
Wastelanders: War of Iritheum

Under the rule of their God-King, the People of the Wastelands live an underprivileged life on the outskirts of a mysterious dark sphere known simply as the Black Ball. Theodore Gray, a sharp-witted teen, finds himself in the crossfire of a war-brewing between the God-King and an elusive rebel group that has emerged to challenge his rule. After a life-changing event and the discovery of an unfamiliar system, Theo and his friends must choose between their current life of oppression or one that could lead to the liberation of their people.

ADot91 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Battle of a Hundred Men

The room erupted into chaos, with tables and chairs strewn about, equipment scattered, and debris littering the floor. The devastating blast had landed a severe blow to the once pristine dining area. Amid the commotion, Nozomu, displaying his extraordinary abilities, conjured up a small wind wall to mitigate the impact. The astonishing display left Theo and the others in shock, their hearts pounding with fear and confusion.

"Aida! Are you okay!?" Aeda cried out urgently, rushing to her younger sister's side. Aida clung to her sister's hand for support and replied, "Yeah, I think so. Thanks, Aeda."

Curtis, concerned for everyone's well-being, inquired, "How are you two holding up? Are you both okay?" 

Bryce and Arthur nodded in affirmation, signaling that they were unharmed. Curtis then extended his hand to help Clarissa back on her feet, her arms safely cradling Mimi.

Turning his attention to Theo, David, and Dawn, Curtis asked, "And what about you three?"

"We're alright," Dawn responded, with Theo and David lending their support to help her rise from the ground.

"But what was that?" Theo questioned, his perplexed gaze fixed on the chaotic scene as Mimi found solace in his arms. Just then, Nozomu's commanding voice boomed, demanding attention.

"Listen carefully. We are under attack. There's no time for explanations. As of now, you are all recruits, and I expect you to follow Isabella's orders. Is that clear?" Nozomu's voice carried a calm yet authoritative tone to his words, freezing everyone in their tracks.

The group stood motionless, even Benny and Isabella, as the realization sank in that they were under assault by unknown assailants. Theo and the others were unprepared for the physical and mental toll of the situation and lacked the combat experience needed to survive. 

Through the silence, Nozomu strode to the shattered windows, forcefully pushing one wide open.

"Isabella, I'm going to check on Pop. Take charge here. I'll update you when possible."

"Yes, sir!" Isabella responded, offering Nozomu a salute.

Unable to shake his concern, Benny approached Isabella and addressed Nozomu, "I don't know what's happening, but... Please, be careful out there."

"Don't worry, Benny. I always minimize risks. You should know that by now."

Benny nodded in agreement, acknowledging Nozomu's calculated approach. Nozomu then shifted his attention back to the group of recruits, his gaze firm and resolute.

"Treat this as your first unofficial mission. Therefore, I expect each one of you to ensure your survival. None of you are allowed to die. That is a direct order," Nozomu instructed, his words echoing in the room before he swiftly flew out of the window and disappeared into the night sky.

Amidst the clutter of the dining room, Benny found himself questioning the identity of their attackers. "Who could be behind this assault?" he pondered silently. 

On the other hand, Isabella experienced a drastic transformation in her demeanor. Her once calm disposition gave way to a fierce intensity as if she had unleashed the untamed spirit within.

"Recruits!" Isabella's voice boomed, seizing control of the room much like Nozomu had moments ago. Her commanding presence was akin to the resonating roar of a wild yet serene beast.

"We have an important mission at hand! Fall in!"

Meanwhile, at a distance from Benny's Iron Fortress, Pop stood amidst a small forest, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight filtering through the treetops. A vast crater caught his attention, its expanse stretching across the terrain and leading to the Iron Fortress.

The force of the blast had reduced the once towering trees to mere stumps while the local wildlife scattered in fear, seeking refuge from the horde of ferocious creatures that assailed Pop.

These creatures possessed bodies cloaked in a charcoal black hide, towering above ordinary men and walking with a hunched posture. Their enormous bird-like talons and bloodshot, gleaming eyes instilled terror in anyone who beheld them. With continuous frothing at their mouths and thunderous growls echoing through the forest, they emanated a menacing aura.

"They won't miss their next attack," a familiar voice sneered, emerging from the shadows of the night.

Section Commander Sedgwick Fullerman stepped into view, accompanied by a few elite guards and his loyal confidant, Branch. Their intense gazes locked onto Pop as tension hung thick in the air.

"Surrender. You cannot possibly prevail. I have a hundred of these bloodthirsty Devils by my side. Hand over the Iritheum Core, and maybe, just maybe, I'll allow you to beg me for your pathetic life," Sedgwick taunted Pop, relishing in his amusement as laughter erupted from his lips. 

Unfazed by Sedgwick's words, Pop stood firm and drew his sword. "You talk too much," he retorted, pointing his weapon at Sedgwick and his array of creatures in the night.

Back inside Benny's Iron Fortress, Isabella, Benny, and the recruits gathered around a mysterious map.

"Our main priority is ensuring the safety of Benny's people," Isabella informed the group, her voice resonating with determination while David meticulously studied the map before them.

"Hey, Bella, I've been thinking," David said as he gestured toward the map, his eyes brimming with resolve.

"The main hall? Why do you propose that?" Isabella inquired, curious about his suggestion.

"It might not be perfect, but it's our safest bet. Think of it as a double-edged sword. With only one entrance and exit. A spacious interior, it can accommodate us all," David explained, his voice filled with conviction.

Benny interjected, lending support to David's idea. "The lad's got a point." Nodding appreciatively, Isabella commended David on his astute planning. "It would be best for us to stay inside until we get word from Nozomu... Well done, David. Your strategic thinking is impressive."

As Isabella addressed the room, her voice resonated with authority over the group. "Okay, everyone, listen up. The plan we will be going with is this. We will make rounds throughout the building to help escort the others to the main hall."

Isabella circled a few critical areas on the map, her fierce expression underscoring the importance of her words. "Given the unknown dangers and the lack of intel, we currently have... I want everyone to avoid these locations. They serve as entrances and exits within the building."

Having shared the crucial information, Isabella rolled up the map and handed it to Benny, who carefully stowed it away in his pocket.

"Once we've ensured everyone's safety within the main hall, we'll take refuge there until we receive word from Nozomu," Benny added as silence fell over the group, their nerves at an all-time high. The mere thought of entering into battle seemed like madness to them.

"Dividing into five teams of two will enable us to cover more ground efficiently. Remember, under no circumstances should you engage the enemy. Run. That's my only advice. I understand this is sudden, but your lives now depend on it. So please, don't die on me before we can all become friends," Isabella implored, her words reaching the fearful recruits, who nodded in agreement, newfound determination flickering in their eyes.

"All right then, I suppose it's time to move out," Isabella declared, taking the lead alongside Benny and guiding the others into the echoing halls of the formidable Iron Fortress.

In the distance, Benny's Iron Fortress stood, formidable amidst the dense forest. Meanwhile, driven by sheer perseverance, Pop navigated the circuitous forest with breathtaking speed. The malicious creatures, known as Devils, chased after him, their frenzied pursuit fueled by a relentless hunger for his flesh.

With a swift swing of his sword, Pop struck down those who dared to draw near, their putrid drool seeping onto his cloak. The acidic slime left behind by the Devils ate away at the fabric, leaving small, charred holes.

Realizing the imminent danger of being overrun, Pop leaped backward, creating a gap between himself and the encircling Devils. He understood all too well that their sheer numbers posed a grave threat. To his surprise, the Devils unleashed a coordinated assault, conjuring a fiery maelstrom aimed directly at him.

Caught within the fiery ring, Pop had no choice but to evade upwards, soaring high into the air as the blast collided with the surroundings, igniting the neighboring trees. The once tranquil woodland became a blazing hell, casting a reddish-orange glow that painted the night sky.

Gazing at the wildfire's destructive path, Pop whispered, "I can't let this fire spread."

However, his noble intentions were interrupted as a Devil sprang into the air, viciously clawing at him. 

"What are these things...?" 

Puzzled by the nature of these monstrous adversaries, Pop pondered their origin as more Devils utilized their Dyna abilities to launch formidable elemental attacks. Despite the overwhelming odds, Pop deftly dodged their strikes while countering with his own. Engaging them mid-air with his sword, he soon found himself overwhelmed by their sheer numbers.

Caught off guard from behind, a Devil seized Pop with their iron grip, restricting his movements. As the Devils held him aloft, another salvo of fire attacks rained down upon them, intensified by the elemental mastery of additional Devils who harnessed the power of the wind. The resulting fiery onslaught resembled a breathtaking fireworks display in the darkened sky.

Observing the fierce clash between Pop and these vicious creatures, Sedgwick, alongside Branch and their soldiers, stood at a safe distance. Just moments before the fire blast could strike, Pop managed to break free from the Devil's clutches. Descending toward the ground, the bodies of the once-captor Devils plummeted in flames from the sky. Meanwhile, the opposition below unleashed a relentless barrage of rock pillars, reaching upwards to overpower Pop.

Harnessing the might of the wind, Pop propelled himself out of harm's way, skillfully evading the onslaught. He landed gracefully in an open grass field, surrounded by the bloodshot-eyed horde of Devils.

Suddenly, Nozomu descended smoothly from the sky, joining Pop amid the grassy expanse.

"What took you so long!? I sent a whisper ages ago!" Pop's voice thundered, his frustration running wild as he confronted Nozomu, who appeared lost in his thoughts.

"Hey! Is anyone home in that head of yours? Were you even listening? I could have died, you know!"

"But you didn't. You managed to survive," Nozomu retorted absentmindedly, his mind still elsewhere.

"So, what exactly are we up against here?" Nozomu asked, his eyes scanning the distant figures of the menacing Devils skulking in a ray of moonlight.