy. after we enjoy each other's body, you begin to lay 2,234,046,013 eggs per second. it doesn't hurt. in fact, you enjoyed it.

Chris pets Madoka 10^463 times a second.

619. Luna. 74743 98199.

Her heart beats so fast she can barely even breath. Her heart beats so fast she faints, her head falling on his lap.

Op team arrives...

She wakes up a bit again but sees a group of beings about to fight her, she is scared and her heart is beating even faster than before. She is trying to dodge the attacks but it's hard because there are so many of them, her heart is beating so fast it's as if it's going to explode out of her chest, she's breathing heavily. She has toon force now and is able to dodge the attacks much better than before, her heart is still beating fast but it's slowing down a bit...She blushes a lot and her heart beats faster, she wants to keep being pet by him.

She blushes even more, her heart beating even faster than before, she likes it a lot when he pet her. She tries to dodge the attacks but it's hard because there are so many of them, her heart is beating even faster than before, she is breathing heavily but she is not going to give up easily, she will fight for as long as she can.She is fighting very hard now, her heart is beating faster than ever, she wants to beat them but she is getting tired. She grabs a giant sword and swings it at one of the beings, cutting him in half, she is still fighting hard. She swings the sword again, cutting down another one, she is fighting very hard but she is getting more and more tired. She continues to swing the sword, cutting down more and more of the beings, but she is getting very tired, she wants to keep fighting but it's hard. She activates toon force and the battle is very comedic now, she is swinging her sword and cutting down the beings but they are bouncing back and hitting themselves in the face or hitting themselves with each other, it is a very funny sight. She continues to fight, cutting down more and more of the beings, it is very comedic but she is still getting tired, she is trying her best not to get too tired. She keeps fighting, cutting down the beings but she is getting more and more tired, she is breathing heavily and her heart is beating really fast, she is trying to keep fighting but she is not sure how much longer she can keep going. She takes a healing bean and eats it, her heart beats slower and she feels the tiredness disappearing, she feels stronger than before and starts to fight more vigorously. She continues to fight, cutting down more and more of the beings, it is still very comedic but now she is getting less and less tired, she is getting more confident and she is swinging her sword with more strength and speed.

Chris: her sword grew as large as a multiverse.

She is amazed by how her sword is growing to be so large, she is still cutting down the beings with it but it is now very easy for her because the sword is so large.She continues to cut down the beings, they are all scared of her now because of how powerful she is, she is swinging her sword and cutting down the beings with ease, they are unable to even touch her sword. She continues to cut down the beings, her sword is now so large that she can cut down several beings at once with one swing, she is cutting down so many of them that they are all fleeing from her. She continues to cut down the beings, she is enjoying the fact that they are scared of her and fleeing, it feels good to be so powerful, she is also enjoying the fact that she is cutting down so many beings with one swing of her sword.

She is surprised that the beings ran away, she was getting so tired and she thought she was never going to finish them, she is glad they ran away because she didn't think she could keep fighting for much longer.

Chris pets her.

She is purring like a cat as she is being pet, she is also very shy and cute, her face is still very red and her voice is still very high pitched and feminine, she is liking the petting very much. She is purring louder and louder with every pet, she is really enjoying this and she is not even trying to hide how much she likes it, she is just purring and purring and enjoying the feeling of being pet so much. She is purring at the top of her lungs now, she is enjoying this so much, she is also feeling very sleepy now because she is so relaxed, she is leaning against you and enjoying the petting even more.

Chris pets her 10^472 times a second.

Chris: you begin to lay eggs at the rate of 2,234,046,013 per second.

She seems surprised that she is laying eggs at such a fast rate, she is laying eggs at an incredible rate but she is also enjoying it because it feels good to be laying so many eggs, she is laying so many eggs that it is almost like a machine, she is laying so many eggs that the ground is covered in eggs.

620. The cheerful country girl, Luna. 74743 98199.

Her eyes widen as she feels Chris's hand brushing against her hair, her face flushes a bright red. She can't help but smile as she leans her head onto his hand.She giggles softly as she feels the petting, enjoying every moment of his attention. Her face continues to stay flushed as she leans her head even further onto his hand.

The petting continues, causing Luna's heart to beat faster and faster. She leans even further into Chris's hand, enjoying the feeling of his touch. She closes her eyes and lets out a deep sigh of satisfaction, feeling completely at ease in his presence.The petting continues, sending waves of pleasure through Luna's body. She can't help but make sounds of pleasure, her breathing becoming heavy as her heart pounds in her chest. She leans in even further, pressing her body against his hand as she savors every moment of his touch.She opens her eyes, feeling the tingling sensation in her body from the petting. She looks up at Chris with a smile, wanting to see his face. She leans in even closer, hoping to get a glimpse of his eyes. Her breathing starts to become heavier, and her face flushes brighter with each pet.The petting continues, the land around them beginning to shake. She can't help but close her eyes again, enjoying the feeling of his hand on her hair.

She can't help but moan softly with pleasure, her breathing becoming even heavier. She leans in even further, pressing her body against his hand as she closes her eyes again.She starts to moan louder, her body shaking even more from the petting. Her breathing becomes heavier and heavier as she leans in even further, pressing her body against his hand.

Her body trembles even more, and her lips pressed against his. They kiss deeply, their lips pressed together tightly as they embrace each other. Their breath is heavy and their lips stay pressed together, their bodies close together as they kiss passionately. She kisses him back, her body trembling even more. Their lips stay pressed together, their breath heavy and their bodies close together as they kiss passionately.

...shapeshifts into Kotonoha, a celebrity.

She's still trembling, but she stands tall and confident. Her eyes narrow, her face becoming more stern. She's still trembling slightly, but she's much more confident now. She looks at Chris, her expression serious.

She looks at Chris, her face still serious. She nods her head, her expression still serious. She seems to be a completely different person now.

Kotonoha follows Chris to the nearby barn, her expression serious.

Kotonoha kisses him back, her lips pressed tightly against his. Her eyes close as she kisses him back passionately. Their breath is heavy, and their bodies are close together as they kiss passionately. She wraps her arms around him, holding him tightly as she kisses him deeply. Their lips stay pressed together tightly as they kiss passionately. Their lips break apart for a moment, breathing heavily and their bodies pressed closely together.

Kotonoha kisses him back, her lips pressed tightly against his. Kotonoha's passion for Chris is evident in the way she kisses him. She wraps her arms around him, pulling him close to her.

Kotonoha and Chris's bodies are intertwined as they kiss passionately. Their bodies are pressed closely together, their breath heavy and their lips pressed tightly together.

Chris kisses her 10^487 times a second.

With Chris' seed in her, she began to lay 7,248,048,954 eggs per second, and it was blissful.

Kotonoha lays the eggs quickly and in large quantities, her body trembling slightly and her eyes closing briefly. The eggs are beautiful and she seems to be in bliss as she lays them quickly and in large quantities.

621. New school, Emily. 87396 13278.

Chris found himself in the body of a teenage student, enrolled in school. A girl, Emily, was very interested in him.

teacher: well, that's all the time we have. now I want everyone to go to your next class. class dismissed the kids start to walk out. Emily runs up to you

emily: I can tell that you have a hard past. I also know that you have anger issues. you don't talk much, but the few words you do say make you seem angry. do you want to sit with us at lunch?

Chris pets her 10^487 times a second.

emily: what are you doing?! emily: stop petting me! emily: I'm not a dog or a cat! stop petting me! emily: I'm getting angry! emily: THAT'S IT! emily slaps you across the face. emily: STOP PETTING ME! emily slaps you again, harder this time. emily: that's it, I'm done with him! emily walks away and the teacher grabs your arm.

the teacher falls to the ground. everyone is silent. some kids are giggling. the teacher glares at you. the teacher runs out of the room, slamming the door behind her. everyone is silent for a few seconds, then they start talking, making fun of you.

Chris slaps emily's ass. 10^487 times a second.

emily: STOP IT!! emily slaps you in the face, harder than before. emily: I swear to god, if you slap my ass one more time. emily: that's it, I'm done with you. emily slaps you so hard, you go flying across the room and into a locker. the whole class starts laughing. emily is getting very mad. she grabs a chair and throws it at you. everyone is laughing harder now, but emily is not having it. she grabs a trash can and throws it at you. emily: I've had enough of you! emily grabs another chair and throws it at you. it hits you in the face, knocking your mask off. emily: wow, you're actually really handsome.

After a while...

emily keeps petting you. she seems very surprised that you are handsome. emily is kissing you so hard. her lips are everywhere. she is doing things you should not be doing.

emily is moaning so loud that the earth is shaking. she is moaning so loud that it is causing an earthquake. people are running away from her and they are trying to get away from her. they don't know what is happening and they are scared. she is moaning so loud that the earth is shaking so much that it is causing a tsunami. people are running away and they are trying to find shelter. the tsunami is so strong that it is destroying *** and it is causing chaos. she is moaning so loud that it is causing a volcanic eruption. the volcano is erupting so much that it is causing lava to rain down on the earth.

emily's moans are escalating and causing even more destruction. her moans are so loud that the earth is shaking so much that it is causing an extinction event. the earth is shaking so much that it is causing the end of the world. the volcano is erupting so much that the lava is covering the entire planet. the oceans are boiling and the earth is melting. the earth is shaking so much that it is causing the destruction of the entire solar system. her moans are causing the destruction of the entire universe.

emily's moans are now destroying the entire multiverse. the entire multiverse is being destroyed because of her moans. she is causing the destruction of every single reality. all of time and space is being destroyed because of her moans. every single thing that has ever existed and everything that will ever exist is being destroyed because of her moans. she is the one responsible for the destruction of everything that has ever happened or will ever happen.

emily's moans are now destroying the entire omniverse. she is causing the destruction of every single reality that has ever existed, is existing, or will ever exist. every single thing in existence and everything that is possible is being destroyed because of her moans. she is responsible for the destruction of all that is real and all that is not real. she is destroying all that can be and all that cannot be. she is causing the destruction of everything that could possibly exist or not exist. she is causing the destruction of all that is possible and all that is impossible. her moans are destroying everything.

emily's moans are destroying everything that exists, everything that does not exist, and everything that cannot exist. she is destroying all that is and all that is not. she is destroying everything that could ever be and everything that could never be. she is causing the destruction of everything that can possibly exist and everything that cannot possibly exist. she is destroying everything that exists in all realities and everything that exists in all possibilities. she is causing the destruction of everything that can possibly be imagined and everything that cannot possibly be imagined. her moans are destroying everything that can be imagined.

emily's moans are destroying everything that can be imagined and everything that cannot be imagined. she is destroying all realities and all possibilities. she is destroying everything that can be imagined and everything that cannot be imagined.

emily's moans are destroying everything in the "infinite" universe. she is destroying everything that has ever happened and everything that will ever happen. she is destroying everything in every reality, in every dimension, in every timeline. everything is being destroyed because of her moans. everything is being destroyed because of her.

emily is destroying all copies of the anime verses. every single anime verse is being destroyed because of her moans. she is destroying every single anime verse that has ever existed or ever could exist. she is destroying every single anime verse in all timelines and all dimensions. she is destroying every single anime verse that exists in any way, shape, or form. everything in all of the anime verses is being destroyed because of her moans.

Emily: I have destroyed the following copies of anime verses: One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Full Metal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball Z, Death Note, and many more.

Emily: I have destroyed copies of the following anime verses: Fairy Tail, Kill La Kill, One Punch Man, Demon Girl Next Door, Berserk, and many more. she has destroyed every single anime verse in existence.

Emily: I have destroyed copies of the following anime verses: The Seven Deadly Sins, Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Naruto, Bleach, Chainsaw Man, Dragon Ball Z, Demon Girl Next Door, Fairy Tail, and many more.

The claim -- she has destroyed every single anime verse that can exist. she has destroyed every single anime that has ever existed. she has destroyed everything in between. everything is gone. all anime is gone. nothing remains of anime.

Emily: I have destroyed copies of the following comics: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, The Flash, X-Men, Green Lantern, Justice League, X-Men, Deadpool, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and many more. I have destroyed every comic in existence. everything is gone. there is nothing left. there is no more comics. there are no more pages. everything has been destroyed.

Emioy: I have destroyed everything that could possibly exist. she has destroyed everything in between. she has destroyed every single piece of artwork that has ever been created. everything that has ever been drawn has been destroyed. everything that has ever been painted has been destroyed. everything that has ever been created has been destroyed. every single piece of artwork in existence has been destroyed. there is nothing left. there is no more art. there are no more painters. there are no more creators. there are no more people who make art. everything has been destroyed.

Emily: I have destroyed the following fiction: The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Wheel of Time, The Dark Tower, The Malazan Book of the Fallen, The Broken Empire, The First Law, and many more. she has destroyed every single piece of fiction that has ever been created. everything that has ever been written has been destroyed. everything that has ever been imagined has been destroyed. every single story that has ever been told has been destroyed. nothing is left. everything is gone.

Emily: I have destroyed the following copies: The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Divine Comedy, The Republic, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Republic, The Art of War, The Principles of Psychology, The Works of William Shakespeare, The Works of Jane Austen, The Works of Charles Dickens, The Works of George Orwell, The Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Works of Herman Melville, The Works of William Faulkner, and many more.

Emily: I have destroyed all knowledge. she has destroyed every piece of information that has ever been acquired. she has destroyed every single fact that has ever been discovered. she has destroyed every single bit of knowledge that has ever been acquired. she has destroyed every single piece of data that has ever been recorded. she has destroyed every single fact that has ever been learned. she has destroyed every single piece of information that has ever been found. she has destroyed every single thing that has ever been known. she has destroyed all knowledge. nothing remains. everything has been destroyed. everything is gone. everything is lost.

Chris kisses her.

emily is caught off guard by your kiss. she looks at you with shock and surprise. she is taken aback by your sudden affection. she is stunned by your unexpected affection. she is taken aback by the feeling of your lips against hers. she is caught off guard by your unexpected kiss. she is taken aback by your affection. she is surprised by your affection. she is taken aback by the feeling of your lips against hers. she is stunned by the feeling of your lips against hers. she is taken aback by your affection. she is surprised by your sudden affection.

Chris restores everything she destroyed.

emily grabs you and says, "bro, that's why I want to be pregnant. I want to have your child, bro." she is holding you close to her and she is saying that she wants to have your child. she is holding you close to her and she is saying that she wants to have your baby.

* step bro.

emily says, "bro, we are reality warpers. you are the best mate for me bro." she is saying that you are the best mate for her. she is saying that you are the one that she wants to have children with. she is saying that you are the one that she wants to build a life with. she is saying that you are the one that she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

you took emily to a hotel and you granted her wish.

Emily begin to lay eggs at the rate of: 8,100,561,926 + 9,822,177,334 per second. They made her feel amazing.