

Hi, I'm Luna, and where I went to school... Wasn't exactly normal. If there wasn't someone battling it out in the courtyard, there was someone slamming a new student into a locker and demanding for lunch money. It wasn't exactly peaceful. Because my school isn't ordinary. My school is full of animal people, with different ranks.

Butterflies being the lowest rank, and wolves being the highest. Imagine the chaos between all of the ranks.

In my school, all you really need to know is stay out of the high tiers way, or you might have some really severe injuries.

Humans are considered weaklings in my school, if you don't have some kind of ability, the only thing you should expect, is a claw to the face everyday.

That's where my friends come in, they do their best to keep peace in and around the school. Their all severely powerful wolves, so they get a lot of respect. Thankfully they use their tiers as an advantage to protect people.

That's also where I come in, I have no ability or animal form, so they always have my backs. Thanks to them, I'm not dead yet.

It's kinda sad that this is only the first day of school and there's already so much drama and chaos. I guess we'll see how this goes as the year moves on.