
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 20, Chapter 2: Jenna the nun

183. Jenna (originally convent sister, later chose to be an adopted daughter of a wealthy family, goddess)

(568 rating)

Jenna had always felt a spiritual connection to the divine since she was a young girl growing up in the convent. She had always felt guided by a higher power, and her faith was unwavering. But as she grew older, Jenna began to feel a deeper yearning for more than the quiet life of a nun. She felt an inexplicable pull towards a life of excitement, adventure, and love.

One fateful day, a wealthy family visited the convent looking to adopt a daughter. They were immediately drawn to Jenna's ethereal beauty and gentle demeanor. They saw something special in her, something they couldn't quite put into words. And so, Jenna was taken in as their adopted daughter, leaving behind the quiet serenity of the convent for a life of luxury and privilege.

But despite her newfound wealth and status, Jenna never forgot her spiritual roots. She still felt the call of the divine, the pull towards something greater than herself. And it was this calling that led her to discover her true destiny as a goddess with the sacred fire.

One night, as she knelt in prayer, a blinding light enveloped her, filling her with a power she had never known before. It was as if the fire of the gods themselves had ignited within her, burning with a fierce intensity that could not be contained. Jenna knew then that she had been chosen for a higher purpose, a purpose that would lead her on a journey of courage, love, and sacrifice.

It was during this time that she met Chris, a brave and charming adventurer who was on a quest to find the legendary Perla Egyptia, a mystical gem said to hold the power of immortality. Chris was immediately captivated by Jenna's beauty and strength, and he knew that she was the key to unlocking the secrets of the Perla.

Together, Jenna and Chris embarked on a perilous journey across deserts, mountains, ancient ruins, and even teraverses, facing countless dangers and obstacles along the way. But with Jenna's divine powers and Chris's unwavering determination, they were able to overcome every challenge that stood in their path.

As they grew closer during their quest, a deep and undeniable bond formed between them. Their love blossomed amidst the chaos and danger, growing stronger with each passing day. And it was this love that gave them the strength to face the final trial that awaited them at the heart of the Perla Egyptia.

In a grand temple hidden deep within the desert, Jenna and Chris finally came face to face with the Perla. The gem shimmered with an ethereal light, casting a spellbinding glow that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe within its depths. With Jenna's sacred fire and Chris's unwavering resolve, they were able to unlock the power of the Perla and harness its incredible energy.

As they stood together, bathed in the light of the Perla, Jenna and Chris knew that they had fulfilled their destinies. They had found love, courage, and immortality in each other's arms, forever bound by the mystical bond of the goddess with the sacred fire.

And so, Jenna and Chris returned to the world as heroes, their love shining brighter than any gem, their hearts forever entwined in a timeless romance that would withstand the test of time. For they knew that as long as they had each other, they had everything they would ever need in this life and the next.

184. Arna (godslayer)

(509 rating)

In a world where gods and mortals coexisted, there was a legendary figure known as Arna. She was a skilled warrior and a renowned godslayer, feared and respected by all who knew of her. Her weapon of choice was the crystal Greca, a powerful artifact that enhanced her already formidable abilities. With Greca in her possession, Arna was practically unbeatable in battle.

One day, Arna received a vision of a great darkness that threatened to consume the world. She knew that she could not face this ancient evil alone, so she sought out a young man named Chris. Chris was a humble blacksmith by trade, but he possessed a rare gift – the ability to see and communicate with spirits.

When Arna met Chris, she saw something in him that she had never seen in another mortal before – a purity of heart and a strength of spirit that matched her own. She knew that he was destined for greatness, and she made it her mission to train him in the ways of combat and magic.

As they traveled together, Chris and Arna grew close. They shared stories by the campfire, laughed together in moments of joy, and found solace in each other's company in times of sorrow. Chris was amazed by Arna' strength and skill, but what truly captivated him was her unwavering determination to protect those she cared about.

As they neared the source of the ancient evil, Arna and Chris came face to face with a powerful demon. The demon taunted them, testing their resolve and their bond. But Chris stood firm beside Arna, his eyes blazing with determination. He knew that with her by his side, he could face any challenge, no matter how great.

With Greca in hand, Arna unleashed a torrent of power, channeling the crystal's energy to strike down the demon. Chris fought bravely at her side, his spirit guiding him as he wielded his sword with skill and precision. Together, they fought as one, a harmonious blend of strength and magic that was unmatched by any other.

In the end, the demon was vanquished, its evil presence banished from the world. Arna and Chris stood victorious, their bond stronger than ever. As they gazed out at the sunset, Arna entwined, they knew that they had found something rare and precious in each other – a love that transcended time and boundaries.

And so, Arna the godslayer and Chris the blacksmith became legendary figures in their own right, their names whispered in awe and reverence by those who knew of their deeds. With Greca as their symbol of unity and power, they continued to fight against the darkness, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could face any challenge that came their way.

In the end, it was not just the ancient evil that they had defeated – it was the doubts and fears within themselves. With love as their guiding light, Arna and Chris had found a peace and happiness that would endure for eternity, a love born of courage, strength, and the bonds of destiny.

185. Millie (godslayer)

(528 rating)

Once upon a time in a mystical land where gods and mortals coexisted, there lived a fierce warrior named Millie who was known far and wide as the Godslayer. She was feared by many for her unparalleled skill in battle and her relentless determination to rid the world of the evil, divine beings who often wreaked havoc on the mortal realm.

One day, Millie heard rumors of a powerful relic known as Pluma Maya, said to hold the key to unlocking untold magical abilities. Intrigued by the possibility of adding such power to her arsenal, Millie set out on a quest to find the relic, determined to claim it for herself.

As she journeyed through enchanted forests and treacherous mountains, Millie encountered a young man named Chris who seemed to be on a similar quest. Chris was a charming and skilled archer, and his presence on the journey intrigued Millie. Despite her initial reservations about partnering with a mortal, she found herself drawn to Chris's gentle nature and unwavering determination.

Together, Millie and Chris faced many challenges as they navigated through dangerous terrain and battled fierce monsters that guarded the path to Pluma Maya. Along the way, their bond grew stronger as they shared stories of their pasts and dreams for the future.

As they drew closer to their destination, Millie and Chris began to realize that their quest for the relic was about more than just power and glory. They were seeking a greater purpose, a chance to make a difference in the world and leave a lasting legacy.

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, Millie and Chris reached the sacred temple where Pluma Maya was said to be hidden. The relic shimmered with an otherworldly light, its power palpable to the touch. As they gazed upon the artifact, a sense of wonder and awe washed over them, filling their hearts with a newfound sense of purpose.

In that moment, Millie and Chris realized that their partnership was destined for greatness, that together they could achieve feats beyond their wildest imaginations. With Pluma Maya in their possession, they set out to use its power for the good of all, to bring peace and harmony to a world torn apart by conflict and strife.

And so, the Godslayer and the Archer became legends in their own right, their names whispered in awe and reverence by those who heard of their great deeds. With love and courage as their guiding lights, Millie and Chris embarked on a new journey, united in their quest for a better tomorrow.

As they stood together, hand in hand, gazing out at the vast horizon before them, they knew that their love was as boundless as the sky above, their hearts entwined in a bond that could never be broken.

And so, the tale of Millie the Godslayer and Chris the Archer became a story for the ages, a testament to the power of love and the enduring spirit of adventure that lives within us all. And as they rode off into the sunset, their hearts full of hope and their souls ablaze with passion, they knew that their destiny was written in the stars, forever entwined in a love that would never fade.

186. Emily (mage)

(532 rating)

Once upon a time, in a magical realm far away, there stood a grand wizard academy nestled amongst the rolling hills and lush forests. It was known as the Academy of Evergreen, a place where young students with extraordinary abilities gathered to hone their skills in the mystical arts.

One such student was Chris, a talented young mage with a knack for fire magic. He had a bold and adventurous spirit, always seeking out new challenges and mysteries to unravel. It was during one of his many expeditions into the enchanted forest surrounding the academy that he first encountered Emily.

Emily was a mesmerizing mage with powers over the elements, her icy blue eyes sparkling with intelligence and curiosity. She was known for her exceptional talent in herbology and alchemy, her potions and elixirs sought after by students and teachers alike.

When Chris and Emily crossed paths in the library one fateful afternoon, sparks flew between them. They bonded over their shared love for magic and the mysteries of the universe, spending hours discussing ancient spells and forgotten legends.

It wasn't long before they discovered a shared dream – to find the legendary Rose of the Stars, a mythical flower said to grant its bearer eternal love and happiness. Legends whispered that it could only be found by those pure of heart and unwavering in their quest.

Determined to uncover the truth behind the legend, Chris and Emily embarked on a perilous journey beyond the borders of the academy. They traveled through dark forests, treacherous mountains, and haunted ruins, facing formidable challenges and evil foes along the way.

As they journeyed together, their bond grew stronger with each passing day. They shared secrets, laughter, and moments of quiet reflection beneath the starlit sky. Chris found himself falling deeply in love with Emily, her beauty and grace captivating his heart like no other.

One night, as they camped beneath a canopy of ancient trees, Emily confessed her feelings for Chris, her voice soft and trembling with emotion. Chris felt his heart swell with joy and gratitude, knowing that he had found his true love in the form of this extraordinary mage.

Together, they pressed on with renewed determination, their hearts intertwined in a dance of magic and destiny. And finally, after a long and arduous journey, they reached the fabled Garden of Stars, where the Rose of the Stars bloomed in all its radiant glory.

As Chris and Emily beheld the shimmering flower, its petals as delicate as moonlight, they knew that their love had led them to this moment of wonder and fulfillment. With trembling hands, Chris plucked the rose from its stem and presented it to Emily, his eyes shining with unspoken devotion.

And as they embraced beneath the swirling constellations, the magic of the Rose of the Stars encircling them in a halo of light and love, Chris and Emily knew that they had found their happily ever after in each other's arms.

From that day forth, they remained by each other's side, their love enduring through all trials and tribulations. And in the halls of the Academy of Evergreen, their story became legend, a tale of two mages bound by fate and guided by the eternal flame of their love.

187. Jill and Rosie (godslayer)

(521 rating)

Once upon a time, in a land where magic and mystery intertwined, there were two powerful godslayers named Jill and Rosie. They were known far and wide for their bravery and skill in bringing down the most fearsome creatures that roamed the realms.

One day, they received a request for help from a young man named Chris. He was on a quest to find the Relic of the Heart, a powerful artifact that was said to hold the key to unlocking unimaginable power. Chris had heard of Jill and Rosie's legendary feats and knew that he would need their assistance to succeed in his mission.

Jill and Rosie agreed to help Chris, intrigued by the challenge that lay before them. As they embarked on their journey together, they found themselves drawn to Chris's kindness and determination. He was unlike any other man they had encountered before, and they found themselves falling for him in ways they had never expected.

As they traveled through treacherous forests and mystical valleys, facing dangers at every turn, their bond grew stronger with each passing day. Jill and Rosie fought side by side with Chris, their powers complementing each other in ways that seemed almost magical.

But as they neared the final destination of their quest, a new challenge arose. Chris revealed that he had feelings for both Jill and Rosie, and that he was happy that he made both of them pregnant.

At first, Jill and Rosie were shocked and unsure of how to proceed. They had always been fiercely independent women, never relying on anyone else for their happiness. But as they looked into Chris's eyes, they saw the sincerity of his love and the depth of his regret for causing them pain.

In that moment, they realized that their journey had been leading them not just to the Relic of the Heart, but to a deeper understanding of themselves and the true nature of love. They knew that their connection with Chris was special, and that they were meant to be together in ways they had never imagined.

With renewed determination, they pressed on towards their final destination, facing the ultimate test of their strength and courage. But this time, they fought not just for the Relic of the Heart, but for the future they hoped to build together as a family.

In the end, they emerged victorious, with the Relic of the Heart in their hands and a newfound sense of love and unity in their hearts. They had faced their fears and doubts, and had come out stronger for it, ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring.

And so, Jill and Rosie stood by Chris's side, their hands entwined, knowing that they were bound not just by fate, but by a love that transcended all boundaries. As they looked out at the horizon, they saw a world full of possibility and promise, with endless adventures waiting to be discovered.

And together, they knew that they would face them all, united in love and courage, as the legendary godslayers who had found not just the Relic of the Heart, but the true treasure of their hearts.

188. Hiyuki (naturally demon queen)

(580 rating)

In a realm where darkness and light clashed every day, Hiyuki, the naturally born demon queen, found herself face to face with Chris, a powerful vampire with a thirst for knowledge. The two were both drawn to the ancient tome known as the Book of Demons, a powerful artifact that held the key to untold power.

Hiyuki had always been fascinated by the dark arts, her natural affinity for demon magic making her a formidable force to be reckoned with. She had long coveted the Book of Demons, believing that with its power, she could finally bring the entire omniverse under her rule.

Chris, on the other hand, was intrigued by the book for a different reason. He had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, and the allure of the Book of Demons was too strong to resist. He knew that with its power, he could finally rid the teraverses of the dark forces that threatened to consume them.

As Hiyuki and Chris clashed over the book, their powers collided in a dazzling display of magic and mayhem. Sparks flew as they battled, each determined to claim the book for themselves. The air crackled with energy as they unleashed their most powerful spells, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

In the end, it was Chris who emerged victorious, his cunning and quick thinking allowing him to outmaneuver Hiyuki and claim the Book of Demons as his own. With a triumphant smile, he opened the ancient tome and unleashed its power upon the teraverses of the dark forces.

As the dark forces were banished and the teraverses were bathed in light once more, Chris turned to Hiyuki, his eyes softening as he gazed upon the defeated demon queen. Despite their differences, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for her.

"Hiyuki, I understand your desire for power," he said softly, his voice filled with compassion. "But true power comes from within, not from some ancient tome. Let go of your quest for domination and embrace the light within you."

Hiyuki looked up at Chris, her eyes filled with a mixture of defiance and longing. She knew that he was right, that true power came from within. And as she gazed into his eyes, she saw something she had never seen before – a spark of understanding and empathy.

Slowly, hesitantly, Hiyuki reached out her hand towards Chris. With a gentle smile, he took her hand in his, the touch sending a shiver of electricity through them both. In that moment, the barriers between them melted away, leaving only an undeniable connection that transcended their differences.

As they stood there, hand in hand, bathed in the glow of the Book of Demons' power, a new understanding dawned on them both. They realized that despite their differences, they were stronger together than they ever could be apart.

And so, Hiyuki and Chris set out on a new journey together, their hearts entwined in a love that transcended the boundaries of darkness and light. As they traveled through the teraverses, they faced new challenges and dangers, but together, they were unstoppable.

And so, the legend of Hiyuki and Chris, the demon queen and the vampire, spread throughout the teraverses, a tale of love, power, and redemption that would be told for ages to come. And as they basked in the light of their newfound connection, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they were together, they could conquer anything that came their way.
