
How we died


A car drives by on the road behind me and sends a slight gust, just enough to make my hair flow. I stand in front of a convenience store thinking and looking rather creepy while doing it. The situation is that I'm almost broke right now, I want to buy something for my moms 60th birthday but I also want to eat food. I know food will be at the party but right now is when I want it. I don't really have a job right now either so my mom probably doesn't expect much. I wait for another second or two then step through the front door.

"Yo, Jack, what're you doing at this hour?"

The guy at the register is Colin, he's a bit of friend of mine, he's pretty chill but his morals are kinda crappy. Also he's a decent bit older than me.

"Nothing much, just kinda hungry" I say with a voice that lets how tired I am show.

"Okay man, anyways aren't you gonna be gone in a week or something?"

Even though my moms birthday is in two days I still think that's what he's referring to.

"No, I'm gonna be gone in two, I'm heading down to Florida for my moms birthday"

At this point im looking around in the aisles but the thing I want is further in back. I don't want to cut off the conversation so I just pretend to be looking at the stuff on the shelf's up front.

"That's cool, I guess" he says in a monotone voice " why not just go to a nursing home"

"There aren't only old people in Florida."

"Ehh, whatever"

He clearly doesn't like being corrected.


The doors open and a rather tall girl enters. She keeps her head down and she looks a little scary. Her long black hair can be seen hanging out from her hoodie. Her face however, is visible and I remembered pretty quickly who she was. Her nose was broken and she had a black eye so It wasn't that hard to guess.

"I didn't think it was that bad?" I say reluctantly as I'm afraid she might not want to talk about it.

"Well, the rock hit me while I was biking" Alexis says before looking up and smiling to show a missing tooth and a split lip. I heard the story from her over the phone but she seemed fine so It hadn't crossed my mind that it could be this bad. Apparently a pretty nicely sized rock flew out from the back of dump truck and smacked her across the face while she was biking. She was in the hospital for over a week even though it didn't do any critical damage. I'm kinda glad that she showed up because I haven't talked to her in a while.

In a slightly jumbled manner I ask, "So why'd you stop by here tonight?"

"I just saw you through the window so I thought I'd come in"

"Am I that special to you" I say jokingly

It's pretty easy to talk with her because we know each other pretty well, it's a lot different than with Colin because we usually only meet here. We became friends at the store so we don't have deep conversations ever. The only things I know about him are that he never has a beard, he likes telling stories, he's kinda a tsundere, and he's overprotective.

"sure" she says in a emotionless voice

"Oh come on Alexis, why must you be so cold"

"I'm not being cold. I'm just trying to kill time until my roommates party ends so that's why I'm here"

"Your still being pretty cold not going to the party"

"Get a room you two" says Colin in a playful voice

"It's not like that" says Alexis in a serious voice

We tried dating before in 8th grade and it didn't work out well. We decided to become friends again a month or two later and decided to never date again.

"Okay, okay, chill out, it was joke"

It's awkward now. Like fuck you Colin. Ahem...

"Okay... so how about...

*sheee* *clang*

The door gets slammed open. And a older man runs in. He looks about 60 or so years *bang* old. What the hell is *thud* going on, why's he shooting at us. Wait, what was that thump. *bang* "oh my fucking *brap* ghyaaghg... *thump*

Wait, what the hell is this. It's only been a few seconds but it feels like a eternity has passed. I try turning around but now I'm being held hostage by the old mans arm. I only got a glimpse but I could see a splatter of blood on the wall. A small pressure is now being applied to the side of my head, it feels cold against my skin. My his are now both pointed in the direction of the front door. Sirens can be heard in the distance. So far I have yet to really move, my mind wasn't able to keep up. But now it's clear. With a sudden surge of willpower I try to break free. He hold his arm tighter and the gun is being pushed harder against my head. I try again. A bend forward and bash my fist into his side. There is a moment where I get free then *bang* my ear is ringing now and for once in my life I'm scared. Everything is settling in now. Two of my close friends are dead and I'm next. My face hurts on the left side. A sudden taste starts to emerge in my mouth. It's familiar as I've had split lips before but this time it's different. This is the taste of death. As edgy as it sounds It's the best way I can describe it. I was to caught up in the moment too realize the police outside, I was too caught up in the moment to realize I was loosing focus, and I was too caught in the moment to realize the gun was pointed at my head again.



I feel alive right now despite the bullet I felt pierce me head. I feel frozen in a single place. I feel like I'm traveling somewhere but I have yet got reach the destination. I'm have.. I'm having trouble focusing. I'm... Im...

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