
A strange place.

Walking forward, a strong hand hold you shoulder leading you on from behind. It seems like you've passed, endless flaky cream walls, neon lights and mottled worn carpet. 

The cold strong fingers lightly pressing down contrast with the sticky feeling under your feet, as you collect bits of dirt and grim along the way. Lights are flickering, as you absentmindedly note that although they are all "off white in shade" neither their color or shape matches any of the lights which have come before them. 

A acrid smell slowly starts to sting you nose and eyes, so you close them. You feel the still stagnate air as you are gently press on, and on. You turn opening your eye it still looks much the same, disappointed you close them again. 

The corridor seems far more interesting with your eyes closed a feeling of anticipation at each turn is more exciting than looking a the blank walls and mildew covered ceiling. Your legs are starting to lose sensation due to cold but it is a pleasant feeling compared to the ache caused by the long long walk. At least a long loose T-shirt covers you non-existent modesty, although it doesn't do anything to stop the chill.

Something brushes against you face, breath quickening, eyes open, heart rate increase. Long strips of black fabric falls past you. 

Pass the door way, and into the strange room. A raised walk way surround 6 identical units positioned.

First draft of fist book...If you have low enough expectations you may be pleasantly surprised, if not suggestions are welcome.

gogoRABcreators' thoughts