
Xuè Village

(3rd Person Pov) "Mommy, how did you and Daddy find me? I want to hear the story again, please?" asked Chao hiding under the covers.

Chao's mom Hua sighs at Chao's antics. Hua kisses Chao on the forehead, "If you want to hear how your dad and I found you. First, you have to give Mommy a kiss first," said Hua, pointing to her cheek.

Chao pouted but kissed Hua on the cheek nonetheless, "Done, now can you tell the story?" asked Chao excitedly.

"Alright, a long time ago, your dad and I were walking to our farms where we planted rice, watermelon, corn, and potatoes. The crops were bountiful, and we had so much that we planned to sell some of our products to make extra money. Over the years, your dad and I tried to make a baby, and all of our attempts were unsuccessful," reminisced Hua.

Yawning, Chao picked up on something, "Mommy, how do you make babies?" asked Chao innocently.

Hua was caught off-guard by that question, "Well, um, making babies...I will tell you when you are older alright?" stated Hua blushing a little.

"Mommy, can you tell the rest of the story?" Chao asked sleepily.

Clearing her throat, Hua began to tell the story, "We believed that our destiny was only meant to be together, and not have children then one day, we were thirsty after picking crops and went to the river where we found a boat with you inside of it, you looked so malnourished and skinny. We began to feed you and take care of you, the end."

Hua looked over towards Chao to see him asleep. Kissing his forehead, Hua walked out of his room and into the living room. "Where are you going now?" asked Hua.

We see a man standing near the door who had a full beard and was wearing a Yellow Taoist Robe, holding onto a Peach Sword that was 30 inches long with weird engravings running throughout the sword. "Hua, you know I can't deny anybody who needs help," stated Lee.

Lee is Chao's father and Hua's husband. He's a Taoist Priest, and being a Taoist Priest, the villagers ask him for help for almost anything, be it evil spirits, finding places to bury the dead, etc. "I'm not mad despite you always leaving, even in the morning. Chao misses you, and I miss you," stated Hua.

Making his way over to his wife, Lee hugs her, "I am sorry that I can't spend time with you or Chao. You know there is no other Taoist Priest other than me, and I promise I will make time and spend time with you and especially Chao," claimed Lee hugging Hua.

Releasing the hug, Lee kisses Hua on the forehead, "You better, or else you are gonna sleep outside," threatened Hua.

Lee chuckles and walks out of the house. Hua shut and locked the door, then headed up to bed. Walking to the meeting spot, Lee spots a campfire with four people sitting around it. Walking towards the campfire, the four spot him.

"Lee, it is good you came," stated Chang. Chang is a trader who buys stuff from the city to sell to the villagers making quite a massive profit.

Lee nods, "So what is the problem?" asked Lee, sitting down next to Chang.

"My son Jang who is my oldest child went out hunting...that was four weeks ago, and after sending out a search party, we found that he died with his blood drained and he has two puncture wounds on his neck, so that is why we called you out here," claimed Chang clenching his fist.

"So it was a Jiangshi, you know where it went?" asked Lee with a deadly serious tone.

Chang shook his head, "The trail was clear but ended in a graveyard, and we don't know which grave the Jiangshi came out from," stated Chang standing up, "We can show you the graveyard we found."

They all got up and began to follow Chang to this graveyard. "So this is the graveyard?" asked Lee. They were on the outskirts, and this graveyard was quite large. How did they never stumble upon it sooner?

"Yes, the tracks ended here, might be any of these graves," said Chang.

Lee took out his bag and looked at the sky; tonight was a full moon. "This is bad," thought Lee. "We have to be very careful tonight," cautioned Lee.

Chue was confused and spoke up, "Why? What is happening?" Chue is Chang's older brother and is big physically but lacks smartness or intelligence compared to Chang.

"Today is a full moon," stated Lee cryptically.

"I don't get it," said Chue.

Jiang spoke up, "Neither do I," Jiang is the village leader and is the person who people ask for help that doesn't include spiritual stuff. He settles disputes, arguments, etc.

"On a full moon, Jiangshi becomes stronger than normal, so be careful," stated Lee making them all a bit more scared. "We should climb the trees to get a better view of the grave," Lee and the other 4 went up a separate tree climbing to the very top.

The trees were at least 40 feet and higher making it easy to view the whole graveyard. "Alright, everyone, be quiet, do not make a sound," said Lee looking at the graveyard intently. They all watched carefully and for over 30 minutes, nothing happened.

Then before anyone could fall asleep, a bunch of dirt flew out of one particular grave, then the coffin's cover flew off alerting everyone. "It's coming," stated Lee watching.

Before all of their eyes, a man who was wearing an outfit similar to the Chinese Officials from during the Qing Dynasty began to stand, his face was rotten while his fingers had little to no flesh left and you could see smoke coming out of his face.

He began to jump around, it seems it was still a jumping Jiangshi, not evolved enough to fly. Lee signaled for them to drop down but they all shook their head at Lee, "Fine, I will do it myself," said Lee dropping down.

From where he dropped, he could see the jumping Jinagshi because of the smoke coming out of its mouth. Taking out his Peach Sword and a Talisman, he began to slowly approach the Jiangshi.

Reaching the next grave closest to the Jiangshi, Lee was confused, where the hell did the Jiangshi go? Then he heard a scream, looking at where the scream came from, he was horrified to see his buddies getting killed gruesomely.

He was wrong, it was a flying Jiangshi, not just a hopping Jiangshi, if he calculated it right, he has a 10% of surviving this night, running towards the Jiangshi, he saw the last of his buddies being killed, then the Jiangshi turned around and locked eyes with him freezing him a little.

"You Jiangshi, I will defeat you!" yelled Lee continuing to run towards the Jiangshi and reaching just 2 feet from Jiangshi, Lee tried to stab the Jiangshi in the stomach but it dodged by jumping over Lee.

Grabbing some glutinous rice, Lee turned around and threw it, the rice hit the Jiangshi burning it eliciting a scream that made all of the animals flee. Lee then ran towards the Jiangshi and once again tried to stab the Jiangshi in the heart but the sword was grabbed.

The Jiangshi let go of the sword because it was burning its hand, then using this chance, Lee was able to stab the Jiangshi in the stomach area puncturing through to the backside, but the Jiangshi also used this time to grab Lee.

Grabbing Lee's hands, the Jiangshi sunk its nails deep into both of his arms, prying off one arm, Lee searched around his bag to find a vial, a vial of virgin blood, and proceeded to shove his hand with the vial into the Jiangshi's mouth.

Prying off his other arm, he realized that he was gonna die either way since he lost too much blood, and if he survives he might become a Jiangshi so he grabbed a Fire Talisman and put it on the Jiangshi while holding him which in turn began to burn him also.

The last thoughts he had was of his wife and son, "I am sorry," stated Lee smiling. The Jiangshi wouldn't die so quick so he bit into Lee's neck and began sucking up his blood but it wouldn't even matter...

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