
I broke the roof.

"We're not here to hurt you" Alexis says to the man in a gown.

"I don't care if you came to hurt me but you better put that damn ring back"

And Colin with his lack of intelligence says "Nah"

"Dude, put it back" I say angrily "I told you that was a stupid decision"


The man seems ready to kill at any moment. As I guessed earlier the ring belonged to somebody.


a lot of fumbled words are passed back and forth with Colin once again being stubborn. The man eventually is talked out of his anger and we try to explain what happened. And as for Colin, well he got himself caught by the guards of the castle while he was attempting to run away. My expectations of him keep getting lower and lower in this world. We of course were accomplices and where sent to the prison as well. And lucky us, the baby is still crying.

"We should just kill the little thing" Colin says while he sits in the corner.

"Hell no" I shout "it's a living thing"

"But it killed us and now it's annoying us"

"Baby's cry all the time, that doesn't mean you can just kill them, dude"

"And about him killing us?"

"He might have just had bad parents. I think he had his reasons. We just need to make sure that we all raise him right"

"All of us?" Colin scoffs " I ain't raising that murder"

"Well I was thinking we could by a house together or something and save on expenses"

"No, I'm not gonna live with you guys and your bickering"

"Oh come on you guys"

"Absolutely not"


"Okay then" I turn to Colin "can you hold Sam for a sec"

"Why not have Alexis do it" I realize that would have been a smarter idea but I don't want to back down now so I say with a bit of confidence

"I asked you"

He looks at my angry and calls me a bitch. He takes the child reluctantly.

"Okay" I say with fake confidently "let's try to get out of here now"

"How exactly" Colin says annoyed

"I'll just use my spatial magic"

"Yea but we haven't seen anything outside of this place yet"

"I'll just go to town we saw outside the window when we were passing by" I say hopefully

"But you have almost no control over your magic and you only saw it briefly. you have to be on something right now to think that this is a good idea" Says Alexis

"It can't hurt to try"

"It will hurt if we die again" She says

"But what if we don't" I say

"Fine try it then"

"I will" after I say this I turn and start trying to form a image of the town. I have nearly no clue what it looks like except for one really cool house that I saw. It had like 3 levels and and what looked like gold gargoyles. I can't remember any other place so I decide that I'm going there. I start forming a portal type shape leading to the house but all thatI can see is the house and nothing that's going on around it.

"Okay go through here quickly" I say looking at them both"

"It doesn't seem safe but who cares" Colin says as he walks through and falls down onto the bottom roof.

"You next"

"I'm fine"

"No, your going through this damn portal if you like it or not"


And she falls down too. And now it's my turn to fall onto the roof. My body starts to feel sore though from keeping the portal open as long as I have and I'm not sure if I can wait any longer. As I'm getting ready to step through the portal one of the guards comes by. He noticed my magic and from what I can tell he suppressed it. I start to have this bad feeling that I might not see them again.

"Ehhh, hello kind sir, I promise that I wasn't doing what you think I was"

He kinda stands there trying to keep focus and I slowly start to feel weak

"Uhh, Hello"

His focus stays solid on me without movement so I assume he's struggling a bit keeping control.

I might be able to escape if I can distract him so I do just that. So a the top of my lungs, FYI I can scream really loud, I shout


He seems taken back a bit and his grip on my powers loosens, here's my chance.

I use some of my power to make a portal under him and then one above. Thank you Aperture Science for teaching me this little trick. I then make a portal in front of me to the same place and I get out of there as fast as I can. As I exit through the portal I look to see the guard fall onto the ground face first and I let out a little chuckle. As I step through the portal I fall onto the roof and start to roll off. I prepare myself for impact as I slip off only to realize My lack of focus was a definite problem. I sent myself to the top of the roof and now falling down 4 stories. Below me I can hear Colin shout to Alexis to get out of the way

*bam* I hit the 3rd story roof

*bop* I hit the 2nd

*bap* the 1st story

And *bwoof the ground.

I lay there unable to breath. Gasping for air I start to feel dizzy. The pain from this makes me getting shot in the head feel like a fond memory. As I start to catch my breath I look up. My eyes focus and I notice two things. First of all, I broke the roof. And second off there's three people looking down on me now.